Posts Tagged ‘philosophy’

Philosophy of Law for the Modern World

The French philosopher, Jean-Francois Lyotard, who contributed important philosophical insights in a variety of philosophical sub-disciplines, regarded his book, The Differend (originally published in 1983), as his most important work, and with good reason. It is a tightly argued text that elaborates on conditions under which one may find oneself in a situation where, no […]

Thomas Hobbes’s Philosophy Made Real 

How many people have noticed that, today – since at least the beginning of the so-called ‘pandemic,’ but probably earlier – governments, or constitutionally speaking, those who occupy the position of the ‘state,’ have acted as if citizens have no rights, and as if the state is beyond any criticism in what government officials do, […]

Ludwig Wittgenstein – How Cabalism Destroyed Modern Philosophy

The West is Satanically possessed by Jewish Cabalism (Satanism) which seeks to replace God with a Rothschild.  The Rothschilds (i.e. the WEF) invert reality according to Satanist dogma.  Evil is good; false is true; ugly is beautiful; unjust is just; unnatural is natural; sick is healthy; hate is love. They corrupt in order to control. […]

ACH (1944) Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson – The Ontology Of Death: Patristic Philosophy Against Nominalism

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (1944) Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson – The Ontology Of Death: Patristic Philosophy Against Nominalism Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share In today’s show originally broadcast on October 19 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson for a show entitled, […]

The Meaning of Animism: Philosophy, Religion and Being Alive

In some cultures, life and sentience are believed to exist for only certain beings, such as humans, animals, and plants. In other belief systems, however, places and objects are also believed to have some level of sentience. Read more Section:  News Myths & Legends History Ancient Traditions Read Later 

Greek Buddhism, The Forgotten Chapter In A Philosophy That Began in India

A bygone era forgotten in Western circles but preserved in the histories of Buddhist traditions tells the story of the Greek contribution to Buddhism. Enshrined in the daily prayers of the Theravāda followers of Sri Lanka is a vivid throwback to this long-lost chapter of Greek Buddhism: “I bow my head to the footprints of […]

Stoicism in This Day and Age: The Philosophy of Courage, Virtue, Morals, Wisdom, and Justice

Being brave. Finding the right balance. These are core Stoic virtues, but in their seriousness, they pale in comparison to what the Stoics worshipped most highly: Doing the right thing. There is no Stoic virtue more important than justice, because it influences all the others. Marcus Aurelius himself said that justice is “the source of […]

The Best News of Our Time: Scientific Materialism is a Busted Philosophy

by Daniel Pinchbeck Scientific materialism posits that the physical universe exists independently of consciousness, and that minds emerge through an accidental process of physical and biological evolution. Materialism — or physicalism — has been the dominant ideology of the last two centuries, pervasively inflecting every aspect of our society. Idealism proposes, instead, that consciousness is the […]

The World-Historic Shift Labor Undergoes in Hegel’s Philosophy

For most of civilization physical labor, that labor which creates a tangible object, has been seen as an unfortunate task done merely for the sake of acquiring the necessaries of life. The Greeks and Romans in large part relegated this sort of work to slaves. The Middle Ages tell stories of kings, philosophers, theologians, and […]

The Philosophy that drives the Chaos: Julianne Romanello & Gilad Atzmon interviewed by Jason Bosch

Posted on July 21, 2021 by samivesusu JULY 19, 2021 BY GILAD ATZMON In this extended discussion Julianne Romanello and myself together with Jason Bosch delve into the ideological and spiritual thoughts that have turned our world into an open air prison. We looked into the work of Leo Strauss, Athens & Jerusalem, Noahide fundamentals, the […]

Twitter’s Purge Of Dr. Naomi Wolf Proves Bans Are Over Issues, Not Political Philosophy

This article ignorantly smears Dr. Naomi Wolf for her anti-vaccine views, even though she is a major voice for progressivism and feminism. This underscores the fact that Big Tech censors issues rather than ideologies and is not just anti-conservative. When examining the issues that are being censored, a clear pattern of Technocrat agenda emerges. Conservatives […]

ACH (1483) Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson – Medieval Political Philosophy

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (1483) Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson – Medieval Political Philosophy Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share In today’s show originally broadcast on March 31 2021, Andy is joined by Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson for a show entitled, “Medieval Political Philosophy.” We discussed: […]

New Zealand Is Infusing Policing With A Social Work Philosophy

Above photo: Chen Kehan/Flickr. Nimble, culturally nuanced and collaborative, this Māori-led response gets to the roots of family violence. A call for help from domestic or family violence is made on average every four minutes in New Zealand, whose high statistics regularly top global lists. And South Auckland is the country’s ground zero, where 23,000 calls come in yearly for family […]

Wage War Against The Philosophy Of War

Above photo: Kyōichi Sawada (Japan), A mother and her children wade across a river in Vietnam to escape US bombing, 1965. In mid-October, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) released its World Economic Outlook report, which offered some dizzying data. For 2020, the IMF estimates that the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will decline by 4.4%, while in […]

The Philosophy of Courage

By Horace Porter (American Civil War Army General) A French writer has said that every mistake made in life can be traced to fear. Through this was doubtless written more to shape an epigram than to state a fact, — and epigrams are generally regarded as jewels purchased at the expense of veracity, — yet […]

The Philosophy of the All-Father – Going Meta with Fatherhood

Gary Z McGee, Staff Writer Waking Times “He who cannot howl, will not find his pack.” ~Charles Simic In a world bloated with inert, impotent and domesticated father’s, the All-father stands head-and-shoulders above. He is a masculine Gaia-force. He is Shiva animated by Shakti. He’s not a boyfriend. He’s not a tamed poodle at […]

3 Lessons from the Taoist Philosophy of Water

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times “Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be […]


CollectiveEvolution| The word “occult” is generally associated with “magical” and “mystical” phenomena. Many people may have a lot of emotions when it comes to these subjects as they’re often categorized as being false, or associated with “dark” or “evil” entities… and things of such nature. There are so many associations that can be […]

Watching The Hawks – Rise of AFRICOM & Philosophy of Censure

Watching The Hawks – Rise of AFRICOM & Philosophy of Censure Watching The A shocking military homicide once again raises questions surrounding US military presence in Africa. Campus censorship reaches a new level of absurdity at the University of Texas. Congressional candidate Brianna Wu talks cybersecurity and innovation. RTs Trinity Chavez reports on recent […]

Is There a Unifying Alternative to the Empire of Chaos? A World Philosophy Synopsis

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