Posts Tagged ‘gilad’

The Philosophy that drives the Chaos: Julianne Romanello & Gilad Atzmon interviewed by Jason Bosch

Posted on July 21, 2021 by samivesusu JULY 19, 2021 BY GILAD ATZMON In this extended discussion Julianne Romanello and myself together with Jason Bosch delve into the ideological and spiritual thoughts that have turned our world into an open air prison. We looked into the work of Leo Strauss, Athens & Jerusalem, Noahide fundamentals, the […]

UK Column: Gilad Atzmon discusses Israel: A Guinea Pig Nation

Posted on March 9, 2021 by samivesusu MARCH 09, 2021 BY GILAD ATZMON Israel’s covid death doubled since it started its vaccination ‘experiment.’ ‘Silent Birth’ (leida ilemet) is now common in Israel. It refers to babies dying in the womb from Covid 19 or Covid related complications. In this interview with UKC’s David Scott I look […]

Progressive Spirit Podcast: Gilad Atzmon on the Upcoming US Civil War

Posted on November 25, 2020 by fada1 NOVEMBER 25, 2020BY GILAD ATZMON John Shuck writes: Gilad Atzmon returns to discuss what he sees as a civil war brewing in the United States over dividing lines that are based on identitarian politics. In this educational and informative interview, he elaborates on a recent post of his, […]

Israeli News Live: Gilad Atzmon on the Jewish Question

Posted on September 29, 2020 by samivesusu SEPTEMBER 02, 2020 BY GILAD ATZMON On this extended interview I delved together with Steven and Jana Ben Nun into some of the most troubling questions to do with my work on Jewish ID politics and the true meaning of drifting away from Athens and its ethos. I can […]

Gilad Atzmon on Adam Green’s Know More News

Posted on August 17, 2020 by samivesusu AUGUST 17, 2020 BY GILAD ATZMON Adam Green and myself discuss questions to do with the current authoritarian shift and the centrality of Jewish sensitivities in this transition. [embedded content] Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Related Filed under: Face Book, Hezbollah, Jews, Lebanon, Youtube | Tagged: Beirut’s Port […]

Muhammad & Friends with Gilad Atzmon

Filed under: “Peace with Israel”, Assad, Gilad Atzmon, Identity Politics, Iran, Jewish culture, JEWISH ELITE, Jewish left, Jewish Lobby, Jewish Power, Jews, Nazi Israel, Oslo, Palestine, Putin, Shalom, Trump, Two States Solution, War on Syria, World Peace | Source Article from

Gilad Atzmon Needs Your Immediate Support!

Gilad Atzmon Needs Your Immediate Support! By Gilad Atzmon | March 16, 2018 I am being sued for libel in the High Court in England by Campaign Against Antisemitsm’s chairman Gideon Falter. I have made the decision to fight this crucial battle for freedom of expression even though this fight poses a real risk of bankrupting […]

VIDEO: Gilad Atzmon On Israel, The Lobby, Yinon Plan And Trump

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Daily Sabah: Exclusive interview with Gilad Atzmon

Comment: Brother Gilad said: To survive is to win. I say: To Win is to Survive and to Survive is to Resist. To Win Palestinians should realize that Palestine is a Part of Greater Syria “Bilad Asham”. They should bury Afratat’s slogan about “Palestinian Independent  Decision”. Thanks to Syria and allies for keeping the Palestinian […]

Gilad Atzmon and Islam

January 14, 2018  /  Gilad Atzmon Introduction GA: In the following book review Jay Knott suggests that  Being in Time scores a very high mark on many fronts, however, the text fails to attack Muslims and Islam. In the last two decades I have been accused of many things but this is the first time I am criticised […]

Witch Hunters United – Gerry Downing Speaks with Gilad Atzmon

January 05, 2018  /  Gilad Atzmon Gerry, you were accused of Anti-Semitism.  Along with thousands of other Labour Party members, you were labelled anti-Semitic and expelled from the party for expressing universalist ideas and opposing all forms of racism including Jewish racism. Q: What is anti-Semitism? GD: Anti-Semitism is the hatred of Jews as Jews. Full stop. […]

Watch: Gilad Atzmon and all that Jazz

Golriz Kolahi writes: Gilad Atzmon is one of modern music’s best saxophonists, and one of the most controversial public opponents of Israel. A gentle giant, warm, charismatic and somewhat shy, Gilad is a complex character. Born into a pro-Zionist family and serving briefly in the first Lebanon war, Gilad had a dramatic turnaround: he quit […]

Episode #199 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Trigger Warning: ID Politics’ with Gilad Atzmon and Jay Dyer

Episode #199 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes on Aug 20th, 2017 as host Patrick Henningsen brings you this week’s LIVE broadcast on the Alternate Current Radio Network – covering all the top news stories both at home and internationally… LISTEN LIVE ON THIS PAGE AT THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULED SHOW TIMES: 5pm-8pm UK Time | 12pm-3pm […] Gilad Atzmon on politics in music, Roger Waters, Palestine and humanitarianism

by Adam Garrie Jazz musician, author and philosopher Gilad Atzmon spoke with The Duran about Roger Waters verses the Israel lobby, the place of politics in music, freedom versus dogma and Palestinian freedom in the 21st century. Recently, Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters has been in the news, not for his North America musical […]

Was Otto Warmbier an American Student or an Israeli Spy? — by Gilad Atzmon

Warmbier, 22, was traveling on a tour of North Korea last year when he was arrested and sentenced to 15 years of hard labor for stealing a propaganda poster.  Following international outrage, North Korea agreed to release him admitting that he had suffered a severe neurological injury. Doctors at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center reported […]

Gilad Atzmon on Red Ice Radio talking about Being in Time

June 04, 2017  /  Gilad Atzmon Gilad returns to Red Ice to discuss his new book, Being in Time, political censorship, Marxism, and much more. To begin, Gilad tells us about a recent incident in which antifa, unhappy with his outspoken views, attacked him. Gilad uses this story to draw attention to the fact that the […]

Gilad Atzmon Physically Attacked by Antifa

June 01, 2017  /  Gilad Atzmon On May 30th I was attacked from behind by 3 Antifa activists on my way to a literature event in Edinburgh  with political commentator David Scott.  Police was informed and as you can see we posses photos of two of the overwhelmingly enthusiastic ‘anarchists.’ for more background: div{float:left;margin-right:10px;} […]

Jewish Survival Strategies: An Interview with Gilad Atzmon

What do you mean when you say that Jews “are certainly not a race, nor even an ethnicity”? What do you understand these two terms to mean? Is it that Jews consist of too many different unrelated groups to be fairly considered as a single collective, or do you mean to suggest that race and […]

Gilad Atzmon on Muhammad and Friends (Nation of Islam)

Being a guest on Munir Muhammad’s TV show is always the highlight of my American tours. We spoke about everything, Israel, Palestine, Jewish power, poverty, Trump and the workless class… To catch Gilad in the USA Advertisements Filed under: Freedom of Press, Freedom of Speach, Gilad Atzmon, History, Jewish Lobby, Jewish Power, Muslims, […]

Gilad Atzmon’s attack against me – the ‘merchant of JVP’

Two days ago, Gilad Atzmon published a piece on his blog, titled “the questions that Jonathan Ofir prefers to avoid”. These were questions he sent to me when he wanted to interview me over a year ago. At that point I didn’t know much about Atzmon, only read a few quotes, and recall being warned in advance […]

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