Posts Tagged ‘censure’

Columbia president faces censure drafted by university professors, April 23, 2024 news

First of all, the word ‘censure’ in light of the protests at Columbia stemming from the latest war in Israel. Censure=85Columbia University=85Iesus Hominum Salvator=85Templar=85Christ=85Crucify=85 The war in Israel with Gaza began October 7, 2023, the day leaving 85 days in the year. The United Nations finally intervened on the 85th day of 2024, March 25. […]

House Votes to Censure Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib for Daring to Tell The Truth of IsraHell’s Evil & War Crimes

The IsraHell Firsters in the US House voted on Tuesday to censure Palestinian-American congresswoman Rashida Tlaib for telling the truth about IsraHells Holocaust of thousands of Semitic Palestinian children who are the descendants of the Biblical Judians, which they hysterically claimed was “supporting genocide” and “hate speech.” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) who’s bleached blond […]

House Votes to Censure Rashida Tlaib over Anti-Israel Comments

The GOP-led House of Representatives voted on Tuesday night to censure squad member Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) over anti-Israel comments. Source

These Republicans helped kill a resolution to censure Tlaib over Israel criticism

More than 20 Republicans on Wednesday voted to kill a resolution to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) for her criticism of Israel after Hamas launched a deadly attack against the country last month. The 23 Republicans joined all House Democrats in a 222-186 vote in favor of a procedural motion that blocked the disciplinary resolution from… […]

Democrats scrap plans to vote on Greene censure resolution

House Democrats scrapped plans to vote on a resolution to censure Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) on Wednesday, a last-minute move that came immediately after a coalition of Republicans joined with Democrats in torpedoing a resolution to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) over her criticism of Israel. The two censure measures were largely viewed as… […]

Facing Down Censure Vote, Maxine Waters Defiant: ‘The Whole Civil Rights Movement Is Confrontation’

Facing a looming censure vote in the U.S. House of Representatives, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) is defiant in her latest public comments since House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy announced his intention to pursue the drastic consequence for her violent rhetoric this weekend. Waters, the chairwoman of the powerful House Financial Services Committee, insists her comments […]

After Iran limits inspections, UN nuke watchdog convenes over possible censure

UN nuclear watchdog mulls censure of Iran Iran’s recent decision to limit inspections by the UN’s nuclear watchdog will be at the heart of a meeting of its board of governors on Monday, with some members mulling a formal rebuke to Tehran. Western countries will be trying to find a way of censuring Iran without […]

Louisiana GOP Unanimously Votes to Censure Sen. Bill Cassidy

The Louisiana Republican Party’s executive committee unanimously voted Saturday to censure Sen. Bill Cassidy following his vote to convict former President Donald Trump in the Senate’s impeachment trial. OFFICIAL: The LAGOP Executive Committee Unanimously Votes to Censure Senator Bill Cassidy — Republican Party of Louisiana (@LAGOP) February 13, 2021 The statement by the Louisiana GOP […]

Wyoming Republican party votes to formally censure Liz Cheney

The Wyoming Republican Party voted overwhelmingly Saturday to censure U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney for voting to impeach President Donald Trump for his role in the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol. Only eight of the 74-member state GOP‘s central committee stood to oppose censure in a vote that didn’t proceed to a formal count. The censure document accused Cheney […]

Arizona Republicans censure Cindy McCain, GOP governor

The Arizona GOP’s combative focus has delighted Trump’s staunchest supporters and worried Republican insiders who have watched the party lose ground in the suburbs as the influence of its traditional conservative establishment has faded in favor of Trump. A growing electorate of young Latinos and newcomers bringing their more liberal politics from back home have […]

Erdan asks UN to censure former Egyptian envoy over anti-Israel remarks

Former Egyptian ambassador to the UN Mootaz Ahmadein Khalil should be barred from hosting UN training sessions in light of anti-Israel comments he made at a November event, according to Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan. “Ambassador Khalil’s comments, political agenda and blatant bias render him unfit to run a United Nations training session,” he recently […]

House Republicans Introduce Resolution to Censure Donald Trump

Six House Republicans introduced a resolution Tuesday to censure President Donald Trump for trying to prevent the certification of the 2020 elections and allegedly incite rioters last week. Reps. Tom Reed (R-NY), Young Kim (R-CA), Fred Upton (R-MI), John Curtis (R-UT), Peter Meijer (R-MI), and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) introduced a resolution in their attempt to […]

Romania’s Ludovic Orban avoids censure motion over COVID-19 response

Romania’s parliament has postponed a motion that would have seen embattled leader Ludovic Orban censured for his government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. The voting could not be held as planned on Monday because only 226 MPs turned up to the sitting to cast their vote, this was seven short of the 233 required to […]

Romania’s Ludovic Orban avoids censure motion over COVID-19 response

Romania’s parliament has postponed a motion that would have seen embattled leader Ludovic Orban censured for his government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. The voting could not be held as planned on Monday because only 226 MPs turned up to the sitting to cast their vote, this was seven short of the 233 required to […]

Romania’s Ludovic Orban avoids censure motion over COVID-19 response

Romania’s parliament has postponed a motion that would have seen embattled leader Ludovic Orban censured for his government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. The voting could not be held as planned on Monday because only 226 MPs turned up to the sitting to cast their vote, this was seven short of the 233 required to […]

Watching The Hawks – Rise of AFRICOM & Philosophy of Censure

Watching The Hawks – Rise of AFRICOM & Philosophy of Censure Watching The A shocking military homicide once again raises questions surrounding US military presence in Africa. Campus censorship reaches a new level of absurdity at the University of Texas. Congressional candidate Brianna Wu talks cybersecurity and innovation. RTs Trinity Chavez reports on recent […]

Excommunication and Censure: the Depravity of Harvey Weinstein

The article presented here below, entitled “The Specifically Jewy Perviness of Harvey Weinstein,” first appeared in the Jewish publication Tablet on 9 October 2017; and is now prefaced by an apology written by its author, Mark Oppenheimer. Since the revelations about Weinstein’s sexually depraved conduct were made public, the organized Jewish community has been actively […]

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