Posts Tagged ‘hawks’

US hawks call for action against Iran following attack on troops in Jordan

Amidst escalating tensions, US lawmakers call for a strong response to Iran after a drone attack on American troops in Jordan intensifies calls for action. Source

“War Effort In Shambles As Hawks Turn On Each Other” At NATO Summit

Bloomberg is just out with a devastating behind-the-scenes account of a hot-headed Zelensky at the NATO summit in Vilnius, and the growing Western backlash in the face of his obvious frustration and what’s being seen as ingratitudefor the steady flow of billions of dollars in arms to Kiev. Apparently even the mainstream media agrees with our own assessment of the […]

Have China hawks flown the coop?

In Washington, there is now a bipartisan consensus around being tough on China. This was happening even before the Chinese sent a spy balloon drifting across the United States. Last month, by a vote of 365-65, the House created a new “Select Committee on Strategic Competition between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party.” […]

U.S. foreign policy hawks, with decades of disaster behind them, call for a threat to attack Iran

The headline should read: “Arsonists Call for Setting Controlled Fires in Iran.” Seven U.S. foreign policy hawks, with decades of disaster in the Mideast behind them, just published a statement urging the Biden administration to threaten a military attack on Iran. They said: We believe it is vital to restore to restore Iran’s fear that […]

Taliban Celebrates 9/11 With Patriotic Flyover Of U.S. Black Hawks

Taliban Celebrates 9/11 With Patriotic Flyover Of U.S. Black Hawks KABUL—According to reports coming out of Afghanistan, the Taliban celebrated its high holy day of 9/11 over the weekend with a patriotic flyover consisting of a full formation of Black Hawk helicopters recently acquired from the United States government. The formation flew over the capital, […]

Biden’s Appeasement of Hawks and Neocons Is Crippling His Diplomacy

Written by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies Photo credit: – Biden with NATO’s Stoltenberg President Biden took office promising a new era of American international leadership and diplomacy. But with a few exceptions, he has so far allowed self-serving foreign allies, hawkish U.S. interest groups and his own imperial delusions to undermine […]

The Hawks Who Want War With Iran Are Working Overtime

Written by Ariel Gold and Medea Benjamin Just as talks between the United States and Iran were taking place last week in Vienna, a cyberattack was carried out on Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility. Reports are that the Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency, was behind the attack that blacked out the facility just one day after Tehran […]

Queen of Chicken Hawks: Victoria Nuland Had A Hand in Every US Intervention in the Past 30 Years

President Joe Biden’s nomination of Victoria Nuland for Under Secretary for Political Affairs, the third-highest position at the State Department, is a dangerous sign. Nuland exemplifies the neoconservatives who have led American foreign policy from one disaster to another for the past 30 years, all while evading any shred of accountability. As a top-level appointee, […]

Watching The Hawks – Women in Film, the Hospital, and the Government

Dark Politricks is a site dedicated to investigating the dark side of politics including corruption, propaganda, the police state, war on terror, the intelligence services and their misdeeds, false flag attacks and much more. The site also promotes free speech, internet freedom and justice for all people. For an overview of my beliefs and political […]

Watching The Hawks – Australias Guns: Control, Culture, Bias

Watching The Hawks – Australias Guns: Control, Culture, Bias Watching The Co-hosts Tyrel Ventura and Tabetha Wallace venture down under to Australia to interview a number of experts, including Pulitzer Prize winner John Pilger, on gun violence, gun culture, and the differences between gun ownership in the US and Australia. LIKE Watching the Hawks […]

Watching The Hawks – Poisoning, Resurrection, and Unknown Casualties

Watching The Hawks – Poisoning, Resurrection, and Unknown Casualties Watching The The United States says casualty numbers in Raqqa siege are unknowable, Amnesty International says otherwise. Actor Brenden Fraser says Me Too. Afshin Rattansi of RTs Going Undergound dives into the strange bizarre case of a Russian Journalists resurrection from death in Ukraine and […]

Watching The Hawks – Was Effectiveness of Police Bodycams Overestimated?

Watching The Hawks – Was Effectiveness of Police Bodycams Overestimated? Watching The Police violence hasnt decreased despite the implementation of bodycams on officers. Author Gary Lachman explores the ways politicians, including the alt-right, use symbolism and occult practices. And despite the move to privatize it, new polls say NASA is here to stay. [732] […]

Watching The Hawks – Nuclear Arms In The Middle East & Swimsuit Competitions

Watching The Hawks – Nuclear Arms In The Middle East & Swimsuit Competitions Watching The According to reports, Israel is selling information on nuclear arms to Saudi Arabia. Michigan State University has a longstanding sexual assault problem, and this week it took a beastly turn. Author Gary Lachman discusses the state of culture and […]

Watching The Hawks – Youth Confidence Brings Change In A Cashless Future

Watching The Hawks – Youth Confidence Brings Change In A Cashless Future Watching The After a wide Visa service outage across Europe recently, the predicted future of a cashless society is questioned. Disney workers continue to call hypocrisy on the wage inequity between their earnings and that of the CEOs, demanding a $15 minimum […]

Watching The Hawks – Meddling In Elections: US Style

Watching The Hawks – Meddling In Elections: US Style Watching The Author and civil rights attorney Dan Kovalik joins the show to discuss the USs role in recent elections in Venezuela and Colombia. We look at the truth behind the USs big immigration problem, including the missing 1,500 immigrant children. And RT Sports Correspondent […]

Watching The Hawks – Blackface Is Bad, Cockroach Milk Is Good?

Watching The Hawks – Blackface Is Bad, Cockroach Milk Is Good? Watching The The DNC is suing Wikileaks, which many say could endanger what little freedom of press still exists. A controversial photo of rapper Drake wearing blackface surfaces. And cockroach milk may be the superfood of the future, according to science. [728] WATCH […]

Watching The Hawks – The Biggest Myths of John McCain with Matt Taibbi

Watching The Hawks – The Biggest Myths of John McCain with Matt Taibbi Watching The John McCain’s latest HBO documentary tells the story of a different McCain… seems to conveniently leave out his war-hawkish history. Author and journalist Matt Taibbi joins the show to discuss. ‘Like’ us on Facebook: us on Instagram: […]

Watching The Hawks – Canada Says Yes to Pipelines, No to Activists

Watching The Hawks – Canada Says Yes to Pipelines, No to Activists Watching The Despite immense pushback from Indigenous and environmental activists, the Canadian government plans to spend US$3.4 billion on a controversial new oil pipeline. RT Canada Correspondent Alex Mihailovic discusses. WATCH OUR SHOW ON RT @… LIKE Watching the Hawks @ […]

Watching The Hawks – Polands Billion-Dollar Military Base Bid & A Framed Murder

Watching The Hawks – Polands Billion-Dollar Military Base Bid & A Framed Murder Watching The Poland is offering $2 billion to have a permanent U.S. military base installed Warsaw. New research suggests that open offices lead to subtle sexism. Author Pat OConnor discusses his new book Scapegoat which looks at the framing of Kevin […]

Watching The Hawks – ‘Even If You’re Harvey Weinstein, We Can Get You’

Watching The Hawks – ‘Even If You’re Harvey Weinstein, We Can Get You’ Watching The Tabetha Wallace sounds off on Harvey Weinstein, who was finally put in handcuffs Friday and charged following the slew of sexual assault allegations against him. LIKE Watching the Hawks @ WATCHING THE HAWKS ON INSTAGRAM @ Tyrel […]

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