Posts Tagged ‘resurrection’

The Resurrection of French Nationalism?

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The Death and Resurrection of Science

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL [This article was coauthored with documentary filmmaker Janus Bang] After two years of draconian lockdowns, governments around the world suddenly dismantled their unprecedented campaigns against Covid-19 in silence. From one day to another, the whole thing was supposed to be forgotten.  Looking back, it seems appropriate to abbreviate the Covid-19 […]

For Easter Jews Publish Hit Piece Undermining Archeological Evidence Of Resurrection Of Christ

(Times of Israel) Using hi-tech isotope analysis, scientist have identified the origins of the marble used in making the so-called Nazareth Inscription — a 22-line imperial Greek edict against grave desecration that some have claimed constitutes the oldest physical evidence of early Christianity: “It was discovered in Paris in 1925 with no provenance, aside from […]

Nazareth Decree May Prove That Jews Plotted to Deny the Resurrection of Christ

(Apxaioc Institute of Biblical Archeology) A stone inscription acquired on the antiquities market of Nazareth in 1878 appearing to be a rescript of an imperial Roman edict was dubbed “The Nazareth Inscription.” Written in ancient Koine Greek, its main purpose is to give notice that the punishment for stealing a corpse from a stone sealed […]

Syria: a tale of plunder and resurrection

JUL 31, 2023 While the wholesale theft of Syria’s natural resources continues under the watch of illegal US troops, the Russian project of resurrecting ISIS-destroyed Palmyra stands as a stark reminder that ruins can rise again – if Syria’s friends help pave the way. Pepe Escobar The war on Syria has vanished from the collective […]

Happy Easter! He is Risen! The incredible history and significance of the Resurrection

by Jimmy Evans Happy Easter! Today is the day Christians all over the world celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. The original Easter Sunday represents the greatest miracle in the history of the world—a miracle that changed human civilization more than any other event in history. More than the invention of the printing press, the automobile, electricity, […]

Winter Solstice Resurrection At Saqsayhuaman and Newgrange

Two of the Boyne Valley’s most impressive passage mounds — Knowth and adjacent Newgrange — may have functioned together as part of an important initiation ritual, one that survived over three thousand years. And these sites may have their twins in the Andes, in the form of megalithic Saqsayhuaman, and its smaller and equally mysterious […]

Will There Be An Eternal Resurrection Unto ‘Shame And Everlasting Contempt’ For Some Israelites?

In our recent series on the alleged Israelite identity of the Romans, we have been addressing many of the doctrines held by those who believe that only Israelites according to the flesh will be saved — and also that all Israelites according to the flesh will be saved. Continuing along that vein, we’d like to […]

Azadi : The Resurrection of  a slogan

In August we celebrate the 74th anniversary of our independence. At the time, the communists had raised the slogan then famous or rather infamous – “  yeh azadi jhoohi hai” ..  this is a false independence meaning that this  independence would not mean anything the ordinary people fighting for daily survival and that this was […]

Breaking News: Resurrection and Rapture

Listen! I am telling you a mystery: We will not all fall asleep,but we will all be changed,in a moment, in the blink of an eye,at the last trumpet.For the trumpet will sound,and the dead will be raised incorruptible,and we will be changed.(1 Corinthians 15:51-52) What do we consider to be news? There are several […]

The Resurrection of Asherah, Mother-Goddess of Humankind

Scant referrals in the Bible alert to the presence of a vilified female deity destined to be banished into oblivion. Yet the Biblical referrals obscure the beloved benevolent mother-goddess Asherah, also called Ashratum/Athirat, who was worshipped in sacred groves on mountain summits throughout the Levant. Cuneiform tablets dating to the Early-Bronze Age (6000 BC) unearthed […]

Speculation swirls of Iran deal resurrection as diplomatic activity intensifies

WASHINGTON (AP) — A flurry of diplomatic contacts and reports of major progress suggest that indirect talks between the US and Iran may be nearing an agreement. That’s despite efforts by US officials to play down chances of an imminent deal that would bring Washington and Tehran back into compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal. […]

BL – Prophecies of the Resurrection

EURO FOLK RADIO BL – Prophecies of the Resurrection Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Share this: Source

Resurrection Morning: A Review On Julia Bekhova’s Renaissance-Inspired Artworks

Julia Bekhova with one of her paintings entitled ‘Mother and Child – Silence’ from 2011. Even if I have done it a few times in the past I’m not much in favour of covering contemporary artists here at Renegade Tribune for a number of reasons. This time however I have decided to make an exception […]

The Assassination and Resurrection of Martin Luther King, Jr.

MLK speaking at Riverside Church, NYC, 4 April 1967 “I don’t believe in death without resurrection. If they kill me, I will rise again in the Salvadorian people…”  – Archbishop Oscar Romero, martyred, 24 March 1980 Whether we are aware of it or not, we live by stories. We live by others’ stories while we tell […]

Resurrection time has arrived

January 22, 2021 by Michael Kuttner Read on for article I never thought that this would ever happen in our lifetime but miraculously it is unfolding before our very eyes. Michael Kuttner While Maimonides spoke about the physical resurrection of the dead at a time which will usher in redemption and reckoning what we are […]

The Planet Venus as a Symbol of Death and Resurrection in Ancient Mesoamerica

Do our myths come from the stars or do we project our myths onto the stars? The story of Mithras truly does come from astronomical discoveries in the ancient world Read more Section:  News Myths & Legends Americas Read Later 

Could the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem be the Site of Jesus’ Resurrection?

Jerusalem is an ancient city, founded as the City of David in 1010 BC, but there is evidence of settlements going back to 4500 BC. It has been conquered more than 40 times by various nations, including the Ottoman Turks, Persians, Romans and the British. As a result, it is home to religious sites that […]

Watching The Hawks – Poisoning, Resurrection, and Unknown Casualties

Watching The Hawks – Poisoning, Resurrection, and Unknown Casualties Watching The The United States says casualty numbers in Raqqa siege are unknowable, Amnesty International says otherwise. Actor Brenden Fraser says Me Too. Afshin Rattansi of RTs Going Undergound dives into the strange bizarre case of a Russian Journalists resurrection from death in Ukraine and […]

Seed bank saved from war to serve Syrian agricultural resurrection

Tens of thousands of precious seed samples were rescued by scientists from the International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) in the war-ravaged Aleppo countryside at the height of the conflict in Syria. Although most of ICARDA expatriate staff left the Aleppo site in 2012, the center’s scientists continued to maintain original […]

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