Posts Tagged ‘casualties’

UNICEF REPORT: Child casualties in West Bank surged by 250% since Israel’s war began in October

(NaturalNews) The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has reported a staggering increase of nearly 250 percent in child casualties in… Source

Israeli military investigation reveals many Oct. 7 Israeli casualties were caused by IDF rather than Hamas

(NaturalNews) Israel has used the events of October 7 to justify a lengthy and very bloody war in Gaza that has caused the deaths of tens of thousands of… Source

US and its politicians defend Israel’s occupation and civilian casualties in Gaza at International Court

As the international community awaits the ICJ’s verdict, the U.S. position underscores the complex diplomatic landscape surrounding the Israeli occupation and the search for a sustainable peace solution. Source

Isra University’s destruction and IDF casualties: New tensions in Gaza conflict

Mitchell Plitnick, president of Rethinking Foreign Policy said of the bombing of Isra University “by definition… it was not a legitimate military target.” Source

Casualties due to Hezbollah operations mounting daily: ‘Kiryat Shmona’

December 17, 2023 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English The mayor of the Israeli settlement of “Kiryat Shmona” says the casualties in the northern settlements are on a daily uptick due to the operations being carried out by the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon. The mayor of the northern Israeli settlement of “Kiryat Shmona”, Avichai Stern, […]

Sen. Lindsay Graham says civilian casualties in Gaza are no big deal: no need to “limit civilian casualties” or provide any humanitarian aid at all

(NaturalNews) There is no situation in which the United States should ever stop supporting Israel by giving the Jewish state whatever it wants, even if doing so… Source

Israel admits willingness to inflict “mass civilian casualties” in Gaza – GENOCIDE is the endgame

(NaturalNews) In alleged statements made during “private conversations” with its partners in the United States, the Jewish state of Israel has said that it is… Source

Israeli Army Suffers More Casualties As Hamas Publishes Video Showing Tanks Blown Up

Israeli Army Suffers More Casualties As Hamas Publishes Video Showing Tanks Blown Up Update(1318ET): The Israeli death toll is rising, and Hamas has claimed to have ambushed and destroyed several tanks as they plunge deeper into Gaza City, also amid building to building searches for the hostages. 15 Israeli soldiers have now been killed in […]

Netanyahu adviser says Israel will try to minimize civilian casualties in Gaza

A senior aide to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel’s military is undertaking a “maximum effort” to minimize civilian casualties amid its military campaign in Gaza. The war between Israel and Hamas began earlier this month after the militant group killed over 1,400 Israelis in a surprise attack on towns and military bases. The… […]

Number Of Journalist Casualties In Israel-Hamas War Rises To 17

At least 17 journalists — 13 Palestinian, three Israeli, one Lebanese — have died while covering the ongoing conflict. Source

Journalists Facing Increasing Number Of Casualties In Israel-Hamas War

As of Thursday, there have been at least 10 journalists – nine Palestinians and one Israeli – killed while covering the violence in Israel and Gaza. Source

Journalists Facing Increasing Number Of Casualties In Israel-Hamas War

As of Thursday, there have been at least 10 journalists – nine Palestinians and one Israeli – killed while covering the violence in Israel and Gaza. Source

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 2: Israel declares war as casualties skyrocket

Hundreds of Palestinians have been killed over the past 24 hours as Israel bombarded the Gaza Strip in response to “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.” It is reported that over 600 Israelis have been killed in the past 24 hours. Source

The Costs and Casualties of Government’s Information Total War

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it,” This phrase, misattributed to Voltaire, has largely come to dominate—and confuse—our understanding of the importance of free speech in a free society. That misunderstanding seems to be at the heart of the very lukewarm response elicited by the […]

Meat Grinder Tops 80,000 Casualties Against “Colossal Anti-Tank Mines and Enemy Forces”

Meat Grinder Tops 80,000 Casualties Against “Colossal Anti-Tank Mines and Enemy Forces” Source

Most Libya flood casualties could have been avoided with advanced warning systems: WMO

The use of advanced warning systems would have lessened the casualties and damage caused by the recent devastating floods in Libya, the UN’s World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) said on Thursday, Anadolu Agency reports. If there had been advanced warning we could have avoided most of the human casualties in Libya Petteri Taalas, the WMO’s Secretary-General, […]

These Ukraine War Casualties for Ukrainian Servicemen, NATO Soldiers and Foreign Mercenaries Prove Intentional Genocide

 [UK]RAINE SERVICEMEN OBLITERATION LATEST Posted by Ted Baker As of today, May the 15th, 2023 [439th day] of the Special Military Operation [SMO], the RUSSIAN ARMED FORCES have operated in more than 315 strategically combat areas across the territory of [uk]raine covering more than 53.1112% of [uk]raine land [or more than 318,667.20 square kilometres]. This is equivalent to 128.2198% the size of GREAT BRITAIN; 6297.7708% the size of DELAWARE, 45.8078% the size of TEXAS; 233.9734% the size of NORTH CAROLINA, 125.5581% the size of MICHIGAN, 75.1632% the […]

‘You Count Pennies, We Count Casualties’ Ukraine’s First Lady Tells Struggling Brits

@media (max-width: 1200px) { }.novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) .novashare-buttons-wrapper { justify-content: center; }body .novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) a.novashare-button, body .novashare-inline .novashare-total-share-count { margin: 0px 5px 10px 5px; }body .novashare-buttons.novashare-inline .novashare-button-icon { width: 100%; } Ukraine’s First Lady Olena Zelenska told British people who are facing soaring energy hikes and a cost of living crisis that while they might be “counting pennies”, […]


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Afghanistan Earthquake Kills 8, More Casualties Feared

A map shows the location of the quake of magnitude 5.3 that struck near the eastern city of Jalalabad, in Afghanistan, on Sept. 5, 2022. (USGS/Screenshot via The Epoch Times) KABUL—An earthquake in northeastern Afghanistan killed at least eight people early on Monday, and the toll could rise, the state news agency quoted a regional […]

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