Posts Tagged ‘avoided’

“Elites” Propaganda Headline-“World War III Is Now Inevitable – Here’s Why It Can’t Be Avoided”

Of course another World War instigated by the Rothschilds can be avoided. All that is needed is for humanity world wide to convene Nuremberg Common Law Tribunal Courts, give fair trials and fair expedient hangings to the Zionist/Communist minions of the Ratschilds along with all their MSM and controlled opposition “media” types, all their blackmailed […]

Makow–Tucker & Putin Avoided Glaringly Important Topics

Generally this two-hour interview establishes Putin’s credentials as a rational and cultured man compared to the WEF sock puppets running the West. He has been delegated the White Hat in the coming world war so that Westerners will not fight. The interview contains no references to the WEF, Klaws Swab, the Plandemic, Agenda 2030, toxic […]

Most Libya flood casualties could have been avoided with advanced warning systems: WMO

The use of advanced warning systems would have lessened the casualties and damage caused by the recent devastating floods in Libya, the UN’s World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) said on Thursday, Anadolu Agency reports. If there had been advanced warning we could have avoided most of the human casualties in Libya Petteri Taalas, the WMO’s Secretary-General, […]

‘She’s actually very lucky she avoided becoming the first Kosher hog at Niger’s first Khazarian pig roast’ — commenter

READ HERE: Victoria ‘F*uck the EU’ Nuland, Washington’s ‘regime change Karen’, wants to speak to the manager in Niger   Source

Exclusive — Rep. Lee Zeldin: ‘Good Chance’ Joe Biden Avoided Army-Navy Game Due to Fear of ‘Let’s Go, Brandon Chant’

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) speculated that the White House kept President Joe Biden away from the 122nd annual Army-Navy Game on Saturday due to fear of a “Let’s Go, Brandon!” chant from the audience. The Army-Navy football game was hosted at MetLife Stadium in New York City. Breitbart News reported on Saturday that the White […]


My step by step Remember be calm and be kind Record it Ask 3 times for their warrant and namesWhen they refuse like they did Tell them that they are failing to comply with the Police Act 1996 for refusing to identify themselves as officersRemind them that this is a 6 month prison sentence Next […]

Prince Andrew has avoided NY sex accuser’s attempts to serve him legal papers

Prince Andrew has reportedly avoided “multiple attempts” to serve him legal papers on behalf of his sex-assault accuser — and has bolted 500 miles to the safety of mom Queen Elizabeth II’s Scottish getaway, just days before the first hearing. Lawyers for Virginia Roberts Giuffre — who is suing Andrew in New York — had already conceded […]

Existential Crisis Narrowly Avoided With Timely Burrito

SPARTANBURG, SC—Local man Tim Buchanan thought his life was coming unraveled yesterday; but it turned out he was just really, really hungry. Tim was naturally introspective and prone to fits of doubt but had steadily maintained his belief in God since coming to believe in Him as a teenager. Yesterday though, everything in the universe seemed […]

Netanyahu indicates he avoided Saudi airspace because of Houthi missiles

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Saturday that he was deterred from flying to the United Arab Emirates through Saudi airspace last week because of the threat of missile fire from Iranian proxies in Yemen. Netanyahu had called off a visit to the Emirates on Thursday over a spat with neighboring Jordan, which had temporarily closed […]

Robert F. Kennedy Jr: ‘New COVID Vaccine Should Be Avoided At All Cost’

November 21, 2020 Robert F. Kennedy JrPrincipa Scientific I would like to draw your attention urgently to important issues related to the next Covid-19 vaccination. For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called last generation mRNA vaccines intervene directly in the genetic material of the patient and therefore alter the individual genetic […]

Swedish Health Chief Said Country Avoided Lockdown to Prevent “Pandemic Fatigue”

A video out of the UK shows a gym owner explaining how armed police were sent to issue fines because his business violated COVID restrictions by failing to close down following a government mandate. Nicholas Whitcombe previously announced via a YouTube video that his Bodytec Fitness gym, which is located in Wirral, would be remaining […]

The NZ government’s new rules are that NO stream or waterway needs to be avoided by helicopters dropping 1080 poison

A repost reminding you of the waterways & risks to health via 1080 Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch BUFFER ZONES ROUND LAKES, RIVERS AND STREAMS NO LONGER A REQUIREMENT AT 1080 POISON DROPS By Carol Sawyer Someone has just asked me if having GPS in a helicopter means 1080 poison baits do not need to be […]

On the Russian diplomat expulsion: ‘Ireland should have avoided jumping on this bandwagon’

Russia was the first country to recognise Irish independence and we have always enjoyed a positive relationship with Moscow, writes Danielle Ryan.      If Leo Varadkar finds it appropriate to expel a Russian diplomat at the behest of Theresa May, it’s about time he considered expelling the US military from Shannon. The time has come […]

Bernie Sanders Hits on Winning Message He Avoided in 2016

Bernie Sanders Hits on Winning Message He Avoided in 2016 By A video has shown up on Senator Bernie Sanders Facebook page, with his name on it and his face in it making all the familiar (to a small number of people) points about U.S. military spending (how much it is, how it compares […]

How We Got Donald Trump, (And How We Might Have Avoided Him)

The present arrives out of a past that we are too quick to forget, misremember, or enshroud in myth. Yet like it or not, the present is the product of past choices. Different decisions back then might have yielded very different outcomes in the here-and-now. Donald Trump ascended to the presidency as a consequence of […]

What If We Never Fell for Al-Qaeda’s Trap & Avoided the ‘War on Terror’?

You’ve heard the platitude that hindsight is 20/20. It’s true enough and, though I’ve been a regular skeptic about what policymakers used to call the Global War on Terror, it’s always easier to poke holes in the past than to say what you would have done. My conservative father was the first to ask me what exactly […]

Going Underground – Could Somalias deadliest attack have been avoided?

Going Underground – Could Somalias deadliest attack have been avoided? Going Underground with Afshin Professor Abdi Ismail Samatar We speak to Professor Abdi Ismail Samatar, a trustee at Mogadishu University, about the deadliest terror attack in Somalia and whether it could have been avoided. LIKE Going Underground Going Underground Afshin Rattansi […]

Imam suspected of organizing Spain attacks avoided deportation, was labeled ‘no threat’ – reports

Albdelbaki Es Satty, one of the deceased members of the Islamist cell which is said to have carried out the attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils, was ordered to leave Spain in 2014 at the end of his jail term for drug trafficking, according to El Mundo, which obtained access to judicial documents. Two members of […]

Erdogan – Trump avoided discord about Kurds: More shared interests than disagreements

Fahwad Al-Khadoumi (nsnbc) : After meeting at the White House on Tuesday, U.S. President Donald Trump and his Turkish counterpart President R. Tayyip Erdogan […]

Assad Approves New Syrian Cabinet

nsnbc : Syrian President Bashar al-Assad approved the new Syrian Cabinet headed by Imad Mohammad Deeb Khamis who had been tasked with forming the new Cabinet. President Al-Assad, Photo courtesy of SANA. Al-Assad formalized the approval of the new Cabinet by signing Decree No. 203 for 2016. The members of the new Cabinet are Prime […]

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