Posts Tagged ‘costs’

The True Costs of Pandemic Prevention and Response

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL At the end of May 2024, the World Health Assembly will vote on whether to adopt two legally binding World Health Organization (WHO) instruments: a new Pandemic Agreement and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHRs). These policies have been designed to coordinate and standardize national-level pandemic preparedness, complementing other […]

Housing Costs Are Crushing The American Middle Class, But How Can We Fix The Problem?

Housing Costs Are Crushing The American Middle Class, But How Can We Fix The Problem? In a new poll conducted by the Financial Times and Michigan’s Ross School of Business, data shows there is a rare bipartisan agreement among Republicans and Democrats – Both sides believe that there are no housing advantages for the their […]

The next bank bailout’s true costs may not be such a mystery

Future debates about whether to assist distressed corporations, including New York Community Bank, could be better informed by more educated guesses about costs. Source

Report finds Denver taxpayers are footing skyrocketing costs to feed illegal immigrants

Report finds Denver taxpayers are footing skyrocketing costs to feed illegal immigrants The way the migrant crisis is affecting Denver is getting even more bleak, as a new report has found that how much the city’s taxpayers are spending to feed illegal immigrants is skyrocketing. The Denver City Council recently agreed to amend the city’s […]

COVID-19 Lockdowns Had High Health, Economic Costs: Swedish Study

Authored by Naveen Athrappully via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Imposing restrictive lockdown measures during the COVID-19 pandemic led to higher excess mortality in such nations while also damaging their economies, according to a recent Swedish study. A worker waits on a bench in a residential area during the COVID-19 lockdown in the Huangpu district […]

Pregnant women should minimize EMF exposure at all costs – unborn babies receive 20x more electromagnetic concentration-BUT DON’T WORRY ABOUT ALL THE 5-G TOWERS, SMART METERS, FLUORIDATED WATER & SUCH, YOUR “government” LOVES YOU AND WOULD NEVER ALLOW BAD THINGS LIKE SAY, KILLER JABS

A prominent medical doctor is warning that pregnant women especially need to stay as far away from electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) as possible to protect their unborn babies from radioactive harm. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, says that microwave radiation from things like smartphones, Wi-Fi routers and other wireless devices that connect to the internet or […]

Pregnant women should minimize EMF exposure at all costs – unborn babies receive 20x more electromagnetic concentration

(NaturalNews) A prominent medical doctor is warning that pregnant women especially need to stay as far away from electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) as possible to… Source

Producer Prices Surged In January As Services Costs Soared

After the hotter-than-expected CPI (which has been shrugged off entirely by the stock market), Producer Prices were expected to rebound very modestly MoM but continue to slow on a YoY basis in January. Instead, like CPI, it re-accelerated with headline rising 0.3% MoM (+0.1% MoM exp), which left PPI up 0.9% YoY (down from December […]

October 2023, The Month Streaming Costs Ballooned

While price hikes for subscription services might seem like a smart short-term solution to boost revenue and income, they tend to become more of a gamble in times of fracturing markets. This is especially true for the subscription video, or SVoD, sector where many traditional TV networks have launched their own streaming platforms in recent years. In […]

The True Costs Of Net-Zero Are Becoming Impossible To Hide

Authored by Mike Shedlock via, Our net zero lesson of the day is from the U.K. but it applies universally. It’s increasingly difficult for Biden and the EU to hide the true costs of net zero mandates. Britain Boiler Tax Scandal In the latest green fiasco, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak created a quota […]

Nearly 5000 Britons Died Frozen to Death in 2023 Due to High Heating Costs

As winter tightens its grip, a disturbing report from the End Fuel Poverty Coalition reveals that nearly 5,000 people lost their lives in the UK last winter due to residing in cold and damp homes, exacerbated by the inability to afford soaring energy costs. The coalition, which comprises organizations such as Greenpeace, WWF, Green Alliance, […]

Dr. Ahmad Malik Interview – Standing Up For The Truth At All Costs

Joining me today is Dr. Ahmad Malik, here to discuss the life changing consequences he experienced during the COVID-19 illusion simply for daring to tell the truth. At a time when other doctors cowered behind their credentials, Ahmad risked everything to stand by what he knew was right (and time has proven him correct). Many […]

9 Things The Australian Government Can Do To Reduce Living Costs

Authored by Graham Young via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The federal government is belatedly recognising that some of its economic policies are contributing to the inflation that the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is trying to stamp out by raising interest rates. People shop at a market in Sydney, Australia, on April 27, 2022. […]

‘For shame’: Pfizer to charge $1,390 for lifesaving Covid drug that costs Just $13

“Pfizer treats Paxlovid like a Prada handbag; a luxury for the few rather than a treatment for the many,” said one consumer advocate. Source

Climate-related damage costs $16 million per hour on average globally, new study estimates

The study authors estimate the cost of the extreme weather damages from 2000 to 2019 to average around $143 billion, which breaks down to around $16.3 million per hour. Source

The Costs and Casualties of Government’s Information Total War

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it,” This phrase, misattributed to Voltaire, has largely come to dominate—and confuse—our understanding of the importance of free speech in a free society. That misunderstanding seems to be at the heart of the very lukewarm response elicited by the […]

Retail Sales Unexpectedly Soared In August, As Gasoline Costs Jumped

Retail Sales Unexpectedly Soared In August, As Gasoline Costs Jumped Following July’s buying spree, expectations are for a slowdown in retail sales in August as BofA omnipotent analysts forecast a decline of 0.1% MoM (worse than the consensus +0.1% MoM) with gas prices rising the only saving grace (ex-autos and gas expected to be down […]

Childcare Now Costs $1,031 More Than Public College Tuition, On Average, In The United States

Childcare Now Costs $1,031 More Than Public College Tuition, On Average, In The United States The next time someone asks whether or not you think Joe Biden’s “Inflation Reduction Act” is working, you can share with them a new research report showing that childcare is becoming more expensive than in-state college tuition in 28 out […]

U.S.-Funded War in Ukraine Costs More in One Day than Biden Is Sending to Maui

The largely U.S.-funded war in Ukraine costs approximately $100 million a day — more than the $95 million President Joe Biden wants to send to Maui after the most fatal fire in the nation’s history in over a century. Source

Nolte: Disney Launches A.I. Task Force to Cut Costs

I’m honestly supposed to pretend to care if a bunch of marginally-talented, left-wing haters, groomers, perverts, and crybabies lose their jobs to a robot? Source

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