Posts Tagged ‘prevention’

The True Costs of Pandemic Prevention and Response

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL At the end of May 2024, the World Health Assembly will vote on whether to adopt two legally binding World Health Organization (WHO) instruments: a new Pandemic Agreement and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHRs). These policies have been designed to coordinate and standardize national-level pandemic preparedness, complementing other […]

VOTER FRAUD PREVENTION: Why aren’t there watermarks, security threads and serial numbers on voting ballots, just like on cash money?

(NaturalNews) Did you know that ballot paper is blank paper in rolls or sheets that contains nothing to protect it from counterfeit or fraud, not even a certain… Source

Eat More Purple Foods for Cancer Prevention and a Healthier Gut and Heart

From Dr Mercola Story at-a-glance Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published October 9, 2017. Polyphenols1,2 (also known as phenolics) are phytochemicals, natural plant chemicals with powerful antioxidant properties. There are over 8,000 identified polyphenols found in foods such as tea, wine, chocolates, fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants — which in addition […]

Global Panic Prevention as Climate Chaos Begins to Reset Society

David DuByne and Ransom Godwin discuss cycles of civilization reset that are known, but this information has always been held in the hands of a few. Now anyone doing research can find timelines that point to an immediate event, this is why the narrative is now being tightly overseen and hijacked about history and reasons […]

China Urges German CEOs to Lead Risk Prevention Amid Trade Tensions

Chinese Premier Li Qiang on Monday told German business leaders that companies should take the lead on managing risk after Germany published its national security strategy, which described China as a “systemic rival.” Li met with representatives of German companies—including Volkswagen, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz—in Berlin ahead of government consultations on Tuesday at the start of […]

Scam prevention, detection and response by the four major banks – ASIC Report April 2023

See report: Source: Source

Cancer prevention: avail yourself of this program free for one month (Chris Beat Cancer)

“I was diagnosed with stage IIIc colon cancer in 2003. After surgery I opted-out of chemo and used nutrition and natural therapies to heal. Today I’m healthy, strong, and cancer-free! If you’d like to learn how to help yourself heal or prevent cancer, you’ve come to the right place!” Chris Wark READ MORE & SIGN […]

Report: Gavin Newsom’s Wildfire Prevention Program Has Not Completed a Single Project

California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s (D) wildfire prevention program has yet to complete a single project, two years after it was announced, thanks to onerous state environmental regulations that could allow wildfires to start and spread far more easily.

Australian Experts Push for Investment in Skin Cancer Prevention

Investing in skin cancer prevention in Australia could both save lives and significantly reduce the nation’s $2 billion (approx US$1.45 billion) a year in treatment costs, experts say. In a new health economics paper published on Dec. 22 in Public Health Research & Practice, a peer-reviewed journal of the Sax Institute, the authors noted the […]

California Gun Violence Prevention Bill Makes its Way to Assembly Floor After Being Diluted

A California gun violence bill to ban sales of guns, ghost guns, and ammunition on state-owned property is on its way to the assembly floor. But the bill underwent some modifications and will now enact the ban on only one fairground site, the Orange County Fair and Event Center, instead of statewide.   The bill was […]

Moving HIV prevention and treatment tools from the lab to all those in need

Recent scientific advancements have brought to the fore the promise of more effective and long-term solutions to help people living with HIV to thrive and not just survive. Today we have a buffet of HIV prevention options (such as, oral daily PrEP, once-a-month vaginal dapivirine ring for women, 2-monthly long-acting injectable) along with a bouquet […]

Regeneron to Seek FDA Approval for Its COVID-19 Antibody Cocktail to Be Used for Prevention

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals is pursuing FDA approval for its antibody cocktail to be used as a preventative treatment for COVID-19 after its latest study showed positive results. The company announced in a release that its phase three prevention trial for REGEN-COV—a combination of casirivimab and imdevimab—showed that the drug reduced the risk of symptomatic infections by […]

What Philosophers say about Coronavirus Prevention?

Written by Thomas Klikauer and Nadine Campbell The 2020-2021 coronavirus is by no means the first pandemic that has impacted people’s lives. Throughout history, philosophers have contributed to our understanding of what pandemics mean and how to fight them. Self-evidently, philosophers are dedicated to philosophy. Like the term pandemic originating in Greek’s pandēmos – “pan” […]

Prof of Medicine treating CV patients insists prevention with Ivermectin works & pleads for a review of the data

The good Doctor who takes his oath seriously insists that Ivermectin has been proven to work & cites the statistics from among his peers. He says that prevention is effective with Ivermectin & describes how the people he is seeing dying cannot breathe. These deaths are needless he says. I have posted other Doctors also […]

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has admitted on their website that the entire coronavirus scamdemic was a huge lie and massive mainstream media hoax. Only 6% of COVID-19 deaths reported were actually from the alleged “virus” | The coronavirus that governments shut down the entire globe for was “responsible” for 9,000 deaths in the United States | SO WHY IS EVERYONE STILL WEARING MASKS? | WHY IS THERE A DEADLY VACCINE STILL ON THE WAY?

Before Its CDC & Fauci Confirm COVID-19 Scamdemic Was a Hoax! Tuesday, September 1, 2020 17:17 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has admitted on their website that the entire coronavirus scamdemic was a huge lie and massive mainstream media hoax. Only 6% of COVID-19 deaths reported were actually from the virus. Dr. […]

How Mammograms Increase Your Risk of Breast Cancer – Why Are They Promoted As A Prevention Tool?

Next Story Early detection through mammography is often touted as the best way to prevent breast cancer. Women are constantly barraged with pink ribbon reminders that they need to get their mammography done, as it could potentially save their lives. It is recommended that women get a mammogram every second year after age 50, that […]

Russian Military Halts Syria Sky Incident Prevention Interactions with US as of June 19

The Russian Defense Ministry announced it is halting cooperation with its US counterparts in the framework of the Memorandum on the Prevention of Incidents and Ensuring Air Safety in Syria following the coalition’s downing of a Syrian warplane. The ministry has demanded a thorough investigation by the US military command into the incident with the […]

Top 6 Cancer Prevention Foods

According to the US National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Database, 43.3% of American males and 37.8% of American females will develop cancer in their lifetime. That’s a staggering number. Almost one out of two men and a little more than one out of three women. So what can you do about […]

The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy and “The Polka-dot File”

Nuclear Experimentation Year 71: A Shadow On the Collective Consciousness

27th May 2016 By Ethan Indigo Smith Contributing writer for Wake Up World A Shadow On the Collective Consciousness It has been a year since my annual nuclear experimentation article. Time flies. My scale of time of course is ignorant. I cannot comprehend the complexity of time unfolding as it does, beyond my limited human imagination, and […]

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