Posts Tagged ‘mammograms’

Study: Mammograms Linked to 84% Increase in Breast Cancer Deaths

Mammography is responsible for an 84 percent increase in breast cancer deaths, according to an official new study. New research published in JAMA Oncology proves that mammograms end up killing many more women than would otherwise die from […] The post Study: Mammograms Linked to 84% Increase in Breast Cancer Deaths appeared first on The People's Voice. Source […]

EARLY DETECTION, EARLY DEATH: Mammograms linked to 84% higher breast cancer death rate

(NaturalNews) New research published in JAMA Oncology reveals that mammography is responsible for an astounding 84 percent higher rate of breast cancer deaths over… Source Views: 0

How Mammograms Increase Your Risk of Breast Cancer – Why Are They Promoted As A Prevention Tool?

Next Story Early detection through mammography is often touted as the best way to prevent breast cancer. Women are constantly barraged with pink ribbon reminders that they need to get their mammography done, as it could potentially save their lives. It is recommended that women get a mammogram every second year after age 50, that […]

How Mammograms Lead To Invalid Diagnoses & Cause Harm

As we have recently reported on, high gravitas journals such as BMJ have begun to publish studies indicating that ‘cancer screening has never saved lives,’ or that what conventional medical authorities considered for decades to be ‘cancer’ really wasn’t after all.   In the latest BMJ study on the topic titled, “Effectiveness of and overdiagnosis from mammography screening in […]

Groundbreaking Research: Mammograms Cause Breast Cancer

(NaturalNews) Ever since the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force took a look, finally, at the scientific evidence and announced new recommendations earlier this month for routine mammograms — specifically that women under 50 should avoid them and women over 50 should only get them every other year — the reactions from many women, doctors and […]

US Downplays a New Syrian Massacre

By Daniel Lazare. Originally published at Consortium News On May 12, at dawn, members of Al Nusra and an allied Syrian rebel group known as Ahrar al-Sham stormed the Alawite village of Al-Zahraa, reportedly killing 19 people and abducting 120 others. In typical Salafist fashion, Ahrar al-Sham then posted a grisly YouTube video showing jihadis chanting […]

‘Disaster is Imminent’… Constitutional Attorney: "States Have The Legal Authority To Defend Border Under Constitution"

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5 Practices to Expand Your Awareness and Harmonize Your Brain

Justin Faerman, ContributorWaking Times While the brain and consciousness are inextricably linked, groundbreaking research into the nature of consciousness is revealing that their relationship is much different than had previously been assumed and confirming what spiritual teachers have been telling us for ages: that we are simply awareness having an experience in physical form, of […]

Same EPA that unleashed massive pollution in Colorado river now denying risk of harmful radioactive activity in St. Louis

(NaturalNews) A five-year fire is burning beneath a landfill in a St. Louis suburb, and it’s rapidly approaching an old cache of nuclear waste. At present, St. Louis County emergency officials are unsure whether or not the fire will set off a reaction that releases a radioactive plume over the city. An emergency […]

VA National Leader in Providing Mammograms

Dr. Stacy Garrett-Ray (left) and Dr. Patricia Hayes   Two very important words can save lives: Early detection. Dr. Stacy Garrett-Ray stresses that, “Mammograms can detect breast cancer early, and early detection makes a big difference in a woman’s chance of surviving.” “Early detection makes a big difference in a woman’s chance of surviving.” — […]