Posts Tagged ‘detection’

AI-powered medical devices could enhance detection and differentiation of skin cancers – but could also give false readings

(NaturalNews) On January 16, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a new, non-invasive skin cancer detection device that is powered by artificial… Source

EARLY DETECTION, EARLY DEATH: Mammograms linked to 84% higher breast cancer death rate

(NaturalNews) New research published in JAMA Oncology reveals that mammography is responsible for an astounding 84 percent higher rate of breast cancer deaths over… Source

Hikvision, Nvidia named in contract for ‘Uyghur detection’

GPU giant says you can’t stop secondary sales, surveillance gear maker maintains innocence Source

Japan To Deploy Pre-Crime Style “Behavior Detection” Technology

The Japan National Police Agency has decided to adopt AI-enhanced pre-crime surveillance cameras to bolster the security measures surrounding VIPs. This step comes in response to the commemoration of the shocking assassination of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the rising threats posed by what the government called “lone offenders.” Source

Scam prevention, detection and response by the four major banks – ASIC Report April 2023

See report: Source: Source

U.S. Schools Installing “airport-style body scanners” for Weapons Detection Despite Radiation Exposure Risks

A school district in North Carolina is seeking proposals for a touchless scanner that could automatically detect weapons without requiring visitors to unpack purses or other bags, to be paid for with COVID relief funds.

First Professional Astronomer Detection of UFO from Space Telescope?

First Professional Astronomer Detection of UFO from Space Telescope?Published on December 8, 2021Written by Joe Postma We’ve all seen the shaky home-video cams of UFOs, but interestingly there’s never really been any cases of professional astronomers who’ve witnessed one that I can remember. Well, here you go! I am sure that there is a reasonable […]

After Unleashing Zika Bioweapon, Eugenicist CDC Retards its Detection

A repost from 2016, nothing’s changed … in fact it is way worse … Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch Fishy goings on with the CDC mandated to protect the community and by all appearances not…. and here with that virus that is patented by the Rockefellers. This is  from …EWR According to a CDC whistleblower, […]

Controversy Mounts Over The Use Of Gunshot Detection Sensors

Above photo: A woman holds a sign with an image of 13-year-old Adam Toledo at a protest in the city’s West Englewood neighborhood in August. Toledo was fatally shot by a Chicago police officer in March after ShotSpotter technology detected gunshots in the area. Madison Muller. Chicago quietly renewed its multi-million dollar contract with ShotSpotter. But […]

Report Shows How New Zealand Mosque Shooter Eluded Detection

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A comprehensive report into last year’s Christchurch mosque shootings in which 51 Muslim worshippers were slaughtered sheds new light on how the gunman was able to elude detection by authorities as he planned out his attack. The nearly 800-page Royal Commission of Inquiry report released Tuesday shows that the attacker, […]

Iran claims slain nuclear scientist was working on virus detection kit, vaccine

The top Iranian nuclear scientist assassinated near Tehran Friday was a key figure in the nation’s fight against the coronavirus pandemic, and was involved in the development of homegrown virus testing kits as well as a vaccine for COVID-19, Iranian officials claimed Saturday. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was long regarded by Israel and Western intelligence officials as […]

Robot Uses AI Face Mask Detection to Enforce Compliance

There is a new video out by SoftBank Robotics Europe, which promotes the use of “Pepper” the robot to enforce mask regulations. Pepper has been outfitted with A.I. that allows it to see who is wearing a mask and who is not, and those who are not get a red circle around their faces and […]

Facebook’s New Suicide Detection A.I. Could Put Innocent People Behind Bars

By MassPrivateI Imagine police knocking on your door because you posted a ‘troubling comment’ on a social media website. Imagine a judge forcing you to be jailed, sorry I meant hospitalized, because a computer program found your comment(s) ‘troubling’. You can stop imagining, this is really happening. A recent TechCrunch article warns that Facebook’s “Proactive Detection” artificial intelligence (A.I.) will […]

Facebook’s New Suicide Detection A.I., Could Put Innocent People Behind Bars

By MassPrivateI Imagine police knocking on your door because you posted a ‘troubling comment’ on a social media website. Imagine a judge forcing you to be jailed, sorry I meant hospitalized, because a computer program found your comment(s) ‘troubling’. You can stop imagining, this is really happening. A recent TechCrunch article warns that […]

Cancer detection breakthrough uses chewing gum to trap and analyze biomarkers for cancer already growing in your body

(Natural News) U.S.-based biotech firm Volatile Analysis‘ non-profit Hudson Alpha have developed a chewing gum that may help detect cancer. According to the company’s scientists, each type of cancer produces a unique set of chemicals known as volatile organic compound. These chemicals differ in composition per cancer type, in the same way a healthy lung produces compounds that […]

Iran arrests at least five across country over terror plots: Minister

The Iranian intelligence minister says at least five people who had planned terror attacks have been arrested across the country. Mahmoud Alavi said on Tuesday that those arrested had been affiliated with terrorist groups and intended to carry out their plots during the Laylat al-Qadr (the Night of Destiny) (June 24, 26, 28) and International Quds Day (July 1), but “they were identified and […]

Mysterious acid-green liquid swamps backyard in Kaliningrad (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

The mysterious liquid was first noticed on Wednesday, witnesses say. It appeared near a manhole and took over almost all territory near the entrance of the apartment building. “It has no smell, it appeared yesterday, and it’s still there. Everyone who stumbles upon it takes a picture of it,” one of the tenants told […]

Feds try to suppress herbal molecule that makes your liver nearly ‘bulletproof’ against alcohol damage

About the author:Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is the founding editor of, the internet’s No. 1 natural health news website, now reaching 7 million unique readers a month. In late 2013, Adams launched the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, where he conducts atomic spectroscopy research into food contaminants using high-end ICP-MS […]

Isfahan, Italy, Germany ink cultural, economic agreements

TEHRAN, Dec. 17 (MNA) – Traveling to Germany and Italy, members of Isfahan’s Chamber of Commerce signed MoUs in cultural and economic fields, the head of the chamber announced. Talking about the foreign interactions of the chamber Abdul Vahab Sahlabadi said that holding a joint industrial expo by Isfahan and Germany’s Baden-Württemberg as well as […]

BEST OF THE WEB: The Iraq War is not unique. It’s just the latest episode in a 100-year-old struggle

     The Government hasn’t grasped the extent to which Western governments are so discredited This looks simple enough then. We’ll bomb the same people as Putin is bombing, in the same places, co-ordinated with Putin. But we won’t actually be on the same side as Putin, and maybe we’ll make that clear by painting gay […]

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