Posts Tagged ‘dental’

Tracking Devices & Micro Chips in Dental Work, Dermal Fillers, & Breast Implants w/ Dr. Kazer

Dr Diane Kazer joins the program to discuss the myriad of ways Big Pharma is inserting tracking devices such as micro chips into dental work and breast implants. She also discusses the incredible dangers with dermal fillers and botox. This is a long conversation that was finished on Substack for my members. Source

UK Government-Funded Study Found Virtually No Dental Benefit From Fluoridation

A new study using dental insurance records of 6.4 million adults in England found essentially no reduction in tooth decay for those living in fluoridated areas. This study “should be the last nail in the coffin of fluoridation” argue the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), who have continuously fought against the use of fluoride due to […]

Dental Hygiene in the Middle Ages (Video)

Medieval dental hygiene debunked the misconception of poor oral health. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Europe Videos Read Later  Source

The Fluoride Infowar: Newly Released Emails Show California Dental Director Alter Study to Remove Negative Conclusions

Newly released emails show California’s State Dental Director, Dr. Jayanth Kumar attempting to downplay data which indicates fluoride exposure is associated with lower IQ in children. Americans are currently locked in an information war. The methods of this infowar are known as 5th Generation Warfare, and two of the most consequential battlefields are the internet […]

Anne d’Alegre and Her Dirty Dental Secret

Like many LA celebrities today, serious dental work was carried out in 17th century France to protect the smiles of perceived social elites. This statement is based on new research into the well-preserved body, and mouth, of Anne d’Alegre, who was discovered in a lead coffin during a 1988 excavation at the Chateau de Laval, […]

For Want Of A Dental Plan, Erie Strayer Strike Grinds On

Above photo: Erie Strayer strikers. Ironworkers Local 851.  Overshadowed by larger strikes, the Ironworkers picket line stretches into its third month. Many people who work hard in full time jobs take a dental plan for granted. Many people who work hard in full-time jobs assume they will get more than a 25-cent-per-hour raise each year. But […]

FDA Issues Recommendations for Certain High Risk Groups on Mercury-Containing Dental Amalgam

The Most Revolutionary Act FDA Statement For Immediate Release: Statement From: Director – CDRH Offices: Office of the Center Director Dr. Jeffrey E. Shuren MD, JD Part of our role in protecting patients is to regularly evaluate, monitor and update scientific evidence on the risks from medical devices—including issues related to the materials used in […]

Blasphemy or harmless fun? Thrill-seeking dental worker posts photo atop St. Petersburg mosque

Irena Megrelishvili managed to reach the top of the mosque’s dome, and celebrated the daring feat by posting a picture to her Instagram account. The photo, which shows Megrelishvili triumphantly posing on top of the minaret, was captioned: “Offending religious feelings. Sorry, believers.” The post was quickly picked up by local media, sparking an inferno of […]

Doctors Show What Dental Amalgam Mercury Can Do To Fetuses, Infants & Children

Next Story Written by Amanda Just, David Kennedy, DDS, and Jack Kall, DMD from WMP’s Partner: International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) Dorice Madronero offered a grave warning to a 2010 Dental Products Panel of United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA): “As a young expectant mother I know that twice following dental […]

An unconventional approach to dental health that works

(Natural News) One of the greatest fears for most people is a trip to the dentist, especially if they know there is work to be done. The grinding, pulling, smells, and needles are not exactly a situation that drums up warm and cozy feelings. But it has to be done, right? Well, yes and no. […]

Scientific Facts Behind Dental Mercury & Other Environmental Toxicants You Need To Know

Next Story By Amanda Just and John Kall, DMD of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) via The World Mercury Project If everyone had the same reaction to environmental toxicants, these hazardous substances would probably be banned immediately. It would be obvious to everyone, as well as their doctors, that exposure to a specific toxic […]

Is There A Link Between Dental Amalgams And Wi-Fi EMFs?

By Catherine J. Frompovich One of the most unlikely and neurotoxic practices in public health and consumer healthcare modalities is the use of mercury in amalgam dental restorations, aka “silver fillings.”  The amount of mercury in dental amalgams is 50%!  When I was writing my 2009 book, Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking […]

Dental Surgeon Explains What Negative Emotions Could Do To Human Salivary Proteins & Teeth/Mouth

Next Story A number of scientists around the world are publishing studies, and examining what can happen to our biology when we experience physiological coherence, or heart coherence. Physiological coherence refers to the biological state the human body experiences when the heart and brain are well-coordinated, working in synchronicity,  and united by our positive emotional health, […]

Mercury in Dental Fillings Poisons Our Children

Mercury — a potent poison — is not safe for anyone, but it is especially dangerous for children, whose developing brains are very sensitive to the neurotoxic effects of mercury.  That is why it is never a good idea to implant an amalgam filling centimeters from your child’s brain. But as long as dentists use […]

Your Mouth Is A Window Into Your Health: Dental Industry Scams & How To Detox Your Mouth

So many of us who are interested in health completely disregard our teeth and our mouths. We forget that our bodies are a holistic and interconnected system, one that can only function optimally if everything is running smoothly. If your liver wasn’t working properly, it would affect your entire body. Well, the same could be said about […]

Why you must DEMAND made-in-the-USA dental crowns from your dentist

(Natural News) When we go to the dentist to repair or replace missing or cracked teeth, we usually don’t ask questions about what they put in our mouths. Because of this, tens of thousands of Americans could have dental fixtures in their mouths that contain toxic chemicals. These metal and ceramic inserts, bought on the […]

Occupy… the theater: French strikes protest benefit cuts for out-of-work entertainers

“No work without unemployment benefits,” read a banner on top of the theater, a focal point for the legendary 1968 student protests, as actors shouted slogans through megaphones. According to the existing system, which was initially adopted 80 years ago, creative workers – from stage technicians to actors – who perform contract work, are paid […]

Meddling with sovereign states’ internal affairs leads to chaos, power vacuums & terrorism – Lavrov

“Interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states, and attempts to force them to adopt problem-solving recipes based on some alien patterns seriously undermine the stability of the international system, sometimes leading to chaos, creating a vacuum that is quickly filled by extremists, terrorists, as we are witnessing in the Middle East and Northern Africa,” […]

Millions for GMO propaganda: the amount of money spent to keep you in the DARK will astound you

(NaturalNews) What is it about a requirement to label foods containing genetically modified ingredients that so scares the food industry that they would do anything to prevent that from happening? Why are Big Agriculture and biotech giants like Monsanto so hell-bent on keeping you in the dark about what’s in the food they […]

Feds try to suppress herbal molecule that makes your liver nearly ‘bulletproof’ against alcohol damage

About the author:Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is the founding editor of, the internet’s No. 1 natural health news website, now reaching 7 million unique readers a month. In late 2013, Adams launched the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, where he conducts atomic spectroscopy research into food contaminants using high-end ICP-MS […]

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