Posts Tagged ‘benefit’

The Great Replacement Loophole: Illegal Immigrants Score 5-Year Work Benefit While “Waiting” For Deporation, Asylum

Over the past several months we’ve pointed out that there has  been zero job creation for native-born workers since the summer of 2018… … and that since Joe Biden was sworn into office, most of the post-pandemic job gains the administration continuously brags about have gone foreign-born (read immigrants, mostly illegal ones) workers. And while […]

UK Government-Funded Study Found Virtually No Dental Benefit From Fluoridation

A new study using dental insurance records of 6.4 million adults in England found essentially no reduction in tooth decay for those living in fluoridated areas. This study “should be the last nail in the coffin of fluoridation” argue the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), who have continuously fought against the use of fluoride due to […]

CDC Drops a Bombshell on Itself, Exposes Alarming Risk/Benefit Analysis

Originally Published on Vigilant News Recently (Sept 12), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued new recommendations, advising “updated” COVID-19 vaccines for everyone aged six months and older. This announcement raised alarm bells, as the CDC’s guidance starkly contrasts with other countries like the UK, where Autumn booster vaccinations are recommended for those […]

The transition from a Jewish state to true democracy will benefit all

The transition from a Jewish state to a democratic state of all its citizens will benefit Jews by ending Zionism’s conflation of Jewishness with a racist settler-colonial project. Source

Republicans look to give themselves a pay raise after securing benefit cuts for the poor

Image Credit: Sarah Silbiger for The Washington Post via Getty Images After taking the global economy hostage to secure painful cuts to aid programs and other federal spending, House Republicans are proposing a pay raise for themselves and other members of Congress for the coming fiscal year. Roll Call reported Thursday that under spending legislation […]

Church Teaches White Pupils They Benefit From ‘The Systematic Oppression Of People Of Colour’

Pupils at Church of England schools are reportedly being taught that they benefit from white privilege, a report has found. Teachers from schools in the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich have been told to teach their pupils that they “benefit from the systematic oppression of People of Colour through racist policies and practice”. BYPASS […]

Right Wing Round-Up: A Benefit to Society

Tim Dickinson @ Rolling Stone: The Christian Nationalist Machine Turning Hate Into Law. David Badash @ The New Civil Rights Movement: Alaska GOP Lawmaker Says It’s a ‘Benefit to Society’ When ‘Child Abuse Is Fatal’ Because There’s a ‘Cost Savings.’ Justin Baragona @ The Daily Beast: Fully Unhinged ‘Dilbert’ Guy Tells White People to ‘Get […]


19 oct 2022 _______________________________ A unified pushback against the globalist agenda It’s finally here, the Global Walkout begins September 4th at 8pm London time and continue every weeks. Next step october 23th. One step at a time, hand in hand, we are walking out from the globalist society they are trying to enslave us into […]

Four sides benefit from unstable Iraq

TEHRAN- When the residents of Baghdad and Basra saw an all too familiar site last week, wiser heads prevailed and the scenes of violence in two of Iraq’s largest cities gave way to peace.  Everyone knows very well how insecurity can take center stage and then sweep across the nation. Over the past three decades […]

Morocco-Nigeria gas pipeline to benefit 340m people

Morocco has stated that the Moroccan-Nigerian gas pipeline project will positively affect more than 340 million people. This came during the symposium, A New Vision to Accelerate Production and Investment in the Context of Energy Transition, in the Senegalese capital, Dakar. “This huge project that passes through 13 countries will have a direct positive impact […]

Kamala Harris: Space Program to Benefit ‘All Mankind and Womankind’

Vice President Kamala Harris on Sunday told reporters before the NASA rocket launch was scrubbed due to engine problems that the United States space program is meant to benefit “all mankind and womankind.”

The USPS Underestimated the Benefit of Going Electric, Study Shows

Helen H. Richardson/MediaNews Group/The Denver Post via Getty Images / Contributor via Getty Moveable explores the future of transportation, infrastructure, energy, and cities. The United States Postal Service dramatically underestimated the benefits of an electric delivery fleet in its environmental review when it agreed to purchase nearly all gas-powered trucks, a peer-reviewed study by University […]

Pfizer’s Paxlovid COVID Pill Showed No Measurable Benefit in Adults 40 to 65: Study

A new study has found that Pfizer’s COVID-19 oral antiviral pill Paxlovid appears to provide little or no benefit for younger adults.

How British money goes to benefit the radical Jewish settlers driving Palestinians from their homes

Last year Israel’s efforts to expel Palestinians from their homes in eastern Jerusalem precipitated the war that Israel launched against Gaza that May. For the first time, armed Palestinian groups in Gaza intervened in Jerusalem to directly defend against Israeli aggression and ethnic cleansing in the city. Videos like the one below of Justin “Jacob” […]

Sweden Rejects COVID Vaccines For Kids 5-11, Says There Is No Clear Benefit That Outweighs Risks

Sweden Rejects COVID Vaccines For Kids 5-11, Says There Is No Clear Benefit That Outweighs Risks Sweden’s health authority said Thursday that it would not recommend COVID-19 vaccinations for all children aged five to 11, the country again choosing a different COVID-19 policy than much of Europe.The Scandinavian country, which controversially opted against any form […]

Rich elderly man with lots of life insurance (millions) for his family’s benefit dies from covid jab. Insurance company refused to pay out because the taking of experimental drugs, treatments

6 jan 2022, Rich elderly man with lots of life insurance (millions) for his family’s benefit dies from covid jab (not disputed by the doctors, nor his life insurers). Insurance company refused to pay out because the taking of experimental drugs, treatments, etc., is excluded from the policy. The family take the insurance company to […]

CDC Website Reveals Police Power Will be Used at Quarantine Stations for the “Benefit of Society”

Cambodia quarantine camp (satyobchod) The CDC stated on its website (last reviewed Sept. 2021) that to control the spread of disease within their borders, states have laws to enforce the use of isolation and quarantine. The law also includes the use of police power functions in their quarantine stations. “In addition to serving as medical functions, isolation and […]

Asparagus and how they can benefit your health

Asparagus officinalis belongs to a large genus of plants grown for ornamental purposes, though it’s is one of the few members of this family that’s cultivated for food.1 Since its domestication, asparagus has become a favorite for its sweet flavor and tender quality, which allows it to be prepared in various ways.2 You can steam, […]

How do cucumbers benefit your health?

Cucumber is the fourth most widely cultivated “vegetable” in the world,1 related to both the melon and squash families,2 technically making it a fruit because it contains seeds.3 With its mild, refreshing flavor that mixes well with other garden offerings, cucumbers are 96% water,4 but still manage to provide many valuable health benefits. Like many […]

Shiitake Mushrooms Proven to Benefit Dozens of Diseases

Shiitake Mushrooms Proven to Benefit Dozens of DiseasesPosted on November 11, 2021 By [url= research group]GreenMedInfo Research Group[/url]If you’re looking for a superfood to support your immune system health and act as an overall health tonic, shiitake mushrooms are a top choice. As a bonus, they impart a savory umami flavor to virtually any meal […]

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