Posts Tagged ‘defend’

Rabbi Friedman, owner of Pornhub, teaches attorneys how to defend pedophiles for shorter sentences


US Is Sending Reinforcements To ‘Defend Israel’

The United States said on Friday that it was sending reinforcements to the Middle East as fears grow that Iran could attck Israel in retaliation for an alleged Israeli strike on Tehran’s consulate in Syria. […] The post US Is Sending Reinforcements To ‘Defend Israel’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Axis of Resistance’s mission is to defend Palestine: IRGC’s Navy Cmd.

April 9, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen The commander of the IRGC’s Navy, Read Admiral Alireza Tangsiri. (Al Mayadeen Net) By Al Mayadeen English In an exclusive interview with Al Mayadeen, the Commander of the IRGC’s Navy, Alireza Tangsiri discusses Iran’s development as a world power, the efforts of the Axis of Resistance to champion and […]

Ex MI6 Chief Says Brits Must Be Prepared To Be Called Up To Defend Their Country

Brits should be prepared to be called up to fight for their country, according to former MI6 chief Sir Alex Younger. Younger said Britons had been ‘infantilised’ since the end of the Cold War and the Government should consider having the power to ‘compel’ people to serve. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered […]

France will Send its Army to Defend Ukraine against Russia Soon

    France is gearing up for potential international challenges, with its military prepared to engage in the “toughest engagements” to safeguard national interests, according to General Pierre Schill, Chief of Staff of the French Army. In an interview published on Tuesday, Schill emphasized France’s readiness to confront evolving global developments and underscored the nation’s […]

When The US Empire Dies, Be Prepared To Defend Your Perimeter & Street

In 1776 a handful of Americans kicked off a revolution to free American colonies from the British Crown. In 1783 a peace treaty ended the revolution. In 1789 a replacement constitution was signed into law. In 1861 the Marxist closet homosexual atheist manic depressive rabidly racist against blacks shyster railroad lawyer and war criminal puritan […]

Google’s Gemini AI caught creating fake book reviews to defend Big Tech

Google’s Gemini AI continues to make headlines for all the wrong reasons, with an author revealing that the tool created fake book reviews in order to defend the search giant. When author Peter Hasson asked the AI program questions about a book he wrote in 2020, The Manipulators: Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Big Tech’s War […]

Abbott insists on Texas’ right to defend itself amid federal injunction on state law that allows state authorities to deport illegals

(NaturalNews) Texas Gov. Greg Abbott remains committed to defending his state’s constitutional right to defend itself amid the federal government’s preliminary… Source

Google Gemini AI creates fake book reviews to defend Google

(NaturalNews) Google Gemini, the tech giant’s new AI chatbot aimed at competing with ChatGPT, generated a series of fabricated reviews—falsely attributing them… Source

Republican governors defend IVF after Alabama ruling

Republican governors defend IVF after Alabama ruling lead image Source

US and its politicians defend Israel’s occupation and civilian casualties in Gaza at International Court

As the international community awaits the ICJ’s verdict, the U.S. position underscores the complex diplomatic landscape surrounding the Israeli occupation and the search for a sustainable peace solution. Source

The U.S. federal government has abandoned its duty to defend states against INVASION

(NaturalNews) The clash between the U.S. federal government and the state of Texas over the border has stirred up a national debate about state’s rights, with… Source


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Cruz, Graham defend Trump’s ‘mental stability’ as Haley, Pelosi attack it

Cruz, Graham defend Trump’s ‘mental stability’ as Haley, Pelosi attack it lead image Source

Zionist Zombies are NOT Smart, Can NOT Defend their Evil Against an Intelligent Informed Human, They Can Only Censor

I made a reply on some Hazbara post trying to justify the Holocaust of the Indigenous Semitic Palestinian descendants of the Biblical Judians in Occupied Palestine. Something about how when a skunk contacted rabies it was no longer a skunk but only a soul-less animal host to a virus of death and how even as […]

Israel Prepares To Defend Itself Against Genocide Claims In First Hearing At The Hague

Israel’s cooperation is rare, signaling that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is concerned the charges risk ruining the country’s reputation. Source

Burgum pens op-ed to defend his continued candidacy

Republican presidential candidate and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum penned an op-ed published Thursday defending his continued candidacy. “I know what it’s like to be the underdog,” he wrote in the opinion piece that ran in The Jamestown Sun, a publication based out of North Dakota. Burgum said he wanted to run for president to… […]

Oct 24 – Israel “Has a Right to Defend Itself” by Slaughtering Civilians

A Palestinian man and his son, who were wounded in an Israeli strike, sit on the floor at Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, on October 23, 2023. (Reuters) Western leaders should be put on trial for war crimes. They support collective punishment which means that when the missiles fly, and millions of Westerners are killed, they […]

“Americans must remain vigilant and prepared to defend ourselves and our families…” Note the date! less than a month after IsraHell Holocausted 3,000 American in New York on 11 September 2001, this red Russian Khazarian Terrorist was reassuring the Non Semitic Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrels Illegally Occupying Palestine while Holocausting the Semitic Indigenous Palestinian people in the Semitic Indigenous Palestinian people’s own Ancscestrial home Land, to […]

The War On #OccupiedPalestine Rages On As NATO Ally Turkey Warns US Gov “We Will Defend Palestine”

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/8/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

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