Posts Tagged ‘objective’

Derrick Broze Interview – Objective/Nonpartisan Independent Media Platforms Are Under Attack

Joining me today is writer and lead investigator for The Last American Vagabond (TLAV), Derrick Broze, here to discuss the recent surge in the ongoing attacks against TLAV and how these largely financial attacks have had a trickle down effect on all platforms connected to TLAV, demonstrating why this ecosystem we have built and others […]

Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting “A False Flag”? They Let it Happen? Their Objective Is “to Wipe Gaza Off the Map”?

By Philip Giraldi and Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, October 15, 2023 Region: Middle East & North Africa Theme: Crimes against Humanity, Intelligence In-depth Report: PALESTINE To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely […]

What is the Real Target/Objective of US Offence Policy in Europe?

The propaganda machine in the US is fueled by the ignorance of the American public, who still believe, with hand on heart, that the US government is on their side and motivated by altruism. However, the rest of the world is not so naïve, as more and more countries are waking up to the fallout […]

What is the Real Target/Objective of US Offence Policy in Europe?

The propaganda machine in the US is fueled by the ignorance of the American public, who still believe, with hand on heart, that the US government is on their side and motivated by altruism. However, the rest of the world is not so naïve, as more and more countries are waking up to the fallout […]

What is the Real Target/Objective of US Offence Policy in Europe?

The propaganda machine in the US is fueled by the ignorance of the American public, who still believe, with hand on heart, that the US government is on their side and motivated by altruism. However, the rest of the world is not so naïve, as more and more countries are waking up to the fallout […]

What is the Real Target/Objective of US Offence Policy in Europe?

The propaganda machine in the US is fueled by the ignorance of the American public, who still believe, with hand on heart, that the US government is on their side and motivated by altruism. However, the rest of the world is not so naïve, as more and more countries are waking up to the fallout […]

What is the Real Target/Objective of US Offence Policy in Europe?

The propaganda machine in the US is fueled by the ignorance of the American public, who still believe, with hand on heart, that the US government is on their side and motivated by altruism. However, the rest of the world is not so naïve, as more and more countries are waking up to the fallout […]

Garland Nixon Interview – Rise Of New Media & The Fight For Objective Journalism

Joining me today is independent journalist Garland Nixon, here to discuss a multitude of topics from Ukraine to COVID-19, as well as the ongoing suppression of anyone challenging the official narrative.. of any topic.  ( ( ( Video Source Links (In Chronological Order):   Bitcoin Donations Are Appreciated: (3FSozj9gQ1UniHvEiRmkPnXzHSVMc68U9f) […]

The Duran Interview – How PayPal Is Systematically Attacking Objective Journalism

Joining me today is The Duran – Alex Christoforou & Alexander Mercouris – here to discus their recent censorship on the PayPal platform. As many of you know, TLAV was also recently “Suspended Indefinitely” due to alleged “violations of the user agreement”. The Duran has now become the newest addition to what seems to be […]

The Objective Need to Find an Alternative to the Suez Canal is Obvious to All

Given the apparent congestion of the Suez Canal and the continuing objective threats of new accidents on this transport route, as well as on the sections associated with it, the question of finding an alternative to this route has become very acute. Ships have continually run aground here ever since the Suez Canal was opened. […]

Trump And DeJoy’s Main Objective: Incapacitate The US Postal Service

What we need now is to see a plethora of other states joining in these lawsuits that are charging Trump and DeJoy with deliberate voter suppression. NOTE: We remind our readers that the Democrats are also responsible for the demise of the US Postal Service. They could have repealed the 2006 law that requires it […]

Trump And DeJoy’s Main Objective: Incapacitate The US Postal Service

What we need now is to see a plethora of other states joining in these lawsuits that are charging Trump and DeJoy with deliberate voter suppression. NOTE: We remind our readers that the Democrats are also responsible for the demise of the US Postal Service. They could have repealed the 2006 law that requires it […]

Trump And DeJoy’s Main Objective: Incapacitate The US Postal Service

What we need now is to see a plethora of other states joining in these lawsuits that are charging Trump and DeJoy with deliberate voter suppression. NOTE: We remind our readers that the Democrats are also responsible for the demise of the US Postal Service. They could have repealed the 2006 law that requires it […]

Trump And DeJoy’s Main Objective: Incapacitate The US Postal Service

What we need now is to see a plethora of other states joining in these lawsuits that are charging Trump and DeJoy with deliberate voter suppression. NOTE: We remind our readers that the Democrats are also responsible for the demise of the US Postal Service. They could have repealed the 2006 law that requires it […]

Trump And DeJoy’s Main Objective: Incapacitate The US Postal Service

What we need now is to see a plethora of other states joining in these lawsuits that are charging Trump and DeJoy with deliberate voter suppression. NOTE: We remind our readers that the Democrats are also responsible for the demise of the US Postal Service. They could have repealed the 2006 law that requires it […]

Trump And DeJoy’s Main Objective: Incapacitate The US Postal Service

What we need now is to see a plethora of other states joining in these lawsuits that are charging Trump and DeJoy with deliberate voter suppression. NOTE: We remind our readers that the Democrats are also responsible for the demise of the US Postal Service. They could have repealed the 2006 law that requires it […]

Trump and DeJoy’s main objective: To incapacitate the US Postal Service

Why in the world would anyone want to do great harm to one of America’s oldest and most revered institutions, the USPS? Why? It’s the upcoming presidential election, stupid! Talk about a massive dilemma by which our democracy may very well be destroyed! Americans have watched as Louis DeJoy, the newly appointed Postmaster General testified […]

Trump and DeJoy’s main objective: To incapacitate the US Postal Service

Why in the world would anyone want to do great harm to one of America’s oldest and most revered institutions, the USPS? Why? It’s the upcoming presidential election, stupid! Talk about a massive dilemma by which our democracy may very well be destroyed! Americans have watched as Louis DeJoy, the newly appointed Postmaster General testified […]

Science is objective—but are all scientists objective?

There is science—and then there is scientific vested interests. With a denier of science in The White House—whether it has to do with the climate crisis or Covid-19 and so on—there is a major push, including by Democratic officials, for making science the basis for governmental decision-making. That’s completely understandable. But what about the push […]

Video: Scarborough Admits There Is No ‘Objective Evidence’ For Trump Mental Claims

Video: Scarborough Admits There Is No ‘Objective Evidence’ For Trump Mental Claims American Psychiatric Association warns against “Arm-chair psychiatry” Steve WatsonPrison January 10, 2018 After months of claiming on live broadcasts that President Trump is likely mentally unstable and ill, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough brazenly admitted that there is no actual evidence for the claims […]

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