Posts Tagged ‘annihilation’

TOTAL ANNIHILATION: U.S. president only has 6 minutes to decide whether to unleash Armageddon

TOTAL ANNIHILATION: U.S. president only has 6 minutes to decide whether to unleash Armageddon An expert has issued a chilling warning about the looming specter of nuclear war, asserting that regardless of its origin, the catastrophic outcome remains the same: total annihilation. Annie Jacobsen, renowned for her insightful books on America’s military, including explorations of […]

Israel Presents Plan For Annexation And Complete Annihilation Of Palestinian Sovereignty

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has presented his first post-war plan for the Palestinian occupied territories, following pressure from the Biden administration to prepare for the Gaza-Israel war’s day after. In what represents a clear challenge to their US allies, the Israeli proposal suggests full control of the West Bank and partial control inside the […]

Nov 17 – Satanists Plot Our Annihilation

(From Stew Peter’s Twitter – “It’s happening.”) Please send links and comments to [email protected] This viral short video by anti NWO activist Laura Aboli summarizes our predicament.   “Aboli says the transhumanist goal is to get us to question the most fundamental distinction of human identity: our gender. “Alexander Solzhenitsyn, points out that the end goal […]

Greta Thunberg Calls For ‘Annihilation of the West’ To ‘Save the World’

Greta Thunberg was a 16-year-old schoolgirl in Sweden when she was promoted by global superstardom by the globalist elite and their PR department, the mainstream media. Hysteria around Thunberg was off the charts. Time magazine […] The post Greta Thunberg Calls For ‘Annihilation of the West’ To ‘Save the World’ appeared first on News Punch. […]

Amazonomachy – Annihilation Of The Amazons

It was love at first sight when Achilles locked eyes with the famed Amazon warrior queen, Penthesilea. Romance, however, was the last thing on his mind. Alas, poor Penthesilea—Achilles would realize his love for her only after driving a bronze spearhead into her chest.  Read more Section:  News Premium Read Later 

Without ‘Annihilation of Caste’, It is Not Possible to Establish an Egalitarian Society in India

Image courtesy: The Statesman “Inequality is the soul of Hinduism”. And that is why he finally came to conclusion that, “I was born a Hindu, but will not die a Hindu” (Dr.  BR. Ambedkar) “Until 1990, Ambedkar was untouchable to all mainstream political parties’’ (Prof. Kancha Ilaiah) On the auspicious occasion of the 130th birth […]

State And Annihilation Of Caste

    Indian state is part of Indian society and Indian society is built on caste based social order. That way state or the government can do very little to destroy the caste system because as the state is built on the caste and the caste society is controlled by the top castes – the state […]

Critical Race Theory Could Lead Humanity To Annihilation

Vitamin Mineral Fusion Limited Advanced Release 59.95 53.95 Selling Out Fast! Start giving your body the essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other beneficial compounds that it needs for optimum health.* Bodease 59.95 53.95 Selling Out Fast! This is the ultimate turmeric and inflammatory support product on the market. […]

Taking the World to the Brink of Annihilation

By Rick Sterling Western neoconservatives and hawks are driving the international situation to increasing tension and danger. Not content with the destruction of Iraq and Libya based on false claims, they are now pressing for a direct US attack on Syria. As a dangerous prelude, Israeli jets flying over Lebanese airspace fired missiles against the T4/Tiyas Airbase […]

Chemical Weapons Redux: Taking the World to the Brink of Annihilation

Western neoconservatives and hawks are driving the international situation to increase tension and danger. Not content with the destruction of Iraq and Libya based on false claims, they are now pressing for a direct U.S. attack on Syria. As a dangerous prelude, Israeli jets flying over Lebanese airspace fired missiles against the T4/Tiyas Airbase west of […]

Untold Tales: The World’s Largest Armies – Paying for your Annihilation

Sencha MacRae of Untold Tales takes a look at the list of the world’s largest armies and came to some startling, if obvious, conclusions. Download Source Article from

Nuclear Annihilation and the Wisdom of Mass Salvation

Incoming! Incoming! Uh. .. pardon me while I interrupt this false alarm to quote Martin Luther King: “Science investigates,” he says in The Strength To Love, “religion interprets. Science gives man knowledge, which is power; religion gives man wisdom, which is control. Science deals mainly with facts; religion deals mainly with values. The … Continue […]

IRGC Commander: Any new war ends in Israel’s annihilation

FNA- Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari underlined that any new war in the region will lead to the annihilation of the Zionist regime. “It is a proven claim that today we say any new war will lead to the eradication of the Zionist regime. They have seen […]

Envoy: Iran to stand beside Iraq until annihilation of all terrorists

FNA- Iranian Ambassador to Baghdad Iraj Masjedi underlined that his country will support Iraq in the anti-terrorism campaign until all Takfiri groups leave the Arab state. “The Islamic Republic of Iran will stand beside the Iraqi nation until withdrawal of the last Takfiri (terrorist) and the Iraqi territories’ cleansing of the terrorist grouplets,” Masjedi was […]

Climate Change As Genocide; Inaction Equals Annihilation

Above photo: A girl stands amid the graves of 70 children on the outskirts of Dadaab. The long desert journey to the relief camps has claimed many lives. From Wikipedia. There are the terrorists, who get attention out of all proportion to their actual clout, and then there are those with big-time clout — I think of them […]

Iran eyes first new oil deal signed in 3 months: Official

  TEHRAN, July 10 (Shana) – Deputy Petroleum Minister for International Affairs and Trading Amir Hossein Zamaninia said Iran is likely to see signature of its first oil contract designed in a new framework within the next three months. Addressing an international conference here in Tehran on Sunday, the official said Iran has priorities development […]

Battle of Sacramento: The First Major Battle of the Race War Ended in a Decisive Victory for Whites

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 27, 2016 Yesterday’s war at the Sacramento Capital – now being dubbed “The Battle of Sacramento” – was the first major battle of the dawning race war in America. And it was a decisive victory for the forces of good. Matthew Heimbach’s Traditionalist Workers Party and the Golden State Skinheads had […]

‘Iran’s IMIDRO, German Aurubis to tap joint potentials’

The Islamic Republic of Iran and Germany’s Aurubis AG are set to look into ways of cooperating in the area of copper industry. Mehdi Karbassian, director of Iran’s Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation (IMIDRO), a major state-owned holding company active in the mining sector, has announced a plan by a team of Germany’s […]

Yemeni tribes to unite against Saudi Arabia

     Yemeni tribes from across the country have called for mobilization against Saudi Arabia’s deadly war on the Arab world’s poorest nation, Press TV reports. Men of Hamdan, one of Yemen’s most powerful tribes, rallied to the north of the capital, Sana’a, vowing to provide support in the form of potential mobilization for the country’s […]

The World As We Know It Has Changed & There Is No Going Back To What We Were

Michael Forrester, Prevent DiseaseWaking Times Just over four years ago, we passed a portal to the unknown. A place where human consciousness has never been. There were doubters and skeptics regarding the process of ascension, but it is here…it is now and there is no going back. The new energy is all-encompassing, pervasive and undeniable, […]

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