Posts Tagged ‘armies’

NATO Issues Extreme Alert: War with Russia is Inevitable, PREPARE Your Armies Immediately

Jacek Siewiera, the head of Poland’s National Security Bureau (BBN), warns there is a critical need for eastern NATO countries to prepare for potential confrontations with Russia within the next three years, citing a more imminent threat than previously estimated. In an interview with the Catholic newspaper Nasz Dziennik, Siewiera said the urgency for eastern […]

Shadow Armies Are Waging an Invisible War on Us All

The Global Information Battlefield and the Censorship Machine The world of psychological operations and information warfare is complex and often controversial. Our investigation explores the role of the United States government in this sphere, its partnerships with private enterprises and academia, and the emergence of a new Department of Defense (DOD) doctrine that views the […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: A Strike Force of Angel Armies

Mark Mecker refuses to believe any of the allegations against Russell Brand, Matt Schlapp, Tim Ballard, or James O’Keefe. Tim Sheets reports that God has launched a “strike force of angel armies” around the world that will soon lead to an explosion of miracles and prophetic events. Scott Lively seems to be worried that former […]

America Terrorist, Lincoln’s Armies In the South

No longer carried at Amazon, Barnes and Nobel Books. Out of stock most everywhere else. Out of Stock at the Sons of Confederate Veteran’s organization’s site. That may be by choice. Many members of the SCV organization are pussyfied reconstructed pacified lovers of the yankee and the flag which flew over the gang rapes till […]

Operation Gladio: How NATO ran secret Nazi terror armies

Illustration by Ben Norton. Almost a year ago I started publishing a series of articles about Gladio, a clandestine network of terrorist armies across Europe which were dominated by Nazis and fascists and which was run by NATO to undermine the left. This post collects together all three parts of that series, as well as […]

NATO’s secret Nazi armies

Italian special forces in training. NATO’s Operation Gladio was responsible for untold suffering over decades. (BBC) Last month NATO’s Twitter account posted a photo of a Ukrainian soldier and saluted her “bravery and resilience.” But as many online commentators quickly noticed, the soldier’s body armour bore the mark of the Black Sun — a Nazi […]

Women in the Armies of the East

Whether a woman can be a soldier or her primary purpose is to care for children and provide comfort at home when their men are at war is still a contentious issue in many countries. Female warriors in the image of heroines of Greek mythology have long been an exception to the rule. Still, today, […]

A Strengthening Brotherhood between the Armies of China and Russia

In the northern regions of China, the joint military exercises of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Armed Forces called West Interaction-2021 has started. About 13,000 servicemen and more than 400 pieces of military equipment are involved. The peculiarity of these military exercises is not just their […]

The Third Siege of Rome: Byzantine Armies Battle the Ostrogoths

The Third Siege of Rome occurred in 549-550 AD and was fought between the Byzantine Empire and the Ostrogoths. The former was in control of the city, whilst the latter tried to seize the city. The Third Siege of Rome was part of the Gothic War, a conflict between the Byzantines and Ostrogoths that lasted […]

The ICC Wants to Place Israel on Par With Terrorist Armies

Palestinian children compelled to participate in a Hamas military parade. Photo: Twitter. The decision by the International Criminal Court (ICC)’s Pre-Trial Chamber on February 5, stating that the court has jurisdiction to investigate suspected war crimes in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem, represents a milestone in the politicization of international law. […]

The ICC’s attempt to place Israel on par with terror armies

April 9, 2021 by Yaakov Lappin – Read on for article The International Criminal Court’s Feb. 5 decision that it has jurisdiction to investigate alleged war crimes in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem represents a milestone in the politicization of international law. The judges and guests of the International Criminal […]

Armies of lawyers on standby if cloudy US election outcome heads to court

WASHINGTON (AP) — Signature matches. Late-arriving absentee votes. Drop boxes. Secrecy envelopes. Democratic and Republican lawyers already have gone to court over these issues in the run-up to Tuesday’s election. But the legal fights could take on new urgency, not to mention added vitriol, if a narrow margin in a battleground state is the difference […]

Untold Tales: The World’s Largest Armies – Paying for your Annihilation

Sencha MacRae of Untold Tales takes a look at the list of the world’s largest armies and came to some startling, if obvious, conclusions. Download Source Article from

Health Ranger: EPA, FDA building their own private armies with body armor and military weapons

(Natural News) Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams said in a recent podcast that two government agencies that shouldn’t be — the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration —  are now arming up with military-style equipment such as body armor, spending tens of millions of dollars on such gear over the last few […]

“Computational Propaganda”: Armies of Cyber-Troops Manipulating Public Opinion.

NATO’s Stay-Behind Networks. The Truth Regarding NATO’s “Secret Armies”

Video: Fierce Fighting in Aleppo. Syria Government Seeks Encircling Terrorist Forces. Islamic State (ISIS) Shoots Down Syrian Government Mi-24 Gunship Helicopter

Yahoo Finance Editor-In-Chief Is Sad: "We’re Suffering The Consequences Of Too Much Democracy"

The Brexit has laid bare the political schism of our time. It’s not about the left vs. the right; it’s about the sane vs. the mindlessly angry… The Guardian’s David Van Reybrouck appears willing to take the fight for elite survival even further…proclaiming “our voting system worked well for decades, but now […]

Photos: Cherry harvest in Ardabil

The Iran deal at one year: Reality vs. the promises To mark the first anniversary of President Obama’s deal with Iran, the folks at the Foreign Policy Initiative have just published a… Source Article from

BREAKING: Top General EXPOSES Obama For Ordering Death Of Marines KILLED In Chopper Crash

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – Obama has gutted our military in numerous ways including MAJOR budget cuts. Unfortunately, these cuts (to pay for illegal aliens, welfare and of course sending BILLIONS of dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran) have serious consequences. And now, the commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. Robert Neller, has come out […]

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