Posts Tagged ‘invisible’

The Invisible Court’s Verdict: You Are Hereby Exiled To Digital Siberia

The Invisible Court’s Verdict: You Are Hereby Exiled To Digital Siberia Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, As in the Gulag it replicates, the innocent are swept up with the guilty in a disconcertingly unjust ratio. The human mind is not particularly well-adapted to polycrisis: we struggle to adapt to the drought, then the […]

Shadow Armies Are Waging an Invisible War on Us All

The Global Information Battlefield and the Censorship Machine The world of psychological operations and information warfare is complex and often controversial. Our investigation explores the role of the United States government in this sphere, its partnerships with private enterprises and academia, and the emergence of a new Department of Defense (DOD) doctrine that views the […]


Oct 3 2023 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to stay silent on account of self-preservation is over. The weight of what you know vs. a license, a job, etc., […]

Is Google Rigging The 2024 Election? The Controversy Over Invisible Republicans

A new report from the right-leaning Media Research Center concludes that Google is burying search results for 2024 presidential candidates, but an expert in search engine optimization has suggested it’s unlikely. According to various tests conducted by MRC and Just the News, the online visibility of these sites in generic searches for the GOP’s 2024 bench […]

‘Invisible’ Asteroids Could Strike Earth At Any Time

Scientists have warned that an ‘unknown number’ of space rocks could be heading for Earth, but they may be invisible to us as they are hidden in the glare of the sun Thanks to our […] The post ‘Invisible’ Asteroids Could Strike Earth At Any Time appeared first on News Punch. Source

FBI Says The Documents In Trump’s Possession Were So Classified They Were Printed With Invisible Ink On Invisible Paper

WASHINGTON, DC — Officials from the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation were forced to defend themselves today as news came out that many of the file folders confiscated in the raid of former President Donald Trump’s residence at Mar-A-Lago were empty. “There’s an easy explanation for all of this,” said FBI […]

FBI Says The Documents In Trump’s Possession Were So Classified They Were Printed With Invisible Ink On Invisible Paper

WASHINGTON, DC — Officials from the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation were forced to defend themselves today as news came out that many of the file folders confiscated in the raid of former President Donald Trump’s residence at Mar-A-Lago were empty. “There’s an easy explanation for all of this,” said FBI […]

“Invisible” Launches and a Possible Nuclear Test: a Point of No Return is One Step Closer

There is a steady flow of allegations from South Korean and Western experts that the DPRK may conduct a new nuclear test in the very near future. On April 28, 2022, speaking at a forum on “North Korea’s Army in the First Half of 2022”, Lee Sang-min, a researcher at the Korea Institute for Defense […]

Legend of The Lost City of Caesars, The Invisible Land of Patagonia

The City of Caesars, otherwise known as the Wandering City, is a legendary land that is said to have existed in Patagonia, in between present-day Chile and Argentina. According to historical accounts Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Americas Unexplained Phenomena Read Later  Source

Here come the tattoo marks – Scientists want to stamp children with invisible ink to prove they’ve been vaccinated

Here come the tattoo marks – Scientists want to stamp children with invisible ink to prove they’ve been vaccinated Date: November 17, 2021Author: Nwo Report   Source:(Natural News) Just a few months before the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) was publicly announced, scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) announced the completion of a Mark of […]


‘The police and the army refuse to control the health pass in the name of “freedom and human dignity”. They will join a large demonstration against compulsory confinement on November 20, 2021 in Vienna. ‘Just days after Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg decided to confine unvaccinated people, politicians and unions, call for a vast uprising against […]

The Disabled : The Invisible among us

A few days ago, I happened to visit an ATM to withdraw some cash. The ATM was located in a busy marketplace and in a narrow space between two shops. The machine had to be reached by climbing a short flight of steps. At the glass fronted entrance there was a notice which referred to […]

What about the invisible victims of the Hancock affair? 

Whitehall is still reverberating from the Hancock affair. It was not the first, and it certainly will not be the last time that a politician gets caught out publicly. History is replete with examples of extra-marital affairs at the heart of the British political establishment, from the highest office in the land to the lowest. […]

The Coronavirus as “Adrashya dushman” — an invisible enemy?

Speaking to farmers on May 14, 2021 Prime Minister Modi called the corona virus, an ‘adrashya dushman”, meaning an invisible enemy. He continued with the war symbolism when he added that preparations are being undertaken on war footing to confront the virus and that the three services — air force, navy and army are fully […]

Invisible Blue: The Color That Ancient People Could Not See

We have all been told to be ‘careful what we wish for’ or that we ‘only see what we look for’ and maybe some of you have had past partners who claimed that you ‘took them for granted and made them invisible’. The most conservative of us might deem these types of phrases as subjective […]

Are We Watching the Trial of Trump or the Invisible Hand of the Koch Machine?

Charles Koch, Chairman and CEO of Koch Industries The shadowy escalations of Koch money and power in U.S. politics over the past four decades has far outpaced mainstream media’s ability to quantify it to the public. The media deludes itself that it is dealing with the problem by talking about the symptoms of corporate and billionaire money […]

Invisible Blockade: the Media Is Silent on the Palestinian Authority’s Gaza Sanctions

Hamas members wear protective gear as a precaution against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), at the Rafah border crossing in the southern Gaza Strip, April 13, 2020. Photo: Reuters / Ibraheem Abu Mustafa. Ever since Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas issued a decree for parliamentary and presidential elections to be held for the first time […]

Adam Smith’s invisible hand is at our throats

The invisible hand As everyone knows, Adam Smith invented the theory that individual self-interest is, and ought to be, the main motivating force of human economic activity, and that this, in effect, serves the wider social interest. He put forward a detailed description of this concept in an immense book, “The Wealth of Nations” (1776).  […]

The Invisible History of Military Camouflage

For at least 150,000 years, if not much longer, small groups of human hunters adorned themselves with the skins, horns and oils of the beasts they tracked to better conceal their presence and to delude their prey. Over time ancient tactics of concealment were adopted in the arts of warfare, and so emerged camouflage, in […]

The Invisible Student: A Tale of Homelessness at UCLA and USC

Last year, Kaitlin* was an energetic undergraduate at the University of Southern California (USC). With a double major in business and international relations, she’s intelligent, engaging and intuitive. In fact, Kaitlin looked like many other young women at USC, with a stack of books in her backpack, a youthful energy that’s as much a testament […]

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