Posts Tagged ‘authority’

The Collapse Of The Palestinian Authority Government And A US-Israeli Plot For Gaza

As the Palestinian Authority (PA) based in the West Bank has witnessed the collapse of its government, policy makers in Washington and Tel Aviv have been plotting the execution of a plan to impose a governing force on the people of the Gaza Strip. Instead of seeking a democratic and economic solution to the crisis […]

A Simple Remedy for Farmers to Remove Themselves from Local Authority Jurisdiction

Michael O’Bernicia joins Richard Vobes to discuss a simple remedy for farmers and way to stop the interference from government to private people. Apologies for the annoying echo on the recording. Click Link Below: Source

Trump Seeks Dismissal Of Mar-a-Lago Case, Says Jack Smith Lacks Authority

Authored by Caden Pearson via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Former President Donald Trump filed several motions to dismiss a classified documents case being pursued against him in Florida on Thursday, arguing that, amongst other things, special counsel Jack Smith “lacks the authority” to prosecute the case. Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during a […]

Authority Isn’t What It Used to Be

When one frames the current developments in the world – which may be framed in several ways – according to the question, whether the gradual waning of authority in the course of time, particularly since the end of the Second World War, could cast light on the present crisis, the answer may surprise some.  Think […]

The Palestinian Authority’s role has become to delegitimize Palestinian resistance

The PA has allowed itself to become a tool for delegitimizing armed Palestinian resistance, surpassing the bounds of security coordination with Israel. It is now a direct collaborator amid the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza. Source

Netanyahu Opposes Biden: No Way Palestinian Authority Runs Gaza Again

JERUSALEM, Israel — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu repeated his opposition Saturday night to a proposal by U.S. President Joe Biden to restore control of Gaza to the Palestinian Authority (PA) once Hamas is removed from power and destroyed. On Saturday, Biden published an op-ed in the Washington Post in which he supported Israel, though once again […]

Palestinian Authority Wants to Rule Gaza After Hamas Gone; Blinken Won’t Commit

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken met Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah on Sunday for a previously unannounced meeting that ended by posing more questions than it answered about the Gaza Strip’s future. Source

UN General Assembly head approves declaration to form a global pandemic authority with lockdown enforcement powers

(NaturalNews) Dennis Francis, president of the UN General Assembly (UNGA), has ignored the objections of 11 countries and approved the UN declaration on Pandemic… Source

‘To be sovereign is to have ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY over our own bodies’

16 sept 2023 Neil Oliver shares his thoughts on sovereignty and the state following the passing of a 19-year-old who fought the healthcare system to remain on life-saving treatment. Friendly link of the video : _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over A unified […]

Sudan’s RSF threatens to set up authority with Khartoum as capital

The head of Sudan’s main paramilitary group yesterday threatened to set up a governing authority in areas his forces control if his enemies in the army form a government, Reuters reports. Rapid Support Forces (RSF) commander Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo has been fighting the army for almost five months in a conflict that has wrecked the country and triggered a humanitarian […]

Raeisi: Iran has authority on released funds, spends ‘wherever’ it needs

Tuesday, 12 September 2023 6:30 PM  [ Last Update: Tuesday, 12 September 2023 7:00 PM ] President Ebrahim Raeisi has underscored Iran’s full authority on its recently-released assets, saying it is the Islamic Republic that decides how to spend the funds and that the money will be spent “wherever we need it.” Raeisi made the remarks in an exclusive […]

How the Palestinian Authority is part of the Israeli occupation

On my most recent appearance on Chris Williamson and David Miller’s excellent show Palestine Declassified, I discussed two of my recent articles about the Palestinian Authority. In the show, we started off talking about my report about how Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently told his private security cabinet that they intend to financially prop […]

One Million Lives Later, FDA Admits it Had No Authority to Stop Doctors From Using Ivermectin to Cure COVID

Recall doctors were being fired for healing their patients of COVID with this Nobel Prize winning drug with one of the best safety records in the world. Nevertheless the CDC and FDA fraudulently implied that Ivermectin was only livestock dewormer. Also recall that the COVID mRNA injections could not be approved for Emergency Use Authorization […]

Israel’s Attack On Jenin Failed, So Tel Aviv Uses The Palestinian Authority To Do Its Dirty Work

This Monday, Palestinians across various cities inside the occupied West Bank took to the streets in protest of the Palestinian Authority’s arrest campaign of resistance fighters wanted by the Israeli military. In the wake of Israel’s failed invasion of Jenin, which fell short of dealing a blow to the newly formed armed groups in the […]

Palestinian Authority “does our job for us” says Netanyahu

Originally published by The Electronic Intifada, 4 July. The aftermath of a Palestinian protest against the Palestinian Authority’s repression of Palestinian resistance in Nablus, September 2022. (Shadi Jarar’ah/APA images) “We need the Palestinian Authority,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says. “We cannot allow it to collapse.” Israeli press outlets reported last week that Netanyahu told […]

As Israeli Settler Terrorism Rises, The Palestinian Authority Nears Collapse

The latest string of settler terrorist acts against Palestinian communities, coupled with the advancements shown by the West Bank resistance forces, is leading towards a dramatic escalation inside of the occupied territory. As the current Palestinian political scene remains divided, with no sign of national elections in sight, the hunger for a unified leadership is […]

Why I Don’t Get All Hot & Bothered About Articles Screaming the UN or the WHO Is Being Given “authority” to Dictate Policy in the USA

“1:The USA is a Corporation, not a country, not a nation. #2:I am a Texican. #3:The political whores, Israhell Firsters, Mexico Firsters, yankee carpetbaggers and scalawags holding forth in Sodom & Gomorrah on the Colorado Are not Texicans, and the sub corporation of the USA Corporation, ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS’ is not, and can never […]

Ron Armstrong: The WHO wants MORE AUTHORITY in all future pandemics

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Ron Armstrong of the American Sovereignty Coalition (ASC) pointed out that the globalist World Health Organization (WHO) wants more authority in all future pandemics.”The WHO has been meeting behind closed doors for the last two months,” he told Kristen Meghan during a May 8 appearance on her “Vets & Visionaries” … [Read […]

‘Ocean Is at Stake’ at International Seabed Authority Negotiations Over Deep-Sea Mining

‘Ocean Is at Stake’ at International Seabed Authority Negotiations Over Deep-Sea Mining  Indigenous activists offer alternative vision for ocean. By: Olivia Rosane Updated: March 29, 2023  Edited by Irma Omerhodzic The 28th Session of the International Seabed Authority stared March 16 with world delegates gathering in Kingston, Jamaica less than two weeks after the Global […]

Aviation Authority Investigating Boston Airport ‘Close Call’ Incident

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is investigating a “close call” between a JetBlue and Learjet flight that occurred at the Boston Logan International Airport, Massachusetts, on Feb. 27. The incident occurred before 7 p.m. Eastern time. According to the FAA’s preliminary review, an air traffic controller had asked the pilot of the Learjet 60 […]

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