Posts Tagged ‘authority’

The Palestinian Authority is a figleaf for Israeli apartheid. Disband it.

At this point in history, the Palestinian Authority serves only to empower the two-state ruse until Zionism has achieved its singular, century-old goal: a race state in all of historic Palestine. Source

Biden To Sign Accord Giving WHO Authority to Control US Response to Pandemics

Joe Biden is set to sign global health treaty that will erode US sovereignty by giving the World Health Organization the authority to control how the U.S. responds to pandemics. In the name of preventing and fighting pandemics, the Biden administration and international entities are negotiating an agreement with the WHO that would establish a […]

Biden Admin Negotiates Deal to Give WHO Authority Over US Pandemic Policies

New international health accord avoids necessary Senate approval A logo is pictured outside a building of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland. (Denis Balibouse/Reuters) By Kevin Stocklin February 18, 2023 Updated: February 20, 2023 News Analysis The Biden administration is preparing to sign up the United States to a “legally binding” accord with the […]

CDC’s New Quarantine Authority Does Not Require An Emergency, Nord Stream False Flag & Masks, Again

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/10/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Israel Sanctions The Palestinian Authority And Risks War In West Bank

After the Palestinian Authority (PA), which governs small pockets of the West Bank, decided to seek a legal opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Israel’s conduct in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), Tel Aviv has retaliated by sanctioning them. PA Prime Minister, Mohammad Shtayyeh, warns these sanctions could lead to the PA’s […]

An extremist Zionist government is facing a weak Palestinian Authority

Benjamin Netanyahu has returned to power in Israel with his sixth government to be approved by the Knesset. It cements his position as the most extreme, right-wing Israeli prime minister ever. This was always to be expected, given that his father, the right-wing Zionist historian Benzion Netanyahu, was even opposed to the policies of terrorist […]

Will coalition supporting legitimacy disintegrate into bilateral agreements with a weak authority?

The past week has witnessed remarkable developments on the Yemeni scene, the most prominent of which was the signing of a surprising agreement for military and security cooperation and combating terrorism, between the UAE and Yemen, on the side-lines of a visit by the Minister of Defence, Lieutenant General Mohsen Al-Daari, and the Minister of […]

The coming collapse of the Palestinian Authority

Alaa Daraghme @AlaaDaraghme Ongoing clashes in Nablus: Palestinians hurl stones at the PA security forces vehicle in Nablus and the forces launched stun grenades at them and arrest some of them. 1:29 PM ∙ Sep 20, 2022 209Likes143Retweets There was a day-long series of confrontations in Nablus last month as rock-hurling Palestinians protested an armed […]

Did Victoria’s CHO Brett Sutton have the authority to act on an alleged health incident?

Victoria, Australia was known as the most draconian place on planet Earth when it came to restrictions, with zero real gain against an alleged disease. Today, according to government figures, it’s those who have been double or triple stabbed that are causing the high case numbers, where it’s literally a pandemic of the ‘vaccinated’. In […]

Palestinian Authority Does Israel’s Dirty Work, One Killed In Clashes

Last Monday night, in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus, the Palestinian Authority (PA) arrested two resistance fighters and then clashed with demonstrators, leaving a 53 year old man dead. The PA’s crack down has sparked civil disobedience and threats of escalation. Two Palestinian resistance fighters, Musab Shtayyeh and Ameed Tabila, were arrested last […]

The Palestinian Authority Faces Two Options; Fight Israel or Fight Palestinians

23 Sep 23:47 Source: Al Mayadeen English Robert Inlakesh  The recent arrests came as a shock to Nablus locals, who took to the streets in order to protest the decision of the PA to target the Palestinian resistance. Violent clashes between Palestinian demonstrators and the Palestinian Authority (PA)’s security forces, this Monday, resulted in the […]

New York City Housing Authority Randomly Sends Tenant’s Private Financial Data to Reporter

NEW YORK, NY – FEBRUARY 15: Public housing residents and their supporters rally to demand New York City Housing Authority conditions be improved, outside of City Hall, February 15, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images On a Wednesday afternoon in April, according to a report from The City, during a routine […]

CPEC Authority disbanded with infighting and controversy: “Ask the Chinese if you don’t trust us”

The Sharif government in the third week of the current month decided in principle to scrap the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Authority terming it ‘redundant’ and ‘obstructive’. It has decided to revert to the earlier arrangement of routing CPEC projects through the planning ministry to line ministries for execution for revitalising the country’s biggest, most […]

MAGA Pastor Kent Christmas Says ‘The Kingdom of God’ Is the Only Legitimate Authority on Earth

Right-wing pastor Kent Christmas used the Sunday sermon at his Regeneration Nashville church to rail against the Biden administration, declaring that the “authority of the kingdom of God” is the only legitimate power on Earth and therefore everything else “is an illegal authority.” Christmas is an anti-vax, vehemently anti-LGBTQ right-wing activist who regularly uses his […]

MAGA Pastor Kent Christmas Says ‘The Kingdom of God’ Is the Only Legitimate Authority on Earth

Right-wing pastor Kent Christmas used the Sunday sermon at his Regeneration Nashville church to rail against the Biden administration, declaring that the “authority of the kingdom of God” is the only legitimate power on Earth and therefore everything else “is an illegal authority.” Christmas is an anti-vax, vehemently anti-LGBTQ right-wing activist who regularly uses his […]

MAGA Pastor Kent Christmas Says ‘The Kingdom of God’ Is the Only Legitimate Authority on Earth

Right-wing pastor Kent Christmas used the Sunday sermon at his Regeneration Nashville church to rail against the Biden administration, declaring that the “authority of the kingdom of God” is the only legitimate power on Earth and therefore everything else “is an illegal authority.” Christmas is an anti-vax, vehemently anti-LGBTQ right-wing activist who regularly uses his […]

LA Homeless Authority Doesn’t Want Anyone Saying The Word ‘Homeless’

The LA Homeless Services Authority has put out a call for the word ‘homeless’ to be dropped, claiming that the term is ‘outdated and dehumanising’, and leads to ‘othering’. The Authority, which has the word Homeless in its name, wants to see it replaced with terms such as ‘people who live outside’ in order to […]

Bill Gates Granted Authority To Buy 2100 More Acres Of North Dakota Farmland

Bill Gates, who already owns close to 270,000 acres of land in the U.S., has been granted the legal authority to buy another 2100 acres in North Dakota despite protests by local residents. Gates, already the largest farmland owner in the country, has secured the go ahead to buy the land for $13.5 million under his […]

Certain UNSC members abuse authority to advance political agenda: envoy

TEHRAN- Majid Takht Ravanchi, the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Iran to the UN, has denounced the use of the UN Security Council’s powers and duties by certain member states. Source

D.C. Transit Authority ‘Actively Looking into’ Mask-Only Cars

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) is reportedly considering implementing mask-only cars, pending concerns over the possible ramifications of mask enforcement.

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