Did Victoria’s CHO Brett Sutton have the authority to act on an alleged health incident?

Victoria, Australia was known as the most draconian place on planet Earth when it came to restrictions, with zero real gain against an alleged disease.

Today, according to government figures, it’s those who have been double or triple stabbed that are causing the high case numbers, where it’s literally a pandemic of the ‘vaccinated’.

In July 2020, we’ve shown you that the test for the alleged disease CANNOT be fully validated, nor is it NATA accredited.

You can read more about this in the following link:
COVID test useless: “Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic”

The authorities (corporations and the medical profession) have conned and forced people to partake in a TRAIL drug, or more specifically, as stated by the federal health minister Greg Hunt, “The world is engaged in the largest clinical trial”,  see link:

It was ‘advertised’ as a vaccine, BUT it does not confer immunity as seen in a court case from within the Supreme Court of the United States on 4th of November 2021, see link:
Courts, in general are not allowing many cases through against the authorities, where those that do get through, more often than not, the corrupt judiciary rules against the applicant.
This is one case that the registrars did allow through, but to this date (almost 5 months) there has been no ruling.
– Did Sutton factually have any authority to act?
– Was the law enacted lawfully (as opposed to legally) with regards to the new conditions?
– Is ANY Court a lawfully constituted court under the ‘Queen of Australia’?
– Were your human rights violated by Australia’s police forces?

– Were the new Acts in force compliant with the SARC (Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee)?
If so, the correct paperwork must be provided.
The case against Victoria’s Department of Health and Human Services.
See submission to VCAT filed on the 10th of May 2022:
See interview with the applicant himself, Spiros Kalotihos:

Australia’s Anglo-Masonic legal business is corrupt to its founding core, where we shall see the results in this case.


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