Posts Tagged ‘legitimacy’

Kremlin Says Zelensky Has No Legitimacy

The Ukrainian leader’s status could be an obstacle for future peace talks, according to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. Peskov told reporters that the status of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky could pose a problem when Moscow […] The post Kremlin Says Zelensky Has No Legitimacy appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Raad: ‘Israel’ genocide major blow to bid for legitimacy – Exclusive

4 Dec 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen By Al Mayadeen English The Israeli occupation’s own acts of genocide, Lebanese MP Mohammad Raad told Al Mayadeen, are a major blow to its own efforts for legitimacy and normalization. The Israeli occupation’s genocide of women and children and its destruction of residential neighborhoods, schools, and hospitals without any […]

Biden: ‘I’m Hoping’ Attacks on Court Legitimacy Influence Their Rulings

On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Deadline: White House,” President Joe Biden stated that he hopes members of the Supreme Court will react to repeated attacks on and questioning of the Supreme Court’s legitimacy by ruling differently and that he hopes Source

Right Wing Round-Up: Craving Legitimacy

Maggie Haberman and Michael C. Bender @ The New York Times: Can Trump Count on Evangelicals in 2024? Some Leaders Are Wavering. Justin Baragona @ The Daily Beast: This Right-Wing Media Feud Just Took an Ugly Turn. Emine Yücel @ Talking Points Memo: MAGA-Loving, Conspiracy Theorist MTG Picking Fights With Far-Right Allies To Try And […]

Will coalition supporting legitimacy disintegrate into bilateral agreements with a weak authority?

The past week has witnessed remarkable developments on the Yemeni scene, the most prominent of which was the signing of a surprising agreement for military and security cooperation and combating terrorism, between the UAE and Yemen, on the side-lines of a visit by the Minister of Defence, Lieutenant General Mohsen Al-Daari, and the Minister of […]

The desire for international legitimacy has limited the Palestinian imagination

Ever since the Zionist movement entrenched itself in Palestine, it has waged a symbolic war on Palestinians — one that, to say the least, is not without its ironies, in its very essence soliciting Palestinians to recognize the historic righteousness of the Zionist movement. It is ironic precisely because the Zionist movement sees in Palestinians […]

Kremlin Claims, Contradicting China, that Xi Jinping Endorsed ‘Legitimacy’ of Ukraine Invasion

The Kremlin claimed on Wednesday that Chinese dictator Xi Jinping affirmed the “legitimacy” of Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine, a major departure if true from China’s previous agnostic stance and a differing account from the Chinese government’s report of Xi’s statements.

Backing Trump’s falsehoods, Senate allies attack legitimacy of vote count

Two Senate allies of US President Donald Trump on Thursday warned that Republicans may reject the legitimacy of vote results if they turn against the embattled president. As a few Republicans distanced themselves from Trump’s unsubstantiated allegations of fraud in Tuesday’s election, Senators Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz enthusiastically backed him in back-to-back appearances on […]

Leveraging The Ruling Class’s Loss Of Legitimacy

By Roger D. Harris, Popular Resistance. November 5, 2020 | Strategize! Above photo: Youtube. The polls closed with “no winner yet in cliffhanger presidential election,” as of Wednesday evening. Despite a period of uncertainty, which is typically the nemesis of Wall Street, the Dow climbed 0.9%, the S&P 500 opened 1.5% higher, and the Nasdaq Composite jumped […]

Mitch McConnell: A Republic’s ‘Legitimacy’ Does Not Flow from Left’s ‘Feelings’

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said on the Senate floor Monday night that America is a “constitutional republic,” and the government’s “legitimacy” does not arise from the left’s “feelings.” McConnell said before the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, “Our Democratic colleagues keep repeating the word illegitimate as if repetition […]

Biden: No Legitimacy to Claims Hunter Profited off Family Name, ‘Desperate Campaign to Smear Me and My Family’

During an interview with Milwaukee’s WISN 12 News on Tuesday, 2020 Democratic presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden stated that there is no legitimacy to claims by Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) that Biden’s son, Hunter, along with other members of the Biden family, profited off the Biden family name […]

Worries about Trump’s legitimacy as an elected president resurface with Russia indictment

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Israel has more legitimacy than US because the bible mentions Jerusalem, not New York — says David Harris

So the bible is the be all and end all to Mister Harris. Doesn,t the bible also have a few rules about theft and murder . ie, Sixth Commandment (Exodus 20:13) You shall not murder. Eighth Commandment (Exodus 20:13) You shall not steal. Tenth Commandment (Exodus 20:14) You shall not covet your neighbor’s house, nor […]

Facing Crisis Of Legitimacy, Trump Admin Promises Crackdown On Leakers, Whistleblowers

Attorney General Jeff Sessions speaks during a briefing on leaks of classified material one week after President Donald Trump complained that Sessions was weak on preventing such disclosures, Aug. 4, 2017. (AP/Andrew Harnik) Published in partnership with Shadowproof. President Donald Trump’s administration is in the throes of a crisis of legitimacy and leadership, with federal […]

The U.S. Political Scene: Whiteness and the Legitimacy Crisis of Global Capitalism

The U.S. political scene has been undergoing a facelift in an effort to restore the decreasing legitimacy of the transnationally-oriented capitalist class. This transformation has been characterized by a right wing that has sought to portray itself as economically nationalistic in an attempt to expand support among the working class (primarily, among working class whites) […]

New investigation undermines the legitimacy of the entire Tory election strategy

A new investigation is looking into, one of the two pro-Brexit campaigns in the 2016 EU referendum. The outcome of this and another investigation into, as well as a separate investigation into Vote Leave, could prove damaging to Prime Minister Theresa May. Because the Conservative Party now entirely defines itself with Brexit. So, […]

Chelsea Manning’s Legal Team Responds To Unconfirmed Rumors

Print Friendly Above Photo: U.S. Army Private First Class Chelsea Manning, the U.S. soldier convicted of giving classified state documents to WikiLeaks, is pictured dressed as a woman in this 2010 handout photograph obtained from the U.S. Army August 14, 2013. The U.S. military is considering options for the detention of the transgender soldier who is […]

¡Basta ya, Brussels! British voters give EU corporate slavestate the shaft

     “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it.” — Thomas Paine British voters delivered a savage deathblow to the EU corporate superstate on Thursday sending global markets tumbling and forcing Prime Minister David Cameron to announce his resignation. The narrow victory, which caught the prognosticators by […]

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