Posts Tagged ‘sovereign’

English Sovereign Tea

Inspired by Put the kettle on! English Sovereign Tea England calling, England calling, England calling To you an’ you an’ you…. you an’ you an’ you England calling, England calling, England calling Get up ‘n’ get off your knee Flyin’ high the Saint George Cross It bears heart in English trust That before […]

‘Sovereign-Citizen’ is Smoke and Mirrors Bull S#it

If one is Sovereign it means there is no higher power above self ownership of a human but the Creator God. If one is a citizen, it means one is owned, a slave to the entity one is a “citizen” of. People who claim they are “Sovereign Citizens” are ignorant clueless indoctrinated owned humans who […]

Illegal Occupation US War Crime Base In Iraq, A Sovereign Country US Illegally Invaded Based On Lies US Made Up Themselves, Hit By Iraqi Freedom Fighters

US is illegally occupying Iraq in an International War Crime after Illegally Invading Iraq in an International War Crime based on Damn Lies US knew were Damn Lies because the US political war criminal whores made the Damn Lies up themselves. Colon Powell got before the UN and lied his ass off, waving a vile […]

Head of Sudan’s Sovereign Council holds talks with UN, ICC leaders in New York

Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, head of the Sovereign Council of Sudan, met UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Karim Khan on Saturday in New York, reports Anadolu Agency. Burhan, in his meeting with Guterres, said the government is ready to collaborate with the UN on all matters to alleviate […]

‘To be sovereign is to have ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY over our own bodies’

16 sept 2023 Neil Oliver shares his thoughts on sovereignty and the state following the passing of a 19-year-old who fought the healthcare system to remain on life-saving treatment. Friendly link of the video : _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over A unified […]

False Perceptions of BRICS? An Alliance of “Sovereign Countries” Committed to “Dedollarization”

False Perceptions of BRICS? An Alliance of “Sovereign Countries” Committed to “Dedollarization” By Andrew Korybko Global Research, August 03, 2023 Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. *** It was always unrealistic to […]


UKColumnExtracts Sources: – Finextra Research: US instant payment network FedNow goes live – World Bank: Data: Fast Payment System – Bank for International Settlements: III: Blueprint for the future monetary system – 21st Century Wire: The 7 Pillars of a Global CBDC System – Waterstones:  Tower of Basel by Adam LeBor – Banking – […]

The police act like ‘sovereign citizens’ for decades.

The colony’s police forces have been acting like sovereign citizens for quite some time now. Although the ‘sovereign citizen’ movement allegedly originated in the United States, is technically an oxymoron, Australia’s police forces have been implementing this ideology for quite some time. A sovereign citizen believes that the law does not apply to him/her where […]

WEF Declares That Human Beings Are No Longer Sovereign

The World Economic Forum has recently launched a controversial new initiative that should have the entire human race up in arms. The World Economic Forum is now demanding humans hand over sovereignty of their own […] The post WEF Declares That Human Beings Are No Longer Sovereign appeared first on News Punch. Source

‘We Mourn Profoundly the Passing of a Cherished Sovereign’: First Message From New King

King Charles III said his family would draw strength from the “respect and deep affection” in which The Queen is so held as they mourn. 

What the Secret Societies Death Cult Cannot Stand: Free Sovereign Venezuela (Secret Societies Control U.S., Hollywood, CIA, FBI, Media, Politicians & Biden, Etc.)

Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan: ‘I proudly stand with President Maduro and the people of Venezuela’ Posted in Anti-war, Latin America & The Caribbean, Venezuela February 21, 2019 This statement originally appeared on Sheehan’s Jan. 27 “Soapbox” blogspot. Since Hugo Chávez Frias became president of Venezuela in 1998 and immediately fulfilled his promise to have the people write their […]

Pelosi Refuses to Hand Over Emails and Videos from Jan 6 Claiming “Sovereign Immunity”

Speaker Nancy Pelosi will not hand over video coverage and emails from Jan 6 per a FOIA request.  Pelosi based her decision on “sovereign immunity.”   Pelosi and Democrats know if they release the 14,000 hours of footage from security cameras on January 6 it will blow apart their narrative.  So she is hiding it. Source

Egypt: Interior ministry, sovereign fund spar over prison land ownership

Officials at the Egyptian Sovereign Fund and the Ministry of the Interior are in dispute over land belonging to prisons which are no longer in use in the country, a researcher at a state-run research centre revealed yesterday. As the army expands its hold over the Egyptian economy, the interior ministry has been seeking to […]

Tell the ‘Lords’ of Karma That You Are SOVEREIGN

Planet Earth and much of our corner of the universe has been under a spell for a very long time, a spell which casts doubt within our minds about whether or not we are connected with the Infinite Source of all creation. By Cameron Day Intrinsic within this holographic spell is the notion that duality […]

Special Update & Announcement From Kevin Annett & the Sovereign Republic of Kanata

Mark as unreadMove to trashMore optionsCustom filterMove toLabel asReplyReply allForward Special Update and Announcement from Kevin Annett and the sovereign Republic of Kanata July 31, 2021 The campaign to disestablish a genocidal Canadian Church and State ramps up this coming month with a national speaking and organizing tour by Kevin Annett and other leading members […]

Chester the Molestor President Bombs Sovereign Syria & Iraq as His Crime Syndicate Orders Him to Do (British ZIONIST Empire & Rothschilds); Molestors Always Do as Their Told By Their Masters

President Biden Orders Military Airstrikes Against Iranian-Backed Militia in Syria and Iraq By AdminPublished on June 28, 2021 SHARE TWEET 30 COMMENTS The long peace under President Trump is over and the new militarism under Democratic president Joe Biden is upon us. On Sunday, the U.S. conducted airstrikes against Iranian-backed militia in Syria and Iraq. The […]

Chester the Molestor President Bombs Sovereign Syria & Iraq as His Crime Syndicate Orders Him to Do (British ZIONIST Empire & Rothschilds); Molestors Always Do as Their Told By Their Masters

President Biden Orders Military Airstrikes Against Iranian-Backed Militia in Syria and Iraq By AdminPublished on June 28, 2021 SHARE TWEET 30 COMMENTS The long peace under President Trump is over and the new militarism under Democratic president Joe Biden is upon us. On Sunday, the U.S. conducted airstrikes against Iranian-backed militia in Syria and Iraq. The […]

Whitney Webb Exposes How Sovereign Nation’s Leaders Are Sacrificed For Totalitarianism By the Ruling Elite Technocrats Zionist Fundraiser Does Not Support Whistleblower Kevin Annett: Source

Gulf sovereign wealth funds eye Israel, but need time to make their first moves

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

‘Why Not China?’ Protests Greet New Zealand Sovereign Wealth Fund’s Decision to Divest From Israeli Banks

A branch of Israel’s Bank Leumi. Photo: Reuters / Nir Elias / File. New Zealand’s sovereign wealth fund divested from five Israeli banks on Wednesday, citing their alleged funding of Israeli settlements in the West Bank as the reason, and drawing sharp criticism for focusing on the Jewish state while ignoring the world’s major abusers […]

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