Posts Tagged ‘absolute’

Trump’s attorneys’ ‘absolute immunity’ bromide is worthy of disbarment

SCOTUS conservatives aid and abet this absurdity. Source

U.S. State Department says Israel’s Netanyahu has absolute diplomatic immunity against ICC arrest warrants for genocide, war crimes

(NaturalNews) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cannot be arrested and charged for war crimes in Gaza because he maintains absolute diplomatic immunity… Source

Right Wing Round-Up: Absolute Immunity

David Badash @ The New Civil Rights Movement: Trump’s Lawyer Argues a President Could Assassinate a Political Rival and Not Be Prosecuted. A President could order the assassination of his political rival and not ever face prosecution unless the House successfully impeached him and the Senate convicted him for that crime, according to the ex-president’s […]

The Absolute Gnarliest Halloween Masks We Could Find

Tis the season, baby—not just for pumpkin spice lube and awkward conversations about exclusivity, but also about gettin’ SCARYYYYYY! Putting the “Hell” in “hello!” today are these Halloween masks, which are so unhinged—no, really, some of the jaws unhinge—that we’ve completely dissociated our brains from our bodies to bring them to your humble, spooky fall […]

Entire world ‘needs absolute transparency’ on CIA COVID allegations

17 sept 2023 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over A unified pushback against the globalist agenda One step at a time, hand in hand, we are walking out from the globalist society they are trying to enslave us into ANYONE can participateANYWHERE in the […]

‘To be sovereign is to have ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY over our own bodies’

16 sept 2023 Neil Oliver shares his thoughts on sovereignty and the state following the passing of a 19-year-old who fought the healthcare system to remain on life-saving treatment. Friendly link of the video : _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over A unified […]

Rand Paul Files CRIMINAL Referral Against ‘Absolute Liar’ Fauci

Senator Rand Paul has filed a criminal referral to the Department of Justice, asserting that Anthony Fauci lied while under oath concerning gain of function research in Wuhan being funded by Fauci’s NIH. Paul forwarded copies of 2020 email exchanges that show Fauci confirming that he knew “scientists in Wuhan University are known to have been working […]

Threads Is An Absolute Joke

During a podcast appearance with Lex Fridman, Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. outlined how during the pandemic the media engaged in an “organised conspiracy” by acting as “propaganda organs for the government agencies,” and acting to censor “anybody who dissented.” [embedded content] Kennedy again spoke at length of the “insurmountable and mountainous and overwhelming” […]

‘Succession’ provided us with an absolute hellscape election scenario. How real was it?

The episode leaves many things unresolved. But it also raises one nagging question: What would happen if something like this actually occurred? Here’s what the Emmys favorite show got right — and what the show got wrong. Election officials would have a pretty good idea of which ballots were destroyed, but not for whom they […]

‘Absolute Light’: Trans Rights Advocate Henry Berg-Brousseau Dead at 24

Transgender rights activist Henry Berg-Brousseau has died at 24, leaving behind a powerful legacy that inspired many to fight for trans justice. Berg-Brousseau was serving as the deputy press secretary for politics for Human Rights Campaign, a major advocacy group for LGBTQ+ rights in the U.S. His mother, Kentucky State Sen. Karen Berg, confirmed this […]

Steve Bannon on ‘War Room’: ‘My Son Hunter’ Is ‘Absolute Brilliant Film, Everybody’s Got to Watch This’

Steve Bannon, former Trump White House chief strategist and host of the popular “War Room” podcast, has seen My Son Hunter and his verdict is an unqualified rave, calling it an “absolute brilliant film” that “everybody’s got to watch.” “Absolutely brilliant film. Everybody’s got to watch this,” Bannon said during an interview Friday on his “War Room” podcast […]

Red Pill: Absolute Power (Not Money) Is the Corporate State’s Passion

Power begets power. It is the Freudian id‘s Holy Grail. Once they’ve gotten a taste, people tend to crave more power. Given the opportunity, they’ll go to great, and often immoral, lengths to acquire and stockpile it.

Joe Biden on Memorial Day: ‘The Constitution, the Second Amendment Was Never Absolute’

President Joe Biden pushed for more gun control on Monday, even though it was Memorial Day, a national patriotic holiday.

The Absolute HORRORS of the Social Credit System That is Coming to the Western World

A few years ago, in a book called The Game’s Afoot (published in 2018), I wrote that the Chinese Government was giving people marks according to behaviour. It was I wrote, called social engineering, and citizens were being ranked and rated according to their behaviour. By Dr Vernon Coleman ‘The Government,’ I said, ‘will measure […]

‘Absolute Chaos’ in Ukraine, Says Franklin Graham — ‘I Want the People of Ukraine to Know that God Hasn’t Forgotten Them’

Monday, Samaritan’s Purse head Franklin Graham discussed his organization’s efforts to set up a field hospital in Ukraine and its challenges in delivering supplies to those in need in the wake of the Russian invasion during an appearance on Newsmax TV’s “Spicer & Co.” Graham emphasized that his organization’s mission was conducted in Jesus’ name. “Well, […]

Top university scientists respond to ‘absolute lies’ from Fauci, mainstream media

Dr. Fauci had previously publicly discredited the scientists who authored the Great Barrington Declaration, in an attempt to undermine their warnings against COVID restrictions. Drs. Martin Kulldorff and Jay Bhattacharya YouTube screenshot Dr.JosephMercola Mon Feb 14, 2022 STORY AT-A-GLANCE October 4, 2020, three public health scientists launched The Great Barrington Declaration — a public health […]

‘Wow, What A Terrible Year!’ Say People Living At The Absolute Peak Of Human Civilization

‘Wow, What A Terrible Year!’ Say People Living At The Absolute Peak Of Human Civilization U.S.—According to sources, thousands of Americans living in the most prosperous, luxurious, plentiful period in the history of the human race think this was a really terrible year.  “2021 was just the worst,” said Marley Buchanan while sipping on organic […]

Absolute Visual Proof How The BioWeapon

December 26, 2021 Destroys The Blood And Circulation – Photos   Jeff Rense and Erica Khan12-23-21 The following images are from a female medical doctor. The images and video you will see are of blood drawn from her 17 year old son and 26 year old daughter.  Despite continual warnings and full documentation from his […]

Verdict Is In: Jury Finds Kyle Rittenhouse ‘Based’ And ‘An Absolute Chad’

MADISON, WI—After minutes of deliberation, the jury in the murder trial of Kyle Rittenhouse has rendered the verdict that the defendant is in fact “Based” and “An Absolute Chad.” The decision was read aloud by the foreman of the jury, despite the jury on Twitter already handing down their decision of Guilty on all charges […]

Absolute Psycho Chooses Sausage Over Bacon For His Breakfast Platter

SHREVEPORT, LA—According to sources, local diner and deranged psycho Sam Fullerton has chosen sausage over bacon to go with his breakfast platter. “Yeah, I don’t really like the sizzling, crispy goodness of bacon,” said the utterly sick lunatic—who is probably a liberal—as he sat down to eat his gross breakfast food. “I much prefer a slimy log of […]

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