Posts Tagged ‘everybody’

Everybody Hates Ronna: Dismal GOP Election Results Prompt Calls To Oust RNC Chairwoman

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Everybody Knows Somebody Legitimately Injured

From Recently on a TV debate, Chris Hipkins and Chris Luxon both said vaccine injured should not be compensated.  Hipkins implied that ACC was in place to compensate the injured, but our experience is that ACC is going out of its way to decline any claims for medical conditions or death related to the vaccine. Following […]

‘Influencers’ Who Promoted Lies For Money (to Children); Seems Most Everybody Has a Price

09/19/23 • BIG FOOD  › NEWS Lobbyists Paid ‘Influencer’ Nutritionists to Promote Aspartame and Sugar to Kids on Social Media Food and beverage industry lobbyists paid dozens of registered dietitians with millions of social media followers to promote aspartame and sugar, The Washington Post found. Aspartame is particularly dangerous for children and has been shown to […]

It’s All Over For the Empire of LIES With the Rise of the BRICS Nations; Everybody Likes Russia/China and No One Likes the U.S. Thanks to Victoria Nuland

That’s precisely what the ZOG-controlled West is. Nearly every statement you see from a Western political leader is some sort of lie or obfuscation to advance some demonic Jewish agenda designed to dominate the world. Lavrov described a number of historical examples showing how Russia and the former Soviet Union has been lied to repeatedly […]

(Not) Everybody Loves Chocolate

Everybody loves chocolate, right? Well, not everybody, at least not to the same degree. As Felix Richter reports, according to Statista Market Insights, there’s a huge gulf in chocolate consumption around the world. While the cocoa-based treat is very popular in large parts of Europe and in the United States, many people in Asia prefer other […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Food For Everybody

David Moye @ HuffPost: Trump Promised ‘Food For Everybody’ At Miami Restaurant And Then Reportedly Skipped. Lauren Weber, Caitlin Gilbert and Taylor Lorenz @ The Washington Post: Documents show how conservative doctors influenced abortion, trans rights. Elaina Plott Calabro @ The Atlantic: A Star Reporter’s Break With Reality. Joe Jervis: Sarah Palin Steps On Rake […]

Everybody’s talking about “Weaponising Anti-Semitism”

Legendary director Ken Loach helped launch my book earlier this month. For the last month I’ve been in high demand from journalists and podcasters who want to cover my new book, Weaponising Anti-Semitism: How the Israel Lobby Brought Down Jeremy Corbyn. Here’s some of my podcast and YouTube appearances about the book so far. I’ve […]

Louis CK Explains His Open Border Policy to Joe Rogan: “Let Everybody Pour In”

Louis CK, who just happens to have jewish ancestry, wants to intentionally destroy the US to punish White Americans.  Source

Everybody in, nobody out

A democratic society means that everyone, including the poor, has a say in how our lives are lived and workplaces organized. Source

Steve Bannon on ‘War Room’: ‘My Son Hunter’ Is ‘Absolute Brilliant Film, Everybody’s Got to Watch This’

Steve Bannon, former Trump White House chief strategist and host of the popular “War Room” podcast, has seen My Son Hunter and his verdict is an unqualified rave, calling it an “absolute brilliant film” that “everybody’s got to watch.” “Absolutely brilliant film. Everybody’s got to watch this,” Bannon said during an interview Friday on his “War Room” podcast […]

California electric company admits it will NEVER be able to charge everybody’s electric vehicles

So much coming out now about these vehicles. The risk of fire, the bloated price of batteries ($29K and upwards) … see Max Igan’s latest video he discusses them amidst all the many other updates he provides. These vehicles are more about keeping you immobilized than anything green touted by the 1%. The writing on […]

Belgium Begins Monkeypox Quarantines, Biden Warns “Everybody Should Be Concerned”

Belgium has become the first country to introduce a mandatory 21-day monkeypox quarantine for those who contact the virus, after three cases were recorded in the country.

North Shropshire – Not the End of Boris, the End of Everybody!

On December 16th a parliamentary by-election was held in the United Kingdom, to fill the vacancy created by the forced resignation of Conservative MP Owen Paterson, who was found guilty of breaking lobbying rules and then thrown under the proverbial bus when Boris Johnson tried to change the rules to stop him being censured for […]


Wishing all EWR followers everywhere a peaceful, united and blessed Christmas season…!! however and whatever you celebrate EWR Do listen to this beautiful version of Silent Night: Thanks to Tj Taotua RELATED: BREAKING … Santa stood down after declining the jab Photos: Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source

WATCH: Prosecutor Says Rittenhouse Should Have Let Mob Attack Him Because ‘Everybody Takes a Beating Sometimes’

James Kraus, one of the prosecutors in the murder trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, told the jury in a Kenosha, Wisconsin court Monday that the defendant should have let himself be attacked last August because “everybody takes a beating sometimes.” Kraus was delivering the rebuttal argument, after fellow prosecutor Thomas Binger gave the first closing argument, […]

A Personalized Medicine Strategy Should Replace the Current ‘Vaxx Everybody’ Approach

A Personalized Medicine Strategy Should Replace the Current ‘Vaxx Everybody’ Approach Date: November 8, 2021Author: Nwo Report  Source: Dr. Joel S. HirschhornThis article defines a more effective public health strategy for the current COVID pandemic.  It is what is sorely needed; but will members of Congress show some courage and introduce legislation to implement what […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Everybody Loves Brandon

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Pelosi vs. everybody: Dems’ high-wire health care act

On Democrats’ health care conundrum “Progressives are feeling like they’ve already compromised so much and given up so much to get where we are now. They began with wanting to really move towards a ‘Medicare for All’-style system. Then they reduced their demands to just lowering the age of Medicare so that more people can […]

Will Afghanistan Become Everybody Else’s Problem with the US and NATO Withdrawal?

The situation in Afghanistan is like the ending of Charlie’s Wilson war. In the endgame there is no saving face and no victory is won. In fact a great vacuum remains, despite 20 years of US and NATO partner attempts to nation-building. It is not as if they did not know how it would end, […]

Why Was Everybody Connected to JFK Suddenly Mysteriously Killed

» Greece Joins France, Announces Mandatory COVID Vaccines For All Health Workers & Vaccine PassportsToday at 9:44 am by PurpleSkyz » ‘A Country That Has Lost Its Way’, U.S. Government & Corporations Combine to Strip Citizens of Their RightsToday at 9:40 am by PurpleSkyz » Good People Doing Good Things — Young & Old, Human and CanineToday at 9:34 am […]

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