Posts Tagged ‘nobody’

Nikki Haley Just Lost A GOP Primary To ‘Nobody’

Authored by Steve Watson via, Nikki Haley has failed to win the Nevada primary despite there being no other Republican candidates on the ticket. Haley came in second place to “None of These Candidates,” losing by around 22,000 votes. Overall, she received less than a third of the votes. The race was called at […]

Covid Vaccines Are Officially Deadliest Drug In History and Nobody Is Allowed to Talk About It

The Pfizer Covid-19 mRNA vaccine is now officially the most deadly drug in the history of Western medicine, killing and injuring hundreds of millions of people, with new cases emerging every single day as the […] The post Covid Vaccines Are Officially Deadliest Drug In History and Nobody Is Allowed to Talk About It appeared […]

Canada’s Economy is Collapsing and Nobody is Noticing

    Canada, our neighbor to the north, has a massive and growing immigrant population, with the majority coming from Third World countries. Is this beneficial for Canada? The National Post recently published an article by Tyler Dawson entitled, “Canada’s high immigration is driving down per-capita GDP: report.” From the article: The Canadian economy experienced […]

Netanyahu defies the International Court of Justice – “Nobody will stop us”

Despite proceedings at the International Court of Justice, Benjamin Netanyahu made clear Israel has no intention to relent in its genocidal attack on Gaza: “Nobody will stop us – not The Hague, not the axis of evil and not anybody else.” Source

Commercial Flights Are Experiencing ‘Unthinkable’ GPS Attacks and Nobody Knows What to Do

Commercial air crews are reporting something “unthinkable” in the skies above the Middle East: novel “spoofing” attacks have caused navigation systems to fail in dozens of incidents since September.  In late September, multiple commercial flights near Iran went astray after navigation systems went blind. The planes first received spoofed GPS signals, meaning signals designed to […]

Nobody Wants Their Job to Rule Their Lives Anymore

“I’m probably being so dramatic and annoying,” a girl says, as tears run from her mascara-ed eyes. “The 9-5 schedule is crazy. How do you have friends? How do you have time for dating? I don't have time for anything, I'm so stressed out.” She’s the star of a TikTok video that went viral last […]

“We are in the middle of the COVID fatigue. Nobody wants to speak about COVID,” Pfizer Head Terrrorist Bourla has said

“We are in the middle of the COVID fatigue. Nobody wants to speak about COVID,” Pfizer Head Terrrorist Bourla has said 218 health/science institutions worldwide all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever Ten Reasons Why SARS-CoV-2 Is an “Imaginary” and “Theoretical Virus”. “They Never Isolated the Virus” No […]

Young Ukrainian Women Being Sent To The Frontline – Nobody Seems To Care

Author’s note: This article is a compilation of videos combined with the research I have been doing for Source

Pence: ‘Nobody is buying Bidenomics’ 

Former Vice President Mike Pence blasted President Biden on Sunday, saying that “nobody is buying Bidenomics.” Fox News’s Shannon Bream asked the former vice president on “Fox News Sunday” if he agreed with Rep. Mark Alford’s (R-Mo.) opinion piece published in The Hill in which he took aim at Biden for not explaining what the U.S. interest… […]

Almost nobody in Haiti died from COVID because almost nobody there got “vaccinated”

(NaturalNews) The impoverished Caribbean nation of Haiti remains protected from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), the reason being that almost nobody in the… Source


US Government Says Aliens Are Real But Nobody Believes Them

Some believe the extraterrestrial spectacle was a distraction from various issues like Hunter Biden’s rejected plea deal which happened the same day. Source

Nobody is buying electric cars, but automakers continue to manufacture them in accordance with “green” agenda

Nobody is buying electric cars, but automakers continue to manufacture them in accordance with “green” agenda The automobile industry in the United States is rapidly declining thanks to the government’s “green” energy and electric vehicle (EV) push. In 2023 alone, Ford is slated to lose $3 billion on electric cars, which very few people want […]

The globalists are inducing a global famine where nobody owns anything and everyone is STARVING

The globalists are inducing a global famine where nobody owns anything and everyone is STARVING Is the world in danger of a global famine due to climate change? The answer is of course not. But this is the message being pushed by the globalists as they systematically set the stage for a purposeful famine that […]

Exclusive — Mike Pence: ‘Nobody’s Buying Biden’

Former Vice President Mike Pence said, “Nobody’s buying Biden” during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday, discussing the importance of informing young American voters on the current state of the country. Pence, who has been blitzing Iowa, said it is clear that “people are ready for change.” “We hit more than a dozen events in […]

RFK Jr: “For 18 Years, Nobody Will Debate Me”

RFK Jr. has asked Peter Hotez to debate him “many, many times,” and the only time it ever happened was on the telephone. “And his [Hotez’s] science is just made up,” expressed Bobby Kennedy Jr. “He cannot stand by it. He can’t cite studies.” Now, after being offered over $2.6 million, Peter Hotez still won’t […]

‘Nobody’s Perfect,’ Joly Says of Afghan Evacuation, as Tories Question Plaque

Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly says it was “a messy situation” trying to help Afghans escape the Taliban, as Conservatives questioned her department’s decision to install a plaque commemorating the August 2021 airlift. “I can’t turn back the clock,” Joly told the House of Commons immigration committee, where she was questioned about the government’s chaotic […]

Everybody in, nobody out

A democratic society means that everyone, including the poor, has a say in how our lives are lived and workplaces organized. Source

“Nobody Likes jews” – Spielberg Made Semi-Autobiographical Film About How Hard It Is Being jewish in America

The most wealthy, most culturally influential, leading the entire world–holding nearly all elite level positions in government, industry and media, the utmost privileged and mollycoddled group of people, are somehow always the poor poor victims to discrimination. Source

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