Posts Tagged ‘manufacture’

How the American Elite Manufacture Consent – George Carlin Clip at the end

About This Video In this eye-opening video, we dive deep into the critical and often controversial ideas of George Carlin and Noam Chomsky. We examine their viewpoints on conflict, propaganda, and the subtle ways in which those in positions … Read the rest Source

Nobody is buying electric cars, but automakers continue to manufacture them in accordance with “green” agenda

Nobody is buying electric cars, but automakers continue to manufacture them in accordance with “green” agenda The automobile industry in the United States is rapidly declining thanks to the government’s “green” energy and electric vehicle (EV) push. In 2023 alone, Ford is slated to lose $3 billion on electric cars, which very few people want […]

Iranian carmakers manufacture 325,000 vehicles in Q1

TEHRAN – Iranian carmakers manufactured 325,000 vehicles in the first three months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21-June 21), according to the data released by the Iranian Industry Ministry’s Auto Industry Office. Source

How to Manufacture a Pandemic

BY DR CARL HENEGHAN AND DR TOM JEFFERSON 20 MAY 2023 11:00 AM How do you get people to take pharmacological action against something that hits them on average once a year and lasts a few days, like acute respiratory infections? They have been around since creation and are extremely familiar to everyone around the globe, […]

Elites Manufacture Fake “Hate” Crisis As Pretext For Mass Spying, Blacklists, And Censorship

The public’s hatred of racial, sexual, and religious minorities is so out of control that it imperils our democracy. At least, that’s what influential leaders from Joe Biden and Barack Obama to former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Arden and California Governor Gavin Newsom want us to believe. Source

The FBI Used an Undercover Cop With Pink Hair to Spy on Activists and Manufacture Crimes

THE YOUNG WOMAN with long pink hair claimed to be from Washington state. One day during the summer of 2020, she walked into the Chinook Center, a community space for left-wing activists in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and offered to volunteer. Source

Like Father, Like Son: How the Trudeaus Manufacture Crises to Justify “Emergency Measures”

Due to the current activation of the Emergency Measures Act by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on February 14 in response to the Freedom Convoys and blockades both in Ottawa and across various provinces of Canada, I thought it fitting to revisit research that I had previously published as a series co-written with Paris-based journalist […]

New Study Verifies Aztec Manufacture of John Dee’s Obsidian Spirit Mirror

Archaeologists from the University of Manchester have just completed a new analysis of several alleged Aztec artifacts currently on display at the British Museum in London. Of special interest was a shiny black obsidian mirror, which belonged to the famed 16th century magician, scientist, court advisor, and occult devotee John Dee . After completing a […]

Merck To Manufacture Johnson & Johnson Single Shot Vaccine Amid Efficacy Questions

Michelle Williams, an epidemiologist and dean of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, said: “This is not the time to be quibbling over decimal places or the levels of efficacy that we’re seeing. Vaccines are a public health tool meant to keep people from getting sick, becoming hospitalized, and overwhelming the health-care system.” And […]


Are we expected to believe that chemicals were being processed in the Bromley warehouse (this was stated in the original news story) but that despite the chemicals in the warehouse being those used for manufacturing pure 1080, the company was NOT manufacturing pure 1080? By Carol Sawyer (See the Stuff article) Unfortunately Stuff has not […]

China employs Uighur Muslim labor to manufacture face masks, PPE – NYT

Chinese companies are employing Uighur Muslim labor to create personal protective equipment (PPE) such as face masks amid the coronavirus pandemic, according to a New York Times visual investigation.The autonomous Xinjiang region in northwest China is home to a large population of Muslim Uighur people, an ethnic minority who speak a Turkic language and face […]

Donald Trump Predicts Manufacture of 100 Million Doses of Coronavirus Vaccine by End of 2020

President Donald Trump on Friday announced that at least 100 million doses of the coronavirus vaccine would be ready by the end of 2020. “Hundreds of millions of doses will be available every month and we expect to have enough vaccines for every American by April,” Trump said. The president commented on the development of […]

Occupation Of UK Factory Involved In Israeli Drone Manufacture

Above photo: Activists scaled the building at UAV Engines factory, where engines for Elbit Systems drones are built in Shenstone, near Birmingham. Palestine Action. A direct action group is pushing to end the UK’s military complicity with Israel’s human rights abuses. Direct action protests against Israel’s largest weapons company have escalated in the UK, with an […]

White Helmets Exploit Children to ‘Manufacture Consent’ for ‘Humanitarian’ War in Syria

The White Helmets endlessly filmed and photographed carrying lone children towards the camera in similar surroundings. Vanessa Beeley 21st Century Wire In Syria we are seeing the unprecedented use of children as propaganda tools to promote a “humanitarian” war to kill more children. No other organisation exploits images of children with such global impact as […]

Orangutans discovered to be herbal medicine geniuses who manufacture their own healing ointments using forest plants

(Natural News) When we want a natural cure, many of us look to traditional medicine. While the remedies used by ancient people across the world often prove to be valuable tools for healing, there might be one potential source of herbal medicine that we are overlooking: animals. Orangutans have been observed in the wild creating […]

Iran stresses plan to manufacture heavy fighter jets

FNA- Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami declared his country’s plans to build heavy fighter jets. “Strengthening the Air Force is among the main plans of the defense ministry and God willing, we are to have some good moves to develop the strategic air power,” General Hatami said on Wednesday. “The main pivot of […]

Goldfish manufacture alcohol in their own cells to lower their biological freezing temperature in frigid waters

(Natural News) Goldfish fill their bodies with alcohol to survive for days (even months) in oxygen-free frozen water.  Evolutionary physiologists say that they have now discovered the mechanism in which the fish — and their wild relatives, the crucian carp — are able to live in an environment where most vertebrate animals would die within […]

Off-the-shelf DNA can be used to manufacture biological weapons, stunned scientists discover

(Natural News) A team of researchers at the University of Alberta in Canada have successfully recreated a virus known as horsepox, which contains similar characteristics as smallpox. According to the research team, the goal of the process was to improve the current techniques in vaccine development and improve public safety. However, the researchers did not disclose how they […]

What Uganda needs to do to manufacture more and crack export markets

Sarah Logan (TC) : Four years ago, Uganda adopted a social and economic development plan aimed at creating jobs and raising incomes. The plan […]

Class Politics, Not White Male Angst, Inspires Wide Support For Sanders

Matt Karp, who is an assistant professor of history at Princeton and a contributing editor of Jacobin, appears on the show to talk about a story he co-authored with Shawn Gude on the Sanders campaign, class politics of the campaign, and how—despite the dominant narrative—it is not driven by white male angst. Karp […]

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