Posts Tagged ‘alcohol’

WATCH! Proof that the Covid vax and alcohol do not mix well.


Alcohol Consumption on the Rise in Russia for first time in Decades due to Ukraine War

Russia’s federal statistics agency, Rosstat, has unveiled a concerning trend: the first increase in nationwide alcoholism cases in over a decade. While stress induced by the pandemic is considered a key factor, which has now ended for many years. Experts also point to “intensifying geopolitical confrontations” (Ukraine war) as contributing to this surge, as reported […]

Giuliani: ‘I have never had an alcohol problem’

Former Trump lawyer and adviser Rudy Giuliani vehemently denied having a drinking problem Wednesday, following a report from the New York Times detailing the former New York City mayor’s drinking habits. “I do not have an alcohol problem. I have never had an alcohol problem,” Giuliani said during a press conference in Concord, New Hampshire […]

Irish Government Orders Citizens To ‘Stop Drinking Alcohol’

The Irish government has begun urging millions of citizens to stop drinking alcohol due to the fact that alcohol consumption can cause cancer and liver disease. On Monday, the Irish government signed into law a draconian new requirement for drinks manufacturers to put a stark health warning on every single drink sold in Ireland. “I […]

These alcohol counseling companies leaked patient data to advertisers for years

Monument and Tempest shared names, birthdates, addresses, insurance information, and survey responses with advertisers. Source

Psychedelic treatment linked to substantial reduction in alcohol misuse and PTSD symptoms in US Special Operations Forces Veterans

Psychedelic treatment linked to substantial reduction in alcohol misuse and PTSD symptoms in US Special Operations Forces Veterans by Vladimir Hedrih March 31, 2023 in Mental Health, Psychedelic Drugs A study of U.S. Special Operations Forces Veterans participating in an ibogaine and 5-MeO-DMT treatment in Mexico showed that participants treated with these psychedelic substances showed […]

The DOPAMINE CORRELATION: How alcohol, sugar, caffeine, nicotine, and hard drugs all have one common underlying effect that keeps consumers ‘hooked’

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) There are many addictive substances on planet earth, and most consumers never meant to become so hooked that they can’t find a way to quit, or even cut back. As with most addictive substances, the more often the frequency of use, and the more potent the substance, the more dopamine is released […]

UK Civil Service Implements ‘Christmas’ and Alcohol Bans for Winter ‘Festive Celebrations’

Britain’s woke civil service has banned many of its members from hosting “Christmas” parties, insisting that only alcohol-free “festive celebrations” are permissible instead. The war on Christmas is alive and well in 2022, with parts of the UK’s ultra-woke civil service reportedly implementing a ban on the traditional end-of-year Christmas party, permitting its members to […]

New Details on Paul Pelosi Arrest Reveal He Allegedly Had More Than Just Alcohol in His System

New Details on Paul Pelosi Arrest Reveal He Allegedly Had More Than Just Alcohol in His System Date: August 3, 2022Author: Nwo Report   Posted BY: Nick Arama More information is now being revealed on the condition Paul Pelosi was in on the night he hit another car with his 2021 Porsche and was arrested. […]

It’s Monkey Business! Human Desire For Alcohol Consumption Is Hardwired

When Dr. Robert Dudley of the University of California, Berkeley, proposed a hypothesis in 2000, and then published a book called ‘ The Drunken Monkey: Why We Drink and Abuse Alcohol’  on the same topic in 2014, the scientific community initially found his claims to be a bit farfetched. Called the ‘drunken monkey hypothesis’, he […]

Study: More People Under 65 Died from Alcohol-Related Causes in 2020 Than of COVID

“The Science,” we have been told since March 2020, is the rigorous set of guidelines that must be “followed” with unquestioning obedience in order to reduce the spread, flatten the curve, return to normal, get our freedom back, end the lockdowns, or any other arbitrary carrot placed on the stick (yes they literally said this) […]

Wari Culture Used Alcohol and Drugs to Maintain Political Control

An altered state of consciousness to rule an ancient empire? Not a plot of a television series or a fantasy novella, but a page out of the fascinating book that is human history. A new study published in Cambridge University Press’ Antiquity journal details how leaders of the Wari culture, and the Inca leadership (who […]

Highest Yearly Increase of Alcohol Deaths in UK on Record During 2020 Lockdown

COVID experts in Norway say that Omicron variant being highly transmissible but “milder” could prove to be the “best scenario” because it would boost “natural immunity” and bring the end of the pandemic closer. The country’s state epidemiologist Frode Forland was responding to news of the biggest Omicron outbreak outside of South Africa, which occurred […]

The Water of Life: Alcohol as Medicine Through the Ages

While no one knows exactly when alcohol was first produced, it was presumably the result of a fortuitous accident that occurred at least tens of thousands of years ago. However, the discovery of late Stone Age beer jugs has established the fact that intentionally fermented beverages existed at least as early as the Neolithic period […]

480lb Man Who Consumed Junk Food and Alcohol Sheds 220lb in 15 Months: ‘I Am Much Happier Now’

An Idaho man whose weight spiraled out of control as he consumed junk food and alcohol has flipped his life around and shed 220 pounds (100 kg) in 15 months. “I am much happier now and confident in who I am,” Jarred Aslett, 32, told The Epoch Times. “The biggest changes in my lifestyle is […]

Locked Down Aussies Now Having Their Alcohol Consumption Controlled by the Government

Desperate Aussies trying to cope with endless lockdowns are now having their alcohol consumption controlled and limited by the government. Yes, really. “Residents in apartment blocks locked-down by NSW Health are having their alcohol deliveries policed as part of a policy to limit the number of drinks being consumed each day,” reports In a […]

Report: Locked Down Australians’ Alcohol Intake Monitored And Restricted By The State

The British government has claimed that it intends to send private security contractors to knock on the doors of anyone returning from holidays to make sure they are quarantining upon their return, as required by law. Home Secretary Priti Patel announced Wednesday that those returning from destinations that have not been added to the government’s ‘green […]

Australia Begins Confiscating Alcohol & Limits Residents in Lockdown to “Six Beers or One Bottle of Wine” Only

Australians in lockdown in New South Wales are having their alcohol confiscated by the government in order to protect them against Covid. Yes, really. “Residents in apartment blocks locked-down by NSW Health are having their alcohol deliveries policed as part of a policy to limit the number of drinks being consumed each day,” NCA News […]

Former QAnon follower compares movement to drug and alcohol addiction

A former QAnon follower who went viral online for trashing a display of masks in Target last year has compared her experience of getting sucked into the conspiracy theory to drug and alcohol addiction. Melissa Rein Lively, a 35-year-old publicist, found “comfort” in the QAnon movement when the pandemic hit the country last March. Four […]

Prost! Bavarian court overturns statewide open-air alcohol ban imposed under Covid-19 curbs

Covid-19 is no reason to deny oneself a jug of beer or glass of wine in the great outdoors, a Bavarian court has ruled, overturning a statewide ban on open-air consumption of alcohol introduced to limit the spread of the virus. A man from the Bavarian town of Regensburg mounted the legal challenge against state […]

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