Archive for the ‘Intelligence’ Category

Was a Foreign Intelligence Agency Behind the Boston-Virginia Brothels?

As the world seeks to understand the depths of the sex trafficking network connected to Jeffrey Epstein, recent arrests by the US Department of Justice MAY indicate the presence of a new foreign intelligence blackmail operation. In November 2023, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) announced the arrest of three individuals accused of operating sophisticated […]

IQ pioneer Richard Lynn Dies at 93

Richard Lynn, pioneering British psychologist in intelligence research, has died, VDare reports. Among other things, Lynn is known for his significant findings on the genetically determined IQ differences between different ethnic groups. His career was marked by the fact that he was subjected to a frenzy from the left-liberal side. Richard Lynn was Professor of […]

Unraveling the Epstein-Chomsky Relationship

On Sunday, the Wall Street Journal published a report detailing information contained within a “trove” of previously unreported documents of the deceased sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. Those documents, which have not been publicly released and appear to have been passed solely to the Journal, included Epstein’s private calendar and meeting schedules. The documents, per the […]

Crowning the King of Wall Street

Whether for his controversial comments on private property seizure by governments and corporations or his coming testimony in the JPMorgan-Jeffrey Epstein case, Jamie Dimon – the CEO of JPMorgan – has been in the news a lot lately. While Dimon’s comments often receive media attention by virtue of the power he wields on Wall Street […]

Robert Maxwell Goes to Texas: The Story of Bluebonnet, Part 2

“Bluebonnet” was name given to fifteen Texas savings and loan institutions, bundled together and sold-off by federal regulators at the tail-end of the savings and loans crisis that rocked the United States in the late 1980s. For reasons that remain murky, Bluebonnet became the subject of intense interest by a number of intriguing individuals. As […]

The Rise of Jamie Dimon

Earlier this month, a judge ruled that two different lawsuits against JPMorgan Chase over the bank’s ties to deceased “financier” and pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, would be allowed to advance in U.S. Courts. One of these cases, brought against the bank by the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI), has been a particular focus of independent media since […]

CIA and Mossad-linked Surveillance System Quietly Being Installed Throughout the US

Launched in 2016 in response to a Tel Aviv shooting and the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida, Gabriel offers a suite of surveillance products for “security and safety” incidents at “so-called soft targets and communal spaces, including schools, community centers, synagogues and churches.” The company makes the lofty promise that its products “stop mass […]

The Original Jeffrey Epstein

There was once a wealthy billionaire philanthropist who owned houses in Palm Beach, New York, and France, as well as a Caribbean Island paradise where he hosted young girls for elite sex parties, far away from prying eyes. Like the infamous paedophile people trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, this Harvard graduate sent his employees into the streets […]

Black Hand – A Match Made in Hell

At the height of the Cold War, in a country experiencing the final throes of a post-war economic boom, one strange man went on to play a central role in a scandal that brought down the British government. In a master class of how to get away with grand espionage, Hod Dibben coasted through danger […]

Black Hand: A Song for Esmeralda

Esmeralda Gullan, also known as Esmeralda Noel Smith, was a talented young starlet who was beginning to become famous before the outbreak of World War II. After the war, she became a strong and powerful business woman and, by 1955, Esme had created four unique establishments in and around Knightsbridge, Mayfair, and Belgravia including the […]

The Kissinger Continuum: The Unauthorized History of the WEF’s Young Global Leaders Program

The World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders (YGL) initiative has been responsible for seeding many of the ruling elite into positions of power and influence within the worlds of business, civil society and, most importantly, politics. The fall of the Soviet Union soon became the apparent catalyst for the creation of the Global Leaders for […]

RNA for Moderna’s Omicron Booster Manufactured by CIA-Linked Company

Earlier this week, the United Kingdom became the first country to approve Moderna’s reformulated version of its COVID-19 vaccine, which claims to provide protection against both the original form of the virus and the significantly less lethal but more transmissible Omicron variant. The product was approved by the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) with the support […]

Met Police Invokes “National Security” about Epstein Meeting with US Senators in the UK 

In connection with Whitney Webb’s upcoming book on the Jeffrey Epstein scandal, One Nation Under Blackmail, Unlimited Hangout filed a Freedom of Information request asking UK law enforcement and the Ministry of Defence the identity of two sitting US senators who were present at Foxcote House in North Warwickshire, UK on September 1, 2002. UH […]

Can mRNA vaccines alter intelligence?

ByGuy Hatchard – March 5, 2022 IT IS genuinely shocking how apparently sane health professionals ignore research findings, and how politicians refuse to meet and discuss concerns with constituents. I am asking myself if is there any valid reason to suppose that receiving an mRNA vaccine degrades decision-making, ethical or empathetic capacity? I fully realise […]

Like Father, Like Son: How the Trudeaus Manufacture Crises to Justify “Emergency Measures”

Due to the current activation of the Emergency Measures Act by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on February 14 in response to the Freedom Convoys and blockades both in Ottawa and across various provinces of Canada, I thought it fitting to revisit research that I had previously published as a series co-written with Paris-based journalist […]

Biden: There Was No Intel. ‘Consensus’ on Taliban Takeover, Reports Said Takeover ‘More Likely’ to Be Towards End of Year

During an interview aired on Wednesday’s broadcast of ABC’s “World News Tonight,” President Joe Biden said “there was no consensus” on the intelligence on the Taliban taking over Afghanistan, and that intelligence reports said a Taliban takeover was “more likely to be some time by the end of the year.” ABC host George Stephanopoulos asked, […]

The CIA Has Been Taking Over For Decades

Above photo: Lance Page / t r u t h o u t; Adapted: public domain / Wikimedia. Even Former Presidents Tried to Warn Us. If you’re looking for proof the CIA and the whole cavalcade of other intelligence agencies working with them have gotten too big, look no further than the DNI’s latest report. December […]

US Intel Says White People Are the Biggest ‘Domestic Terrorist Threat’

    A US intelligence assessment released Wednesday has found racially motivated extremists to be the most lethal domestic terrorism threat in the US. According to the report, many extremists become radicalized after consuming violent extremist material online. “The IC [intelligence community] assesses that racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVEs) and militia violent extremists […]

US – UK Intel Agencies Declare Cyber War on Independent Media

In just the past week, the national-security states of the United States and United Kingdom have discreetly let it be known that the cyber tools and online tactics previously designed for use in the post-9/11 “war on terror” are now being repurposed for use against information sources promoting “vaccine hesitancy” and information related to Covid-19 […]