Posts Tagged ‘unthinkable’

Commercial Flights Are Experiencing ‘Unthinkable’ GPS Attacks and Nobody Knows What to Do

Commercial air crews are reporting something “unthinkable” in the skies above the Middle East: novel “spoofing” attacks have caused navigation systems to fail in dozens of incidents since September.  In late September, multiple commercial flights near Iran went astray after navigation systems went blind. The planes first received spoofed GPS signals, meaning signals designed to […]

Eat or Heat: Europeans Already Are Facing Previously Unthinkable Dilemmas

Skyrocketing energy costs, combined with galloping prices for food and other essential goods and services are bound to erase whatever was left of the “middle class.” Source

The Unthinkable: Culling the Population To Balance the Books

The Unthinkable: Culling the Population To Balance the Books By Bill Sardi with Matthew SardiJune 5, 2021 While the public is told the preconceived COVID-19 pandemic is a calamity of unfolding proportion, that emanates from a deadly mutated virus that appears to have been “invented” in a laboratory and targets octogenarians in particular, and the […]

Thinking Beyond The Great Reset To The Unthinkable

By Kevin Smith Source Has anyone got a conspiracy theory I can borrow, mine have all come true? God Save Us From Celebrities I guess I’m not unique in disliking most modern-day celebrities. I hate their tendency for identity politics and virtual signaling while at the same time demonstrating breath-taking hypocrisy, aculture which has filtered […]

Israel’s Bedouin voters consider what was once unthinkable: cooperating with Netanyahu

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

‘PREPARING FOR THE UNTHINKABLE’: CDC To Hold Briefing On How To Prepare The Public For A Nuclear Detonation In America!!!

Amid rising tensions between the United States and North Korea, the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention have scheduled a briefing for later this month that will teach healthcare professionals how to better prepare the public for a nuclear detonation in America. The “teaching session” will target doctors, nurses, epidemiologists, pharmacists, veterinarians, certified health education […]

Thinking the Unthinkable: “Was Margaret Hassan Sacrificed” by the British Government?

Judge Orders Slumlord Debbie Wasserman-Shultz To Do The Unthinkable…And It’s Perfect

After Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, former head of the DNC and all around shitty human being was exposed as a slumlord, authorities looked into the case. They found that the buildings in Seattle DWS owns violate more than 300 building and safety codes. City Inspector Alana Haggertay told Fox News: “The conditions are terrible. The apartments are called ‘senior […]

US Recklessly Provoking Russia. The Unthinkable Could Happen by Accident or Design

Russian Air Force intensifies strikes on terrorists near Palmyra (VIDEO)

The Tu-22M3 bombers flew all the way form the Russian territory to deliver their deadly cargo, the report said. The ministry also released a video of the operation. The airstrikes focused around as-Suhnah and Arak, the Russian military said. Both towns are located east of Palmyra on a strategic road connecting the ancient city with […]

The Nature of Evil

Life sure is a mystery and sometimes you wonder who it truly is that seems to be analyzing this life and discovering elements of it. Are we doing it with our intelligent minds? Are we seeking out new information, creating new databases, advancing technologically – or is life itself adapting to us and attempting to […]

BREAKING: Rudy Giuliani Announced He Wants THIS Candidate In The WHITE HOUSE, This Is HUGE

Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani has announced who he will soon be endorsing and it’s definitely not Hillary Clinton! It appears that Giuliani is backing none other than billionaire businessman Donald J. Trump for President! Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani will probably endorse Donald Trump for president, but […]

Trump FIRES Back At Romney’s Attack- “Mitt, Drop To Your Knees” And Do THIS [VID]

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – For some reason, the man that lost the election to Barack Obama in 2012 felt the need to go on national television in an attempt to persuade voters that Donald J. Trump is the wrong choice as our next president. Mitt Romney called Donald Trump a “phony” and a “fraud” […]

BREAKING: Kentucky Fights Back Against OBAMA Gun Control Order, Threatens To Do THIS

Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– The state of Kentucky is taking steps to fight Obama and his illegal gun control orders which will no doubt tick off the Kenyan. Ultimately, Kentucky wants to take his orders and flush them down the toilet. Kentucky state representative Kenny Imes (R-Murray) has introduced legislation that declares President Obama’s executive […]

ALERT: If You Find A Coin Stuck In Your Car Door, Here’s What You NEED To Do

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – People across the country have been finding coins inserted into the passenger door handles of their vehicles lately which seems harmless enough- but in fact it is something that you need to beware of. Car thieves are always trying to find new schemes for getting into your car to […]

Israeli forces execute 2 Pals, arrest 3 in WB, Jerusalem

Days of Palestine, West Bank/Jerusalem –Israeli occupation forces executed two Palestinians and arrested three others in West Bank since early Sunday morning claiming they attempted to stab soldiers. Witnesses said that the Israeli occupation forces opened fire from a very close distance at two Palestinian cousins in village of Huwwara, south of the West Bank […]

OBAMA’S AMERICA: Here’s What Muslims Do To Christians That Enter Their ‘NO-GO ZONES’ In The U.S…

Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– Obama and liberals make light of the threats posed by Muslims and Sharia law. We are seeing the persecution of Christians in the United States unfolding right before our very eyes. This video shows Muslims attacking Christians right here in America during a Muslim Arab festival in Dearborn, Michigan. It didn’t […]

French senators visit Moscow to iron out France’s ‘schizophrenic’ relations with Russia

     A group of French parliamentarians have traveled to Moscow to push for greater dialogue between France and Russia. A group of 17 French deputies and senators have traveled to Moscow for talks with Russian officials, Le Point newspaper reported on Thursday. Two of the politicians are representatives of the Union of Democrats and Independents […]

Watch As America And Her Emblem Give Donald Trump The Heebie Jeebies

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump posed with a bold eagle for a TIME magazine cover story. The eagle’s name is Uncle Sam and he gave the Donald a lesson in Etiquette. TIME reports: Last August, as Person of the Year runner-up Donald Trump was establishing himself as a real contender, the candidate agreed to pose […]

The Hollywood Props and Prop Stars of the Paris France Concert Shooting Hoax

The Hollywood Props and Props Stars of the Paris France Concert Shooting Hoax Throughout the arch-Zionist Hollywood-style Paris concert shooting hoax a number of proofs can be determined regarding the nature of the scam. These proofs are in the form of evidences of acting and staging, complete with a prop-like elements, as are seen in […]

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