Posts Tagged ‘balance’

Restoring balance

  Linked by Thomas Sheridan today Conclusion: “But in this process we are still learning.  This is not going away so we need to try to find a balance.  Saturday was my wake up call for some much needed inner reflection.  To make an attempt to focus on art and creativity.  Getting out into nature […]

The New Global Oil Market Order Hangs In The Balance After Hamas Attacks Israel

The New Global Oil Market Order Hangs In The Balance After Hamas Attacks Israel By Simon Watkins of In what turned out to be extraordinary timing, October 3 saw a Western coalition of France’s TotalEnergies and Italy’s Eni, plus Qatar Energy, apply for the second licensing round on oil and gas blocks 8 and […]

The Books Of Balance and America

I take no pleasure in what I am about to write, but the truth is the truth. Americans have made war on humanity and God for over two hundred years. The last Americans who tried standing against the cancer of evil which ate the soul of America were the Confederates. The only two wars in […]

The Gas Crisis has already Begun to Change the Balance of Power in Europe

While European officials and individual members of the European political elite try, to the detriment of ordinary Europeans, to develop a mechanism that would allow EU members to block even Russian liquefied natural gas (LNG) supplies without imposing additional sanctions, Europe’s deepening gas and economic crisis has already begun to shift the balance of power. […]

Fed Balance Sheet Explodes By $300BN As Bank Bailouts Lead To Record Discount Window Surge


D.C. chief judge post turns over with Trump probes in balance

“What fascinating issues!” Friedman declared wryly as Howell remained stone-faced on the dais. “We’d all love to read her opinions, but we can’t,” he said to laughter. Friedman did note, however, that Howell had issued 100 secret grand jury opinions during her seven-year term. Another colleague, Judge Tanya Chutkan, also alluded to Howell’s work resolving […]

War in motion: Will new Western arms tip current balance in Ukraine?

 February 22, 2023  Source: Al Mayadeen English By Ali Jezzini  As the war enters its second year, both Russia and the Western-backed Kiev forces are ramping up their efforts to win a war that still looks far from being over. As the war in Ukraine enters its second year, costs continue to accumulate on both the […]

Rand Paul: Republican, Democrat Proposals Will Not Balance Budget

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)  said on Fox Business Network’s “The Evening Edit” that both Republican and Democratic lawmakers’ proposals will not balance the budget. Source

India’s Fine Balance in the International Arena

India is increasingly making its presence felt in the international political arena. And as India’s influence grows in the current stage of the Great World Game, so the major world powers are competing to bring New Delhi into their own camp. India itself is no passive onlooker in this process – with considerable skill it […]

China-Solomon Islands Relations will Change the Balance of Powers in the Pacific

In April 2022, the world learned that China and the Solomon Islands had concluded a framework security treaty allowing China to deploy its naval forces in a small but strategically important nation in Oceania, just 2,000 km off the coast of the largest state in the South Pacific, Australia. At this point, however, the Chinese […]

The Unthinkable: Culling the Population To Balance the Books

The Unthinkable: Culling the Population To Balance the Books By Bill Sardi with Matthew SardiJune 5, 2021 While the public is told the preconceived COVID-19 pandemic is a calamity of unfolding proportion, that emanates from a deadly mutated virus that appears to have been “invented” in a laboratory and targets octogenarians in particular, and the […]

Russia and Japan: a Difficult Balance in a Challenging Environment

On February 7, 2022, US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel, in a video message posted on Twitter, expressed support for Japan on the issue of ownership of the Southern Kuril Islands, stating that “the United States supports Japan on the issue of the Northern Territories and has recognized Japanese sovereignty over the four disputed Islands […]

Sunni Lebanese Sheikh: ‘In just 10 years our Axis has shifted global balance of power’

December 25, 2021 Description: In a recent interview published on the Islam asil YouTube channel, Sunni Lebanese Sheikh Ghazi Yusuf Hunayna stated that ‘within only 10 years, the Resistance Axis managed to shift the global balance of power’. The ‘Resistance Axis’ referenced here by Sheikh Hunayna broadly refers to a strategic anti-Israel/anti-US imperialist alliance composed […]

Indonesia President Says Need to Balance Health and Economy in Pandemic

JAKARTA—Indonesian President Joko Widodo said on Monday in his annual state of the nation speech that there was a need to strike a balance between health and economic interests amid a surge in COVID-19 cases in Southeast Asia’s biggest country. “The pandemic has indeed significantly slowed down our economic growth, but it must not hinder […]

Four Senate Republicans wait on reelection bids as majority hangs in balance

The GOP is already defending five Senate seats opened up by retirements — two in the battlegrounds of Pennsylvania and North Carolina and three in GOP strongholds Ohio, Alabama and Missouri. Although Republicans are increasingly favored to win the House next year, further retirements would undoubtedly complicate their path back to power in the Senate. […]

Qigong: Engage the Power of Chi to Cultivate Vitality, Balance and Inner Peace – FREE 5-Day Online Event

Print Friendly or Save as PDF Looking to clear out a year’s worth of stagnant energy and emotional malaise? Would you like to boost your physical and emotional flexibility with nourishing low-impact routines? Are you eager to cultivate health and longevity from curative traditions grounded in nature and the cosmos? Qigong is the foundation for a […]

Ayatollah Khamenei: Balance tipped in Islam’s favor, Zionist enemy in decline

Friday, 07 May 2021 10:12 AM  [ Last Update: Friday, 07 May 2021 10:58 AM ]1 Source Ayatollah Khamenei delivers a televised speech on the occasion of the International Quds Day on Friday, May 7, 2021. (Photo by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has marked the International Quds Day, saying Israel is not a […]

Mining sector records annual positive trade balance

Mining sector records annual positive trade balance – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – Iranian mining industry has registered a $4.271 billion positive trade balance in the previous Iranian calendar year (ended on March 20), according to the Industry, Mining and Trade Ministry data. Based on the mentioned data, some 55.124 million tons of minerals and mining industry […]

Pranayama Breathwork and Mudras: Purify, Balance and Energize Your Mind, Body and Spirit – FREE Online Event

Our entire lives — from beginning to end — are based on breath. As we’re born, we inhale, and as we die, we exhale. Back as far as the first millennium, Taoists and Hindus wrote about the vital element flowing through our bodies as a type of energy or “internal breath” known as both Qi […]

Within a Matter of Months, the Fed’s Balance Sheet Will Hit $8 Trillion; These Charts Tell the Rest of the Story

What has changed the course of economic history in the United States and put the country on a debt-fueled disaster course is the Wall Street crash of 2008 and the bailouts, both monetary and fiscal, that have followed ever since By Pam Martens and Russ Martens of Wall Street on Parade. Every Thursday, at approximately […]

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