Posts Tagged ‘explodes’

Wild video captures moment fireball explodes on Delta jet as passengers evacuate on emergency slides

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The Cult of Safety Explodes

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL It was the 1970s. Dry cleaning bags lurked quietly behind couches waiting patiently for the opportunity to pounce on the hapless child who dropped a Lego nearby. Unguarded five-gallon buckets stood brazenly in the middle of basement floors hoping to entice their next drowning victim. Discarded refrigerators prowled the land looking for unsuspecting […]

QUIET MUTINY EXPLODES! HUGE Zelensky-Zaluzhny Spat Breaks Out Into The Open That Further Undermines Ukrainian Military

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Public NUMBS as government DEBT BOMB explodes to $33T, annual budget DEFICIT approaches $2T

(NaturalNews) The United States gross national debt just exceeded $33 trillion on Friday, September 15, three months after the federal government’s debt eclipsed… Source

As COVID Psyop/Election Cycle Begins Anew Censorship Explodes & FDA/ADL Caught Lying (Respectively)

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (8/20/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Fed Balance Sheet Explodes By $300BN As Bank Bailouts Lead To Record Discount Window Surge


Oil Tank in Colombia’s Barranquilla Explodes Into Flames, One Dead

BOGOTA—A fuel tank exploded into flames in Colombia’s Caribbean city of Barranquilla early on Wednesday, killing a firefighter who fell during the explosion, local authorities said. The firefighter was identified as Javier Solano, 53, by Colombia’s President Gustavo Petro in a message on Twitter, in which he pledged to support the city’s mayor, Jaime Pumarejo. […]

Inflation explodes in USA as Europe faces dark winter of civil unrest and “permanent deindustrialization”


After Blue Origin’s rocket explodes, its spacecraft makes a dramatic escape

After Blue Origin’s rocket explodes, its spacecraft makes a dramatic escape There were no passengers on board this flight carrying scientific instruments. Eric Berger – Sep 12, 2022 3:39 pm UTC   Enlarge / The emergency escape system is seen firing on the New Shepard spacecraft Monday morning after its rocket was lost. Blue Origin […]

SADS: “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” Explodes as Young and Healthy Adults Die Following COVID Vaccine Mandates

SADS: “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” Explodes as Young and Healthy Adults Die Following COVID Vaccine Mandates by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact NewsThe sheer number of young, healthy adults dying “suddenly” has become so well-known now, that even the corporate media can no longer ignore these record number of deaths occurring among the working class ages […]

Solar Jobs Market Explodes as Companies Seek Workers to Meet Renewables Demand

The sun’s rays are shining light on an industry that has long been in existence, but has recently gained new momentum amid the national push for more renewable energy. Between October and November 2021, PeopleReady’s skilled trades division reported a soaring 32 percent increase in solar jobs postings, totaling 305,000, compared to pre-pandemic job figures from […]

Inflation In Turkey Explodes To 36.1%, Blowing Away Estimates, As Hyperinflation Sets In

In December alone, consumer prices soared by a hyperinflation-like double-digits, rising 13.58%, the Turkish Statistical Institute said on Monday, eating deeper into the earnings and savings of Turks ravaged by Erdogan’s demented economic turmoil. The surge in prices reflected a more front-loaded exchange rate pass-through than usual triggered by the size of the exchange rate […]

Oil tanker explodes in Sierra Leone

An oil tanker exploded near Sierra Leone’s capital, killing at least 92 people and severely injuring dozens of others after large crowds gathered to collect leaking fuel, officials and witnesses said Saturday. The explosion took place late Friday after a bus struck the tanker in Wellington, a suburb just to the east of Freetown. The […]

Heart Inflammation in Teens Explodes Across US After FDA Approves Injections

Heart inflammation cases, known as myocarditis, have exploded across the Western World in teenagers following the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the Pfizer injection. Image Credit: KATERYNA KON / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY via Getty Images The latest example comes from a U.S. student athlete named Ron Stallings, who took to Instagram on Saturday from […]

Georgia Mom Explodes on School Board: “Take These Masks Off My Child!”

It’s been many, many months of mask mandates and this mother has had enough. She lets the school board know how she and many others are feeling. Bitchute link Share now! Source

“Powerful Enough To Be Spotted From Space”: Fuel Tanker Convoy Explodes At Afghan-Iran Border

According to the Associated Press, “Two explosions at the border crossing were powerful enough to be spotted from space by NASA satellites. One blast erupted around 1:10 p.m. Afghan time (0840 GMT), the next around a half hour later at 1:42 p.m. local (0912 GMT).” Video of the massive fuel tanker explosion today on the […]

Libtard Kid’s Head Explodes

This kid’s head exploded from all the red pills. SUPPORT MP

Mine explodes, damaging oil tanker off Saudi Arabia

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Backlash Against Fox News Explodes As Ratings Crash Through Floor After Election Shame

Fox News election coverage led the ratings on Tuesday, Nov. 3, with 14.1 million viewers over CNN and MSNBC, but only four days later the ratings crashed through the floor with patriots across the country announcing they are done with Fox. To put Fox’s fall from grace into perspective, the same anchors, and the same […]

The Joe & Hunter Biden Scandal Explodes Across the Internet (Video)

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Daily Caller, Christian Datoc, 10.16.2020:  Direct evidence implicating former Vice President Joe Biden in a pay-for-play corruption scandal will be released to the public 10 days prior to the 2020 election, Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, told Daily Caller’s senior White House correspondent Christian Datoc in an exclusive interview. The former […]

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