Posts Tagged ‘deficit’

Public NUMBS as government DEBT BOMB explodes to $33T, annual budget DEFICIT approaches $2T

(NaturalNews) The United States gross national debt just exceeded $33 trillion on Friday, September 15, three months after the federal government’s debt eclipsed… Source

Dems blast House GOP for bill adding $114 billion to deficit by enabling tax cheats

“Once again,” said Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal, Republicans are “putting politics over poor and working people.” Source

Ontario Projects $12.9 Billion Deficit for This Year in Fall Economic Statement

The Ontario government is projecting a deficit of $12.9 billion for the 2022-2023 fiscal year, which it says is about $7 billion lower than expected, according to the province’s fall economic statement released today. The province is expecting its deficit to decrease over the next two years, becoming about $8 billion next year before dropping […]

US Trade Deficit Narrows in July; Exports at Record High

The OOCL Europe is docked at the Port of Newark in Newark, N.J., on Nov. 27, 2017. (Brendan McDermid/Reuters) The U.S. trade deficit narrowed in July as exports hit a record high, a trend that could see trade continuing to contribute to gross domestic product in the third quarter. The Commerce Department said on Wednesday […]

US Trade Deficit Narrows in July; Exports at Record High

The OOCL Europe is docked at the Port of Newark in Newark, N.J., on Nov. 27, 2017. (Brendan McDermid/Reuters) The U.S. trade deficit narrowed in July as exports hit a record high, a trend that could see trade continuing to contribute to gross domestic product in the third quarter. The Commerce Department said on Wednesday […]

Tunisia growth set to be lower than expected as budget deficit increases

“The Tunisian economy is on a growth path that is slightly lower than what was previously expected,” the World Bank warned in a new report, as the country’s budget deficit increases. The report noted that Tunisia’s economic growth would be in the range of 2.4 per cent as a result of the decline in consumption […]

Khanna on Paying for Loan Cancellation: We’ve Had Deficit Reduction and Can Raise Taxes on Those Making over $400K

On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Jose Díaz-Balart Reports,” Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) responded to a question on how President Joe Biden’s student loan cancellation plan will be paid for by stating that there has been deficit reduction and we can

Fmr. Obama Treasury Counselor Rattner: ‘It’s Time to Start Dealing with the Deficit’ to Fight Inflation

On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” MSNBC Economic Analyst Steve Rattner, who served as counselor to the Treasury Secretary in the Obama administration, said we need to “start dealing with the deficit as part of trying to bring down

Economic Restructuring, Democratic Deficit and Locking Down Liberty

Platitudes about “individual responsibility” and “standing on your own two feet”. A relentless ideological attack on the state and collective responsibility. The doctrine of “no such thing as society” Thatcherism.Remember how the notion of freedom was spun by the ideologues of neoliberalism for decades prior to COVID? The freedom to consume. The freedom to make money. The freedom to […]

‘Never Been Weaker’: U.S. Trade Deficit ‘Mushroomed to a Record’ in November

The U.S. trade deficit, wherein the cost of imported goods exceeds the value of exported goods, “mushroomed to a record in November” and will likely continue for the duration of the coronavirus pandemic. The widened gap comes one month after the value of exports had a “historic gain” just one month prior in October, according […]

CBO: Build Back Better Act Adds $750 Billion to Deficit over Five Years

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) found Thursday that the Democrats’ mammoth legislation would cost $750 billion over five years. The CBO found that the Build Back Better Act would add $367 billion to the deficit; the Democrats’ official price tag is $1.75 trillion. President Joe Biden and other Democrats have claimed the bill would cost […]

Americans Poorly Informed on Deficit, Police Shootings, Health Insurance Coverage, Poll Shows

Americans had trouble picking the right answer on several politically salient topics, a poll of likely voters has shown. Supporters of President Joe Biden were wrong more often compared to those who disapproved of the president, though on no question did a majority of respondents answer correctly. Less than one in five of those approving […]

Sweden sees sperm deficit as COVID pandemic deters donors

Health professionals in Sweden are sounding the alarm over concerns of a sperm donation shortage spurred by the coronavirus pandemic. With sperm donors deterred from travelling to hospitals during the pandemic, doctors at public fertility clinics say the worsening shortage could result in years-long delays for assisted pregnancy treatments. “Because of the pandemic, many [men] […]

Federal Taxes, Spending and Deficit All Set Records Through February

Via: CNS News: Federal taxes, federal spending and the federal deficit all set records in the first five months of fiscal 2021 (October through February), according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today. This is the first time that the federal deficit has ever exceeded a trillion dollars in the first five months of the fiscal […]

Israel Sees $50.4 Billion Budget Deficit In 2020 — Largest In History

Israel’s budget deficit for the year 2020 was its highest ever, at NIS 160.3 billion ($50.4 billion), or 11.7 percent of its GDP, the Finance Ministry said Monday. The huge deficit — some three times higher than that of 2019 — was expected, due to the severe economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Percentage-wise, the […]

Israel has bigger issue than record deficit in state coffers

If Israel’s credit rating is lowered, it won’t be because of the deficit, but because the government has no economic plan and never passed a budget

Dem Rep. Pressley on Coronavirus Relief: ‘If They Can Approve a $740 Billion NDAA, I Don’t Want to Hear About a Deficit’

During an appearance on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut,” Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), a member of the so-called “Squad,” slammed Republicans for opposing additional COVID-19 relief measures in the name of fiscal responsibility. Pressley called that opposition “corrupt” and “cruel,” adding that Congress was able to National Defense Authorization Act with a price tag of $740 billion. “It […]

A Public Beauty Deficit

By Henry Dampier When you travel in European cities that are older than modernity, and contrast them with modern cities, the difference in both scale and in public decoration is stark. In modern cities, the trend is to have no recognizable human features to any of the buildings or public decorations. Where there is representational […]

Finnish parliament debate ditching euro to revive economy

     Finland has been discussing whether to leave the euro over growing frustration at the poor state of the country’s economy and high unemployment. The motion was discussed in parliament after a petition gathered more than 50,000 signatures. While the debate is unlikely to see Finland depart the single currency, it does show a general […]

Pollard and the Poisonous “Ally” Israel

The official and ecstatic Israeli welcome given to Jewish spy Jonathan Pollard’s release has definitively revealed the hate-filled attitude of the Jewish state toward America—and how poisonous the US’s supposed “best ally in the Middle East” actually is. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed Pollard’s release, saying that he had “longed for this day. […]

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