Posts Tagged ‘dealing’

German Government’s Dossier on Reiner Fuellmich and Recommendations for Dealing with Him

On Reiner’s first court appearance after the long Easter break, he and his legal team made what can easily be termed bombshell – that there has been a Dossier Reiner Fuellmich from the German state with the express purpose to take him out, notably out of any possibility of gaining a position in the political […]

More tips on dealing with pests in the garden (Wally Richards)

The tomato/potato psyllid has caused a few headaches for gardeners when the populations of this relatively new pest build up and they affect not only potatoes and tomatoes but also a number of other host plants such as tamarillo, capsicum,, chili and peppino. The nymphs are so small and you need a magnifying glass to […]


Gardening should be a pleasant pastime and not just another chore that has to be done. If you find it a chore then maybe there are too many things you are doing and the pleasure of working with plants and the soil is lost. There are things that we gardeners must do to keep everything […]

The U.S. Is Dealing With an Israeli Leader Who’s Losing Control. Benjamin Netanyahu is waging a war while struggling to avoid prison, salvage his legacy and keep his political partners happy


Dealing with stressed plants in your garden (Wally Richards)

Stress affects plants as well as all life forms as far as I am aware. We suffer stress in our day to day lives and this time of the year is especially stressful for some people. As there are different forms of stress which humans can be affected by, there are also different forms of […]

Study Reveals That 1 in 8 Military Families Are Dealing With Food Insecurity

A new study has revealed the level of food insecurity within the military community. The discturbing study, which surveyed more than 8,325 families with active-duty service members in the US Army or Air Force in […] The post Study Reveals That 1 in 8 Military Families Are Dealing With Food Insecurity appeared first on The […]

Boris Johnson Claimed Covid Was ‘Nature’s Way Of Dealing With Old People’

The UK Covid inquiry has heard that former Prime Minister Boris Johnson favoured ‘older people accepting their fate’ According to the government’s chief scientific advisor, Johnson viewed Covid as “nature’s way of dealing with old […] The post Boris Johnson Claimed Covid Was ‘Nature’s Way Of Dealing With Old People’ appeared first on The People's […]


It is that time when fruit is setting and soon to be attacked from the grubs of moths; Codlin and Guava. Guava moth is mostly in the upper north island but there has been a few cases in other areas likely as a result of fruit been brought south from infected areas. So share with […]

New York City to spend $4.7 BILLION this fiscal year dealing with illegal immigrants

(NaturalNews) New York City’s migrant crisis is expected to cost the city $4.7 billion this fiscal year.This is according to data released by the government of… Source

Malaysia Premier urges world to avoid confusion in dealing with conflict in Palestine

Malaysian Prime Minister, Anwar Ibrahim, on Thursday called on the international community to avoid confusion and discrimination in dealing with the conflict and human suffering in Palestine, Anadolu Agency reports. Addressing the East Asia Summit in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, Anwar said any form of racism, Islamophobia and xenophobia cannot be accepted and should […]

Dealing with pests in your lawn (Wally Richards)

There are three insect pests that are the main problem ones in lawns; grass grubs, porina and black beetle grubs. The affect they have on your lawns depends on the number of the pests in a given area. A few, will hardly be noticed, where a good number per square foot will damage the grasses […]

PA calls for dealing ‘wisely’ after protester killed in Nablus

Palestinian Authority (PA) yesterday called for Palestinians to deal “wisely” with the killing of a Palestinian protester in the West Bank city of Nablus, a statement said. Nabilabu Rudeineh, spokesman of the PA President Mahmoud Abbas, urged Palestinians in Nablus to keep calm following the PA killing of Palestinian protester Firas Yaish. “Keeping calm,” Abu […]

Pathways Through Grief: Dealing With the Death of a Loved One

In “C.S. Lewis on Grief,” editor Lesley Walmsley wrote, “There is a great hurt in grief, generally a feeling that no one else really understands, that no one else has ever suffered in quite this way or to quite this extent.” To be human is to suffer, but grief is in a category of pain […]

Mykonos: Restaurant employees caught red-handed dealing cocaine to customers

Mykonos police are investigating a case of cocaine dealing in a well-known chain restaurant on the island. Local media reported that employees of the restaurant were selling cocaine and other narcotics to customers. Foreign workers of the catering chain were arrested while driving to the restaurant to supply customers with narcotics.. It is worth mentioning […]

Dealing with ‘wet feet’ in your garden (Wally Richards)

Recently I have been asked why some plants (and in particular citrus trees) are loosing leaves and look like dying? The problem is root roots and any plants, shrubs or trees that can not have their roots wet for any length of time will likely die unless some remedial action is taken during wet times.. […]


All too often I am asked questions about problems that have already occurred and its to late to prevent them. Its like the old saying, closing the gate after the horse has gone. Unless you are onto it, you will miss the vital times when your efforts will be worthwhile and make a difference for […]

Fmr. Obama Treasury Counselor Rattner: ‘It’s Time to Start Dealing with the Deficit’ to Fight Inflation

On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” MSNBC Economic Analyst Steve Rattner, who served as counselor to the Treasury Secretary in the Obama administration, said we need to “start dealing with the deficit as part of trying to bring down

Pfizer Moves to Intervene in High-Profile Case Dealing With COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Data

» The Canadian Freedom Convoy: UPDATES 1/29/22Yesterday at 1:59 pm by PurpleSkyz » The Simpsons have done it again! truck convoy!!! 1999 PropagandaYesterday at 11:47 am by PurpleSkyz » Pfizer Moves to Intervene in High-Profile Case Dealing With COVID-19 Vaccine Safety DataYesterday at 11:17 am by PurpleSkyz » VAERS Data thru 1/21/2022Yesterday at 11:11 am by PurpleSkyz » James Webb Space Telescope arrives at […]

Parisian “Wheeling and Dealing” in the Persian Gulf

The first official European assessment of the recent round of talks in Vienna between the representatives of Iran and those of the E3 (Great Britain, France, and Germany), Russia, China, and the US came, oddly enough, from Dubai, where the quick-witted French president Emmanuel Macron announced what he called the failure of the foregoing phase […]

Dealing with bugs and pests in the garden

This is the time of the year some of a gardener’s bug enemies get out and cause damage. I have had my first phone call this week in regards to grass grub beetles eating the foliage of plants. The beetles are nocturnal, they will come out at dusk to mate and feed, lay eggs during […]

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