Posts Tagged ‘insecurity’

Study Reveals That 1 in 8 Military Families Are Dealing With Food Insecurity

A new study has revealed the level of food insecurity within the military community. The discturbing study, which surveyed more than 8,325 families with active-duty service members in the US Army or Air Force in […] The post Study Reveals That 1 in 8 Military Families Are Dealing With Food Insecurity appeared first on The […]

Presence of extra-regional forces has just caused insecurity: Iran’s Army official  

TEHRAN – The Army deputy chief for coordination said on Wednesday that the presence of foreign forces in the Persian Gulf region has just caused insecurity, ISNA reported. Source

Oxford study shows ‘heat can lead to food insecurity in a matter of days’

“Policymakers across sectors should consider how the socioeconomic links between heat, health, income, and food insecurity can be integrated into research, heat action plans, food programs, and labor regulations.” Source

The annual Flag March is a sign of Israeli weakness and colonial insecurity

Radical Israeli settlers and rightwing groups took part in the provocative “Flag March” on Thursday, May 18. Organized annually since 1968 to celebrate the occupation of East Jerusalem — under the name of “Jerusalem Unification Day” — the march usually starts in West Jerusalem with tens of thousands of Israelis carrying the flags of their […]

We’ve been hit hard by food insecurity. Our oceans and seas could be the solution

With growing stress on existing food systems from climate change, environmental harm and rising populations, there is significant potential for finding culturally acceptable blue foods with high nutritional and economic value yet relatively low environmental impact, Beatrice Crona writes. Source

345m people worldwide at risk of serious food insecurity, WFP says

The United Nations’ Food Chief has warned that up to 345 million people around the world could face starvation and famine as part of a “global emergency”, particularly in developing nations where food insecurity is already rife. Speaking to the UN Security Council (UNSC) this week, the Executive Director of the UN World Food Program […]

General calls U.S. biggest terrorism sponsor and source of insecurity

General calls U.S. biggest terrorism sponsor and source of insecurity – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – The spokesman for the Iranian Armed Forces on Tuesday described the United States as the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world, saying Washington is the source of insecurity across the globe. Brigadier General Abolfazl Shekarchi made the remarks at […]

Insecurity shadow over Vienna talks: Place of Iran talks changed amid protests fears

Insecurity shadow over Vienna talks: Place of Iran talks changed amid protests fears – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – Angry protests in Austria over the re-imposition of new restrictions due to a rising wave of new COVID-19 infections have cast doubt on the European country’s ability to play host for the next rounds of Iran talks. An […]

Researcher says Afghanistan’s neighbors concerned about spread of insecurity

Researcher says Afghanistan’s neighbors concerned about spread of insecurity – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN — Commenting on the strategic goals of neighboring countries regarding the Taliban reign in Afghanistan, a senior researcher on regional issues has said Iran has a “special position and calls for formation of an inclusive government in Afghanistan” and generally has adopted a […]

Amazon Caught Throwing Away Tons of Unexpired Food as US Faces Unprecedented Food Insecurity

Food insecurity in the Land of the Free is at a historical high. Thanks to the fed printing trillions to pay for their irresponsible and economically devastating lockdown policies, food costs have gone through the roof, supply chains are disrupted, there are fewer workers, and the impact is empty shelves. According to a report in […]

Report: State Of Insecurity – The Cost Of Militarization Since 9/11

Introduction Twenty years after 9/11, the war on terror has remade the U.S. into a far more militarized actor, both around the world and at home. The human costs of this evolution are many — including mass incarceration, widespread surveillance, the violent repression of immigrant communities, and hundreds of thousands of lives lost to war […]

Iran FM tells Baghdad summit: U.S. is main cause of insecurity in region

Iran FM tells Baghdad summit: U.S. is main cause of insecurity in region – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN — Iran’s new Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian who participated in the Baghdad summit on Saturday blamed the U.S. for security problems in West Asia. It was the first diplomatic tour by Amir Abdollahian in the post of foreign […]

Denmark should not put fear and insecurity into the hearts of Syrian refugee children | View

“I was at school when my best friend died next to me,” 14-year-old Amina told us, recounting her childhood in Syria, “Everyone had to get under their tables, everyone was stressed and crying. Children were dying. We didn’t know what to do,” she added from the Netherlands, where she now lives. Syria was no place […]

The Collective Assassin: the insecurity and victimhood behind Israel’s militarism

In his voluminous book “Rise and Kill First” (2019), Israeli journalist Ronen Bergman opens with the blunt statement that ‘…since World War II, Israel has assassinated more people than any other country in the Western world.’ This comes to nearly 2300 operations, killing several thousand people. The statement is controversial and there is no empirical […]

Abductions of Hundreds of School Boys, Pastor’s Wife Highlight Rising Insecurity in Northwest Nigeria

Photo Credit: Ovinuchi Ejiohuo/Unsplash (Christian Solidarity Worldwide) — A faction of the Boko Haram terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the abduction of students from their school in Katsina state on Dec. 11, while gunmen in Niger state who murdered a pastor and abducted his wife have demanded a large sum for her safe return. […]

Hunger in America – Covid-19 and the Nightmare of Food Insecurity

As autumn fades and winter looms, the dire predictions public-health experts made about Covid-19 have, unfortunately, proven all-too-accurate. On October 27th, 74,379 people were infected in the United States; less than a month and a half later, on December 9th, that number had soared to 218,677, while the 2020 total has just surpassed 15 million, a number no other country, […]

Food Insecurity In NYC Rises Precipitously

Above photo: In Washington Heights, people line up beside a pop up food pantry for canned goods, cartons of milk and bags of fruits. Gwynne Hogan/Gothamist/WNYC. No Federal Help In Sight. Food pantries in NYC are struggling to keep up with a dramatic increase in demand for assistance due to the coronavirus pandemic, which has […]

Spokesman: US, Israel resort to terrorists to foment insecurity in Iran

FNA- Iran’s Judiciary Spokesman Gholam Hossein Mohseni Eje’i warned that the US and Israel are using the terrorist groups, including Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as the MEK, PMOI and NCRI), to stir insecurity in Iran. “These days, the great Satan, the US, and certain American and Zionist statesmen threaten Iran and they have […]

Food Insecurity in Silicon Valley

Food Insecurity in Silicon Valley December 12th, 2017 Via: Guardian: In a region famed for its foodie culture, where the well-heeled can dine on gold-flecked steaks, $500 tasting menus and $29 loaves of bread, hunger is alarmingly widespread, according to a new study shared […]

Creating crisis improper strategy to avoid insecurity: Official

IRNA – Deputy Chief of Staff of the President for Political Affairs Hamid Aboutalebi said on Monday that creation of permanent large-scale crisis is not regarded as a suitable strategy to avoid existing crises. Referring to the current developments in Lebanon, Aboutalebi said after termination of crisis in northern Iraq, the time is now ripe […]

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