Posts Tagged ‘Militarization’

‘Madness!’: West Is Conducting ‘All-Out Militarization’ To Defeat Russia, Serbian President Warns

Last week we detailed that during Ukrainian President Zelensky’s visit to Albania where he appealed for more weapons from Balkan countries, he pushed the idea that all Western-friendly Balkan states should have a pathway to the EU and NATO. And at the same time French President Emmanuel Macron has been busy floating the possibility of Western […]

What to know about Texas’s militarization of the southern border

President Biden and former President Trump are both set to visit the U.S.-Mexico border Thursday, trips that come amid a recent buildup of U.S. National Guard troops in Texas.  The simultaneous trips — Biden’s to Brownsville, near the Gulf of Mexico, and Trump’s stopping roughly 300 miles north at Eagle Pass — are intended to… […]

Under the US watch, Japan sets sail for militarization

On December 16, Japan unveiled its new defence strategy aimed at giving a massive boost to the country’s defence and offence capability. This is arguably the largest defence upgrade that Japan has unveiled since the Second World War when it became a ‘pacifist’ state. As the new documents show, Japan is now shunning its ‘pacifism’ […]

Texas Steps Up Border Militarization with Deployment of 10 Armored Carriers

Texas Governor Greg Abbott ordered the deployment of ten M113 armored personnel carriers to the state’s southern border with Mexico. The action by the Texas governor is in response to the federal government’s anticipated ending of the Title 42 migrant expulsion protocol and the expected increase in border crossings. Source

Turkey protests to Greek Ambassador over ‘militarization’ of Aegean islands; Greece rejects demarche

Turkey called in the Greek Ambassador in Ankara on Monday to protest the ‘militarisation’ of Greek islands alleging that Greece was violating international law through the presence of armoured military vehicles at border islands. Greece rejected a Turkish demarche which was presented to Ambassador Christodoulos Lazaris who in response underlined that Greece’s positions have been thoroughly… […]

Saffronization  of  the  army  and  militarization  of   the  government

The  outpouring  of  grief  over  the  tragic  death  of  General  Bipin  Rawat  is  manifesting  itself  in  an  ugly   belligerent  form,  which was  never  witnessed in  the  past  on  similar  occasions,  like  the  passing  away  of  army  stalwarts –   Sam  Manekshaw,  Arjan  Singh   and  Sundarji.  The  present  state-sponsored  display  of  national  mourning  over  Bipin  Rawat’s  death  […]

Report: State Of Insecurity – The Cost Of Militarization Since 9/11

Introduction Twenty years after 9/11, the war on terror has remade the U.S. into a far more militarized actor, both around the world and at home. The human costs of this evolution are many — including mass incarceration, widespread surveillance, the violent repression of immigrant communities, and hundreds of thousands of lives lost to war […]

U.N. Human Rights Officials Write To U.S. Expressing Concern Over Militarization In Guam

In a recently released letter to the U.S. government, human rights officials at the United Nations backed Indigenous activists in Guam and expressed concern over the United States’ ongoing military presence in the territory. Activists representing Guam’s Chamorro people have decried America’s continued control and increased militarization on the island since claiming it as a […]

Going Underground – Ep. 599: Ajamu Baraka on Militarization & St Kitts & Nevis FM Mark Brantley on IMF imperialism

Going Underground – Ep. 599: Ajamu Baraka on Militarization & St Kitts & Nevis FM Mark Brantley on IMF imperialism Going Underground with Afshin In this episode, we talk about the history of International gangsterism and neoliberal militarisation alleged by the man who could have been Mike Pence, 2016 USA Vice Presidential candidate, Ajamu […]

Waking up to the horrors of Israeli militarization

On Monday October 30, an historical protest took place in front of the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament. Approximately 100 people gathered to protest the sale of arms and military training by Israel to Myanmar, where these weapons and tactics are being used in the ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya people in the west of the […]

Concerned About Trump’s Militarization of Police? This Database Shows What Your Local Cops Have

August 31, 2017 By Jay Syrmopoulos This week the Trump administration announced that they were lifting an Obama administration ban on certain military-grade weapons being sold to state and local police for pennies on the dollar. While there is a growing awareness that local law enforcement has received massive amounts of surplus […]

NATO’s Militarization of Scandinavia: Time to Ring the Alarm Bells

NATO’s Militarization of Scandinavia: Time to Ring the Alarm Bells Much has been said about NATO reinforcements in the Baltic States and Poland perceived in Moscow as provocative actions undermining security in Europe, while very little has been said about gradual but steady militarization of Scandinavia. The theme does not hit headlines and it is not […]

Trump’s Police State: More Militarization and Civil Asset Forfeiture

Most people in the alternative media are busy kvetching over the media attacking Trump, ignoring this big issue. Source Article from

The US Just Split Their Air Force To Create A Space Corps. Is The Militarization of Space Here?

It’s no secret that our world has been engulfed in conflict for years. While it can be difficult to find any solace in ongoing tragedy, the fact remains that, as a result of these years of turmoil, the masses are starting to finally wake up to all of the lies, deceit, and propaganda that have […]

Berkeley Capitulates To Police Militarization And Spying

Above Photo: Baltimore Militarization. Patrick Semansky/AP Berkeley, California – Some 400 people packed a special city council meeting here on June 20 to demand that the city end its ‘shameful collaboration’ with federal police and spy agencies. But the council, while widely hailed as ‘progressive’, ignored the near-unanimous popular opinion and voted to renew three controversial […]

Common Sense and the Manchester Bombing. The Militarization of the United Kingdom

Militarization Of U.S.’ Asian Allies A Boon For Top U.S. Weapon Manufacturers

Soldiers on a AAV7 Amphibious Assault Vehicle communicate during military exercises at the Zuoying naval base in Kaohsiung, southern of Taiwan, Wednesday, January 18, 2017. (AP/Chiang Ying-ying) MINNEAPOLIS— Last week, Taiwan issued a rare public comment announcing its plans to continue buying U.S.-made weapons, stating that the purchases are helping to boost the U.S. economy. […]

CNN Cuts Off Reporter When She Mentions Hillary’s Role in Mass Incarceration

CNN Cuts Off Reporter When She Mentions Hillary’s Role in Mass Incarceration July 14th, 2016 Via: CNN: <!– –> […]

Casting Call for Extras, Actors During Cleveland RNC Violence

By Jon Rappoport of No More Fake News. Here’s your chance to take to the streets and protest for a cause you believe in. Many thousands will be at your side. When the violence hits, you can run, go crazy, and hopefully escape police batons, water cannons, and flying bullets… This isn’t one company looking […]

Sanders set to endorse Clinton at campaign rally Tuesday, Zio-Watch, July 10-12, 2016

Britain’s new prime minister, like her trailblazing female predecessor Margaret Thatcher, is a firm supporter of Israel, and of the Jewish community… and of a celebrity Israeli chef. As Theresa May prepares to succeed David Cameron, here are six Jewish or Israeli links, ranging from her mother’s name to her cooking preferences. Biblical echo: Thatcher […]

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