Posts Tagged ‘split’

Politicians split over Biden’s executive action tightening the border

Politicians split over Biden’s executive action tightening the border lead image Source

From ‘devastating’ to ‘reassured’: Lawmakers split over Trump verdict

From ‘devastating’ to ‘reassured’: Lawmakers split over Trump verdict lead image Source

Split-screen of Mayorkas impeachment, border bill frustrates Senate GOP

Frustration is mounting for Senate Republicans over the House GOP’s dual push to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas while trying to kill the bipartisan border bill, a split-screen they believe is colored by presidential election politics. Senators are hopeful the bipartisan border deal will be released this week after months of negotiations, but the… […]

DEM SPLIT: Rep. Tlaid blasts Biden for supporting “genocide” of Palestine, warns of political ramifications in 2024

DEM SPLIT: Rep. Tlaid blasts Biden for supporting “genocide” of Palestine, warns of political ramifications in 2024 A growing number of Democrats are unhappy with White House occupant Joe Biden’s support for the Zionist-led annihilation and takeover of the embattled Gaza Strip. In a statement, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) accused Biden of supporting Israel’s “genocide” […]

Americans split along party lines on impeachment: survey

Americans’ views about a potential impeachment inquiry into President Biden are split along party lines, according to a poll published Wednesday.  The poll, conducted by Public Policy Polling and commissioned by the Congressional Integrity Project, both of which have Democratic leanings, found 56 percent of registered voters think a GOP impeachment inquiry into Biden would… […]

Getting used to getting separated: The Trudeaus’ split isn’t the outlier it once was

It wasn’t too long ago that relationship difficulties could sink a political career — or cost you your head. But news that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is separating from his wife of 18 years, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, isn’t exactly sending shockwaves across Ottawa or Washington. And there are two likely explanations for that. On […]

Asian American lawmakers split over end to affirmative action

Asian American lawmakers split over end to affirmative action | The Hill Skip to content An American flag waves in front of the Supreme Court building on Capitol Hill in Washington, on Nov. 2, 2020. Days after the Supreme Court outlawed affirmative action in college admissions on June 29, 2023, activists say they will sue Harvard […]

Fox’s 2020 split screen revealed

Dominion’s nearly-200-page filing not only lays out a tale of rank hypocrisy, but it weaves a broader narrative about what drove the campaign of disinformation — documenting the panic inside the network’s ranks after conservative discontent over its early (and accurate) call of Arizona for Joe Biden translated into a viewership boom for its less […]

MAGA Movement Leaders Split From Trump Over McCarthy Bid for House Speaker

While former President Donald Trump reiterated his support for would-be Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday, former Trump official Russ Vought rallied right-wing activists to “keep fighting” against McCarthy, and a group of religious-right leaders who supported Trump’s efforts to stay in office released a statement slamming McCarthy and praising the “courageous” far-right […]

Voters Split on Biden’s Plan to Forgive Portion of Student Loan Debt

Voters are split on President Biden’s sweeping plan to cancel $10,000 to $20,000 of student loan debt per qualified borrower, a Politico/Morning Consult survey released Wednesday found.

Tablighi Jamaat describes Saudi ban as ‘conspiracy’ to split Riyadh from Islamic world

Leaders of the Tablighi Jamaat movement in India have responded with anger to Saudi Arabia’s decision to ban the movement and describe it as “aberrant and perverse” and a “gateway to terrorism”. According to the Times of India, the group’s Shura (Consultative) Council said that the Saudi decision has to be viewed in the context […]

How Iron Dome funding split the Democratic Party on Israel

So where are the Palestinian voices in mainstream media? Mondoweiss covers the full picture of the struggle for justice in Palestine. Read by tens of thousands of people each month, our truth-telling journalism is an essential counterweight to the propaganda that passes for news in mainstream and legacy media. Our news and analysis is available […]

Historic holdup on Israel aid in the House highlights split in Jewish community

The day-long holdup in the House of Representatives of $1 billion in funding for an Israeli military program is historic, an unprecedented sign of Israel’s politicization in America at last. The holdup also represents the growing division of the American Jewish community over Israel. Two Jewish progressive groups are trying to block the aid. But […]

Split Film Festival to screen “The Badger”, “Minus Me” 

Split Film Festival to screen “The Badger”, “Minus Me”  – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – Iranian movies “The Badger” and “Minus Me” will be screening at the Split Film Festival, which will take place in Split, Croatia’s second-largest city, from September 15 to 21. The acclaimed drama “The Badger” directed by Kazem Mollai will be showcased in […]

Daily Briefing Apr. 5 – Split screen: Netanyahu on trial as Rivlin holds court

Welcome to The Times of Israel’s Daily Briefing: Your 15-minute audio update on what’s happening in Israel, the Middle East, and the Jewish world, from Sunday through Thursday. Today’s panel comprises editor David Horovitz and political and diplomatic reporter Tal Schneider, along with host Amanda Borschel-Dan. The Israeli political scene is enjoying/enduring a split screen […]

Poll: California Is Split on Gov. Gavin Newsom Recall Effort

California residents are split on seeing Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) recalled, according to a poll released by Nexstar Media Group and Emerson College polling. Californians were asked a series of questions on Newson’s performance and about the recall effort looming closer as more signatures are gathered. Between March 12-14, 2021, more than 1,000 registered voters were surveyed, […]

Poll: Blocs Split 58-58; Ra’am Could Be Tie-Breaker

A Sunday TV poll predicted continued deadlock after the election, with the pro- and anti-Netanyahu blocs evenly split and the Islamist Ra’am party narrowly crossing the electoral threshold to become possible kingmaker. The Channel 13 survey gave Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud 28 seats, followed by Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid, which received 20. Naftali Bennett’s […]

Poll Forecasts Deadlock After Election, With Blocs Split 60-60

A television poll released Wednesday suggested the March 23 elections could end in further political deadlock, with neither Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu nor his rivals having a clear path to forming a government. The Channel 12 news survey also had four parties hovering around the minimum electoral threshold. The failure by any of those parties […]

Republican leaders split while CPAC prepares to unite around Trump

Asked later if it was awkward to witness his leadership give such conflicting visions on Trump, Smith replied: “Hasn’t that been happening all year?” The episode perfectly captured the civil war raging inside the not-so-post-Trump GOP. And those divisions will be on full display this weekend during CPAC, an annual party gathering where the action […]

Poll Shows Huge Democrat Sex Split over Foreign Workers

Democrat women strongly oppose the corporate skilled-labor importation policies that are cheered on by the majority of Democrat men, according to a poll by Rasmussen Reports. The 21-point poll gap creates a hidden split within the pro-amnesty Democrat Party that can help GOP politicians who want to win over Democrat college voters with a platform […]

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