Posts Tagged ‘corps’

Iran: head of Revolutionary Guard Corps says ‘time’ of Israeli arrogance has ended

The Commander-in-Chief of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) said on Sunday that the “time” of Israel’s arrogance is over. “Today, Israel can no longer be as reckless as before,” said Major General Hossein Salami. “The time of [Israeli] occupation and aggression has ended, and the Palestinians have brought terror into the Zionists’ hearts. They […]

Biden administration launches the American Climate Corps

According to the White House, in its first year, the American Climate Corps will put more than 20,000 young people on career pathways in the fields of clean energy, conservation and climate resilience. Source

‘Furious’ at Army Corps, tribe calls for public support to shut down Dakota Access Pipeline

“The Corps’ covering for the pipeline company’s outrageous safety record and the reviewer’s serious conflict of interest have now resulted in a failed effort,” said Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Chairwoman Janet Alkire. “They need to start over with adult supervision.” Source

Navy and Marine Corps Commence Large Scale Exercise 2023

aug 9 2023 Navy and Marine Corps Commence Large Scale Exercise 2023 09 August 2023 NORFOLK, Va. — More than 10,000 Sailors and Marines across 22 times zones are now participating in Large Scale Exercise (LSE) 2023 as the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps officially kick off one of the maritime service’s largest exercises, […]

The commandant of the Marine Corps Says Smart Kids Not Wanting To Die From Forced Killer Jabs Has Deterred Enlistments

The Ole Dog! was paraphrasing the headline.What the mass murdering lying cowardly misbegotten evil ball-less son of a one eyed, three legged flea infested street mutt bitch with chronic diarrhea really said was this: “myths and misbeliefs” about “Covid-19” “”vaccines have deterred enlistments. In other words kids smart enough to figure out there was no […]

US Marine Corps Quietly Drops Punishments For Refusing Covid-19 Vaccine

    Amid a two-month court battle which saw a federal judge side with a group of US Marines over the right to refuse the Covid-19 vaccine based on religious objections, the US Marine Corps has quietly dropped strict punishments for service members who are seeking exemptions. A Sept. 14 notice reads that the “Marine […]

US Marine Corps Quietly Drops Punishments For Refusing Covid-19 Vaccine

    Amid a two-month court battle which saw a federal judge side with a group of US Marines over the right to refuse the Covid-19 vaccine based on religious objections, the US Marine Corps has quietly dropped strict punishments for service members who are seeking exemptions. A Sept. 14 notice reads that the “Marine […]

US Marine Corps Quietly Drops Punishments For Refusing Covid-19 Vaccine

    Amid a two-month court battle which saw a federal judge side with a group of US Marines over the right to refuse the Covid-19 vaccine based on religious objections, the US Marine Corps has quietly dropped strict punishments for service members who are seeking exemptions. A Sept. 14 notice reads that the “Marine […]

US Marine Corps Quietly Drops Punishments For Refusing Covid-19 Vaccine

    Amid a two-month court battle which saw a federal judge side with a group of US Marines over the right to refuse the Covid-19 vaccine based on religious objections, the US Marine Corps has quietly dropped strict punishments for service members who are seeking exemptions. A Sept. 14 notice reads that the “Marine […]

US Marine Corps Quietly Drops Punishments For Refusing Covid-19 Vaccine

    Amid a two-month court battle which saw a federal judge side with a group of US Marines over the right to refuse the Covid-19 vaccine based on religious objections, the US Marine Corps has quietly dropped strict punishments for service members who are seeking exemptions. A Sept. 14 notice reads that the “Marine […]

Christian Youth Corps Member Killed in Adamawa State, Nigeria 

Funeral notice of Samaila Sabo Awudu.(Morning Star News courtesy of family) ABUJA, Nigeria (Morning Star News) – A Christian posted in Yola, northeast Nigeria, as part of his youth service corps duty was killed on Aug. 26 in what was suspected as a targeted attack, sources said. Samaila Sabo Awudu was assaulted by at least five […]

Impressive Images: The 4th Army Corps conduct river crossing exercises near Turkish border

The “Potamia Odos-22” , with the participation of 4th Army Corps “Thraki” unit and the 1st Army Aviation Brigade “Kilkis Lachana” took place from July 4 to July 8 at the Naval Training Centre of southern Evros, close to the border with Turkey. The Distinguished Visitors Day took place on July 7 and was attended… […]

Press Corps Blasts “Continued Efforts To Limit Access To The President” By The White House

The White House Press Corps has blasted “ahistoric” efforts to limit reporters’ access to Joe Biden during briefings, charging that their presence is being unprecedentedly and severely restricted without explanation. In a joint letter to Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, the Corps pointed out that this isn’t the first time complaints have been made about the […]

Fox News Interviews Denver Policeman Crippled by Mandatory Vaxx, While Fox Corps Requires Employees Get Vaxxed or Tested Daily

This policeman got the COVID “vaccine” because he didn’t want to lose his job and now he is completely crippled. Link Fox News likes to pretend they are some crusader for truth and health freedom, but Fox Corps is coercing all of its employees to get injected. When Biden set forth a plan requiring companies […]

Marine Corps Major pleads not guilty to Capitol riot charges

Recorded on multiple videos attacking police officers during the Capitol riots on January 6, an active duty U.S. Marine officer recently pleaded not guilty to federal charges, including assault, obstruction, and violent entry on Capitol grounds. The Pentagon has confirmed that the officer remains on active duty despite facing criminal charges. Around 2:25 p.m. on […]

US Marine Corps Rebuilt to Confront China

The US Marine Corps has after nearly a century of integrating tanks into its fighting forces, abandoned armored warfare in favor of missiles and drones to “confront China” in the Indo-Pacific region. The Marine Times in a 2020 article titled, “The Corps is axing all of its tank battalions and cutting grunt units,” would explain: […]

Marine Corps Major charged with assaulting police officer during Capitol riots

Image Credit: Sgt. Jessica Y. Lucio/Marine Corps Captured on video attacking police officers during the Capitol riots on January 6, an active duty U.S. Marine officer was arrested Thursday and charged with assault, obstruction, and violent entry on Capitol grounds. Around 2:25 p.m. on January 6, Major Christopher Warnagiris was recorded on a security camera helping a […]

Member of Biden’s transition press corps tests positive for coronavirus

In a separate statement, the president-elect’s office confirmed that the individual had traveled with Biden on Tuesday, but “was not ever in close contact” as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “He also adhered to masking and social distancing guidelines at all times during the trip,” the transition team said. “Out of […]

Brooklyn synagogue and Orthodox ambulance corps warn of new COVID cases amid rising fear of a second wave

(JTA) – With cases of COVID-19 rising over the last several weeks in Orthodox communities in the New York City area, a synagogue in Brooklyn and a Jewish ambulance group issued warnings for people to continue taking precautions against the virus. Hatzoloh of Rockland County, which serves a number of large Orthodox communities in Monsey, […]

11 Ill In Hazmat Incident At Marine Corps HQ Near Pentagon

A hazardous material situation was declared at a US military base in Arlington, Virginia when eleven people became ill after opening a suspicious letter. The base is short walk away from the Pentagon Initial reports suggest that a certified letter was opened in one of the buildings and that it contained some sort of potentially […]

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