Posts Tagged ‘Militarism’

US Militarism’s Toxic Impact On Climate Policy

President Biden addressed the UN General on September 21 with a warning that the climate crisis is fast approaching a “point of no return,” and a promise that the United States would rally the world to action. “We will lead not just with the example of our power but, God willing, with the power of […]

Quds Force Commander: Iran Trying To Exclude Militarism as Solution for Afghanistan

 SEPTEMBER 8, 2021 By Staff, Agencies A member of the Iranian Parliament reported that the Islamic Revolution Guard [IRG’s] Quds Force commander, Brigadier General Esmail Ghaani, said in a closed Parliament session that Iran is trying that the resolve of the Afghan issue not to be through war. In an interview with Mehr News Agency, […]

USA Only Knows the Language of Militarism

On July 27, 2021, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin – amid a diplomatic standoff with China – said: “We will not flinch when our interests are threatened. Yet we do not seek confrontation.” The message is clear: the US is turning its gaze to Asia and wants China to acquiesce to its imperialist aims. […]

There Are No Mass Migrations Without US Meddling And Militarism

Above Photo: Megan Varner / Getty Images. Despite Its Pledges To Aid Central America, The Biden Administration Continues To Deny The United States’ Role In Destabilizing The Region. When Vice President Kamala Harris visited the U.S.-Mexico border in El Paso, Texas, on June 25, she repeated the claim she made during her trip to Guatemala and […]

A feminist achievement or more Israeli militarism?

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

YCP – Kosher Press False Accusations of Russian Militarism

EURO FOLK RADIO YCP – Kosher Press False Accusations of Russian Militarism Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Share this: Source

Could Biden’s Climate Policy Invite More Militarism?

Could Biden’s Climate Policy Invite More Militarism? Above photo: Shutterstock. Climate change poses an existential threat. That doesn’t mean we should further empower an already bloated Pentagon. The first month of the Biden presidency was a flurry of climate action, sweeping away the openly denialist intransigence of the Trump administration. After re-entering the Paris Agreement and canceling […]

The Collective Assassin: the insecurity and victimhood behind Israel’s militarism

In his voluminous book “Rise and Kill First” (2019), Israeli journalist Ronen Bergman opens with the blunt statement that ‘…since World War II, Israel has assassinated more people than any other country in the Western world.’ This comes to nearly 2300 operations, killing several thousand people. The statement is controversial and there is no empirical […]

This Is Amerika: Where Fascism, Totalitarianism and Militarism Go Hand In Hand, Lockdown, Authoritarian — Rutherford Institute / August 12, 2020 | Bill Martinez Live

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America Has Traded God for Empire, Narcissism, Militarism, Usury, Sodomy

    It goes without saying that Father Joseph Gleason of Russian Faith is making his mark in the world for the Kingdom of God in Jesus Christ. His theological journey has finally taken him into the priesthood of the Russian Orthodox Church. Geographically, the journey he and his family have embarked upon has taken […]

The ecological impact of militarism

Against the Institution of War As we start the 21st century and the new millennium, our scientific and technological civilization seems to be entering a period of crisis. Today, for the first time in history, science has given to humans the possibility of a life of comfort, free from hunger and cold, and free from […]

US Militarism Toward China Is Part And Parcel Of American Hegemony

American hegemony syndrome has shifted public attention away from the critical problems facing humanity by demonizing China. “Military expansionism compensates for the fact that the U.S. has lost to China in the realm of economic competition.” The COVID-19 pandemic has not made the planet any safer from the threat of U.S. militarism. Nothing encapsulates the […]

US Militarism Mapped

US Militarism Mapped Above Photo: From World BEYOND War has just released an updated 2018 mapping of militarism in the world. The map system can be explored and adjusted to display what you’re looking for, as well as display precise data and its sources at Here are some examples of what it can show: Where […]

Barber Sermon On Militarism Reveals Philosophical & Political Limitations Of The Poor Peoples Campaign

Barber Sermon On Militarism Reveals Philosophical & Political Limitations Of The Poor Peoples Campaign Above Photo: tormentor4555/Flickr “Rev. Barber speaks for the politically leftish wing of the Institutional Church in the US, which has pretty much anointed him the mantle of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s final year, minus the burden King carried as […]

America Hasn’t Learned a Thing: Racism, Materialism and Militarism Still Reign Supreme

America Hasn’t Learned a Thing: Racism, Materialism and Militarism Still Reign Supreme By John W. Whitehead April 03, 2018 “In this difficult day, in this difficult time for the United States, it is perhaps well to ask what kind of a nation we are and what direction we want to move in. [Y]ou can be […]

Powers & Principalities: Modern Militarism

Timothy Kelly and Joe Atwill talk about the big business of military contracts, perception management, and how militarism infects daily life in America. Download Timothy’s Podcast Source Article from

No more worshiping of the military Time to Call out US Militarism for What It Is: The Key Threat to America’s Security

No more worshiping of the military Time to Call out US Militarism for What It Is: The Key Threat to America’s Security By Dave Lindorff President Eisenhower warned of a ‘military-industrial complex’             I was in the grocery store a while back when, after my items were tabulated, the checkout clerk asked, “Would you like to […]

Matthew Hoh: Militarism Is One of the True Religions of the United States

Matthew Hoh: Militarism Is One of the True Religions of the United States Mohsen Abdelmoumen: You are a member of the Center for International Policy. Can you tell us about the missions of this organization and what is its impact on American politics? Matthew Hoh: The Center for International Policy (CIP) is a think tank […]

NATO and Western Militarism in a Multipolar World

War, Militarism & No Mainstream Opposition: Different Administration Same Story

In the run-up to budget discussions, the Trump Administration floated various proposals for a dramatic increase in military spending on top of the already bloated $596 billion Pentagon budget. This, figure doesn’t even represent the true expenditures devoted to war-making and militarism in the $1.1 trillion discretionary side of the national budget.  The $596 doesn’t […]

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