Posts Tagged ‘multipolar’

Escobar: The Global South Converges To Multipolar Moscow

Authored by Pepe Escobar, Here’s the key takeaway of these frantic days in Moscow: Normal-o-philes of the world, unite. These have been frantic multipolar days at the capital of the multipolar world. I had the honor to personally tell Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov that virtually the whole Global South seemed to be represented in […]

Egypt and India: a clear example of the multipolar character of today’s world

Two countries, Egypt and India, have become models of mutual cooperation and understanding, thus providing a remarkable instance of regional autonomy in an age when the international community is becoming increasingly polarized. These two nations joined forces in many areas, in a bid to create a unique model of regional independence and play a significant role […]

The New Multipolar World: East Africa Focus

During a recent visit to West Africa, Rwandan President Paul Kagame declared that Russia has the right to be anywhere in Africa. Kagame also accused Western nations of dragging Africa into its political messes. His words echo the sentiments of many African nations. Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, the original BRICS countries, control […]

Saudi Arabia in keeping with the Politics of a Multipolar World

Saudi Arabia, led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, who is effectively the kingdom’s leader due to his father the king’s late age, has pursued a strong foreign policy, both regionally and globally. China arranged an agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran, easing long-standing tensions between the two countries. The decision surely validates expectations […]

The West’s Denial Strategy and the Surfacing Multipolar World

In the news in the western hemisphere today, the truth is like the Holy Grail. And like the cup of Christ, it too may be lost forever. Take any information about Russia or China, for instance. Reality is now shifted not only in the halls of power in Washington, London, and Brussels, but in journalism, […]

How Africa is facilitating Multipolar World

The military conflict between Russia and Ukraine (as also Ukraine’s NATO allies) has brought some very interesting changes to the international political economy. Whereas this conflict has led Europe – working under immense pressure from the US – to stop its purchase of oil and gas from Russia, it has also allowed Russia to divert […]

China, Iran and Russia lay the foundations for a multipolar world

After Mikhail Ulyanov, the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to international organizations in Vienna, pointed out the creation of a new triangle in international diplomacy by China, Iran and Russia at the end of 2022, special attention was paid everywhere to this political formation. Interest in this circumstance has further increased following the productive […]

Egypt: In Search of a New Multipolar World

The idea of a multipolar world, promoted and actively supported by the President of Russia, is increasingly making its way, and many countries around the world are striving for this future. The countries of the Arab world, which want to diversify their foreign policy ties and find new partners and allies, are not lagging behind […]

Russia not pursuing multipolar system; pursuing unipolarity and empire

By Timothy Fitzpatrick December 11, 2022 Anno Domini Despite appearances to the contrary, the neo-Soviet Russian Federation is pursuing the opposite of what it claims, as a means of attaining Lenin’s dream of world Communist domination. Since the Eurasianist agenda has ramped up since about 2014, the rhetoric coming from Moscow has been that it […]

Multipolar World Order – Part 3

Iain Davis What is the Great Reset? | Davos Agenda 2021 – Official WEF Youtube In Part 1, we considered the forces shaping the world order and the attempts to impose various models of global governance upon it. In Part 2, we discussed the progress of the global power shift from West to East and asked why so […]

The Widening Gap between Rich and Poor is Hastening the Transition to a Multipolar World

According to the charity Oxfam, which fights against poverty throughout the world, the ten wealthiest people in the world have seen their combined assets double in the last two years, from $700 billion to $1.5 trillion. In its briefing on inequality, Oxfam points out that “central banks pumped trillions of dollars into financial markets to […]

Macron Insulted Africans’ Intelligence by Claiming That Multipolar Powers Manipulate Them

By Andrew Korybko Global Research, August 29, 2022 Region: Europe, sub-Saharan Africa Theme: Intelligence All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost […]

Multipolar World Order with Iain Davis

Whitney is joined by Iain Davis to discuss how the Western-led “rules-based order” and its alternative, the Russia/China-led “Multipolar law-based order”, are two sides of the same coin and are leading the world into an age of technocracy. See Whitney’s article “Ukraine and the New Al Qaeda” for more on the CIA effort to create […]

China And Nicaragua To Collaborate On New Multipolar World

Above Photo: Nicaragua’s Presidential Advisor Laureano Ortega Murillo, at the Joint Press Conference with Comrade Ma Zhaoxu, Vice Chancellor of the People’s Republic of China in Tianjin. December 10, 2021. China and Nicaragua have resumed diplomatic relations in what Nicaragua’s Presidential Advisor Laureano Ortega Murillo called “a historic date.” The Government of the Republic of Nicaragua announced […]

Sochi probes the Utopia of a multipolar world

October 20, 2021 by Pepe Escobar, posted with permission and first posted at Asia Times The annual Valdai Club meeting has always been positioned as absolutely essential when it comes to understanding the non-stop movement of geopolitical tectonic plates across Eurasia. The ongoing 18th meeting in Sochi once again lives up to expectations. The overall theme is Global Shake-Up […]

Venezuelan interview with Dr Bouthaina Shaaban: ‘creating a new multipolar system’

النيأ العظيم === [embedded content] Islam and Muslims مفهوم الحرية واستعمال العنف [embedded content] الاسلام والمسلمون [embedded content] Islamic jurisprudence crisis أزمة الفقه الإسلامي [embedded content] Pillars of Islam and the pillars of faith أركان الإسلام وأركان الإيمان [embedded content] More here (1 to 44) The Qur’an, Morality and Critical Reason (PDF) Source

Syrian Foreign Minister Muallem Was A Multipolar Visionary

By Andrew Korybko American political analyst 18 NOVEMBER 2020 In order to appreciate his legacy, the reader must understand the complex circumstances in which he worked. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem passed away earlier this week, but his multipolar vision will be remembered forever. The Arab Republic’s top diplomat previously served as his country’s Ambassador to […]

Sixty Mimutes: Nasser Kandil on the Emerging Multipolar World and the 5 Seas Region

  Related Videos div{float:left;margin-right:10px;} div.wpmrec2x div.u > div:nth-child(3n){margin-right:0px;} ]]> Advertisements Filed under: AngloZionist Empire, Assad, Axis of Resistance, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Iran, Japan, multipolar world, Nasser Kandil, Russia, Saudia, Syria, The 5 Seas Region, UK, USA | Source Article from

Escobar Exposes Real BRICS Bombshell: Putin’s "Fair Multipolar World" Where Oil Trade Bypasses The Dollar

Authored by Pepe Escobar via The Asia Times, Putin reveals ‘fair multipolar world’ concept in which oil contracts could bypass the US dollar and be traded with oil, yuan and gold… The annual BRICS summit in Xiamen – where President Xi Jinping was once mayor – could not intervene in […]

How the US Deep State Accidentally Forged a Multipolar World Order

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