Posts Tagged ‘tories’

Voters Take Vengeance on the Tories

Two weeks ago, I wrote about the rise of the New Right and its challenge to the liberal consensus on social, economic, and environmental policies; the displacement of the old left-right ideological divide by that between the inner city managerial-technocratic elite and the inhabitants of Hiluxland; and the growing disenchantment with democracy because of the […]

Call Public Inquiry First, Then Tories Will Suggest Who Can Lead It: Poilievre

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre says Prime Minister Justin Trudeau must make the first move and call an independent public inquiry into allegations of foreign interference. He says only then will the Conservatives provide the Liberal government with a list of proposed names for people to lead the process. The official Opposition leader made his demand in […]

‘Nobody’s Perfect,’ Joly Says of Afghan Evacuation, as Tories Question Plaque

Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly says it was “a messy situation” trying to help Afghans escape the Taliban, as Conservatives questioned her department’s decision to install a plaque commemorating the August 2021 airlift. “I can’t turn back the clock,” Joly told the House of Commons immigration committee, where she was questioned about the government’s chaotic […]

Indian man seen as ‘traitor’ by Tories becomes Prime Minister of Great Britain

Rishi Sunak, who initiated the crisis in Boris Johnson’s administration by quitting last summer from his position as Chancellor of the Exchequer, will now take office as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Despite the fact that Sunak overthrew his own administration and was viewed as a traitor by many Tories, the party today formally […]

The Tories (Traitors) in Our Midst Getting British Awards For Representing THEM! (ZIONIST British Monarchy & Empire Which Includes Rockefellers & Rothschilds)

HM’s Chatham House Bestows Awards on Black Lives Matter Movement and Green Fanatics July 30, 2021 (EIRNS)—In celebration of its 100th year at the service of Her Royal Majesty, Chatham House—officially, the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), Patron Queen Elizabeth II— yesterday awarded three “Centenary Awards” to individuals and organizations who have “played a […]

Tony Blair Tells Tories To Block Brexit Or Face A Corbyn Government

Tony Blair has warned Tories that they should block Brexit if they want to avoid a Labour government led by Jeremy Corbyn. The former Labour prime minister is renowned for his constant, outspoken opposition to Brexit, but following his comments many are now questioning if he should retain his Labour Party membership He has repeated […]

Britain’s Tories On the Run: Boris Johnson at the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester

134% increase in homelessness since Tories gained power

     The number of homeless people in the UK has increased by a staggering 134 percent since the Tories came into government in 2010, according to the government’s spending watchdog. A damning report by the National Audit Office (NAO) reveals that the number of households in temporary accommodation has increased by 60 percent in the […]

Theresa May and the Tories strike a deal with the DUP

     Prime Minister Theresa May has finally reached an agreement with the Northern Irish Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) allowing her to officially form a minority government. May was pictured with the DUP leader Arlene Foster, while their respective Westminster chief whips, Gavin Williamson for the Conservative Party and Jeffrey Donaldson for the DUP, signed the […]

Critics slam Tories’ pledge to ‘rip up human rights laws’ – won’t stop terrorism

     Prime Minister Theresa May is facing a fierce backlash over her election pledge to scrap human rights laws in order to fight terrorism. The PM sparked widespread condemnation among campaigners and opposition parties, who accused her of creating a “diversion” from “searing” questions over national security and her record as home secretary. They also […]

Jews Covered Up Jimmy Savile Scandal During 1997 Election

Jews Covered Up Jimmy Savile Scandal During 1997 Election Senior UK Conservative MPs were aware of notorious pedopohile Jimmy Savile’s crimes in the 1990’s but failed to disclose the information to the police or to Parliament. Read More here: Source Article from

Strong and Stable? Eve of Tories’ manifesto launch a ‘complete disaster’

     On 17 May, even Sky News had to admit that it had been a disastrous day for the Conservative Party. And on the eve of the party’s manifesto launch, too. Failure on three fronts Jon Craig, Chief Political Correspondent for Sky News, insisted that parties often only make announcements if they’ve got a good […]

The Tories’ Election Campaign: Empty Rhetoric Repeated Ad Nauseam

Just in case you missed it, strong and stable leadership repeated ad nauseam is the campaign mantra of the Tory party for the incoming General Election. So just before our brains cease to function by the repetition of this empty slogan, let us unpick this mantra: strength in itself is not always good. One could […]

If you want the Tories out, only one man can show them the door: Jeremy Corbyn

If you want the Tories out, only one man can show them the door: Jeremy Corbyn Anyone who wants to avoid another disastrous four years of austerity should put aside their differences. How many times did Theresa May or her aides deny the possibility of a snap general election? Enough to make it clear that […]

Corey Feldman Would Love To Name Hollywood Paedophiles

Actor Corey Feldman has claimed that paedophilia is a prevalent problem in Hollywood and that he’d ‘love to name names’ “But unfortunately California conveniently enough has a statute of limitations that prevents that from happening. Because if I were to go and mention anybody’s name I would be the one that would be in legal […]

100 Feared Dead After Explosions Near Russian Military Bases In Syria

More than 100 people are feared dead after seven blasts targeted several locations in the Latakia province in Syria on Monday, according to media reports. ISIS have claimed responsibility for the attacks in Jableh and Tartuswhich which are close to two Russian military facilities. RT reports: Islamic State militants claimed the attacks saying via its […]

100 Feared Dead After Explosions Near Russian Military Bases In Syria

More than 100 people are feared dead after seven blasts targeted several locations in the Latakia province in Syria on Monday, according to media reports. ISIS have claimed responsibility for the attacks in Jableh and Tartuswhich which are close to two Russian military facilities. RT reports: Islamic State militants claimed the attacks saying via its […]

100 Feared Dead After Explosions Near Russian Military Bases In Syria

More than 100 people are feared dead after seven blasts targeted several locations in the Latakia province in Syria on Monday, according to media reports. ISIS have claimed responsibility for the attacks in Jableh and Tartuswhich which are close to two Russian military facilities. RT reports: Islamic State militants claimed the attacks saying via its […]

100 Feared Dead After Explosions Near Russian Military Bases In Syria

More than 100 people are feared dead after seven blasts targeted several locations in the Latakia province in Syria on Monday, according to media reports. ISIS have claimed responsibility for the attacks in Jableh and Tartuswhich which are close to two Russian military facilities. RT reports: Islamic State militants claimed the attacks saying via its […]

100 Feared Dead After Explosions Near Russian Military Bases In Syria

More than 100 people are feared dead after seven blasts targeted several locations in the Latakia province in Syria on Monday, according to media reports. ISIS have claimed responsibility for the attacks in Jableh and Tartuswhich which are close to two Russian military facilities. RT reports: Islamic State militants claimed the attacks saying via its […]

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