Posts Tagged ‘midst’

Finding Peace of the Soul In the Midst of a World of Evil S#it

I must give credit for my understanding to the Creator God, Nature, the Light, or as I prefer the SOURCE. Got on my knees and begged for understanding leading to wisdom. All around me are sheep helping the jackals to herd the sheep through the slaughterhouse doors. The sheep mutilate their lambs over tranny shit […]

How to Cope in the Midst of Crisis

The other day I found myself in a defiant mood. It’s not my default position, these days. Most often, I adopt a ‘I’ll ignore the government and every subsidiary authority and every captured agency or institution, and get on with my life’ attitude. I imagine myself floating on a quiet waterway in a small dinghy, […]

The Black and Jewish Plague In Our Midst

The black man is a serious danger to the further survival of the White Race only rivaled by the jew himself, the jew being a greater overall danger in manipulating and destroying the White Race. Source

Philips Parts Ways With CEO in Midst of Massive Recall

AMSTERDAM—Philips Chief Executive Frans van Houten will leave the company in October, the Dutch health technology firm said on Tuesday, after a key product recall cut its market value by more than half over the past year. Philips said Van Houten would be replaced on Oct. 15 by Roy Jakobs, head of the company’s Connected […]

Gramsci In The Midst Of Brazil’s Landless Workers’ Movement

Despite the persistent hegemony of capitalism and its ruling neoliberal ideology, various forms of resistance, social struggle, and proposals for an emancipated future continue to emerge. This is taking place in the face of economic, political, social, and environmental crises as well as a continuing lack of vision of how to overcome the health crisis. […]

Naomi Klein: The US is in the midst of a ‘shock-and-awe judicial coup’

“The rolling judicial coup coming from this court is by no means over,” warned the author of “The Shock Doctrine.” Source

Threats in the midst of renewed church growth in Libya

Photo Credit: Documentaries Ly/Pexels (Voice of the Martyrs Canada) — Once an active centre of Christianity during the days of the early church, Libya is now known as an epicentre of persecution that’s so extreme, there are few believers today remaining in the country. According to some reports, however, the number of Christ-followers is again starting to…

The Tories (Traitors) in Our Midst Getting British Awards For Representing THEM! (ZIONIST British Monarchy & Empire Which Includes Rockefellers & Rothschilds)

HM’s Chatham House Bestows Awards on Black Lives Matter Movement and Green Fanatics July 30, 2021 (EIRNS)—In celebration of its 100th year at the service of Her Royal Majesty, Chatham House—officially, the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), Patron Queen Elizabeth II— yesterday awarded three “Centenary Awards” to individuals and organizations who have “played a […]

IsraAID to provide oxygen concentrators, supplies to India in midst of COVID crisis

Browse > Home / News / IsraAID to provide oxygen concentrators, supplies to India in midst of COVID crisis April 29, 2021 by JNS Read on for article In response to the devastating coronavirus outbreak in India, now at the epicentre of the pandemic, IsraAID will provide urgently needed medical supplies to the beleaguered nation. […]

‘Shaun On P13’: Ordinary Norwegians Expose the Anti-Semite in Their Midst

Norwegian radio host Shaun Henrik Matheson. Photo: NRK. – If Shaun Henrik Matheson was an American radio presenter rather than a Norwegian one, it’s highly unlikely that he’d still have a job this week. Matheson is the presenter of a morning show on the P13 channel, a component part of the expansive state-owned Norwegian […]

Israel issues demolition of Palestinian clinic in midst of pandemic

The coronavirus is still raging in Palestine, with hundreds of new cases of the virus being reported every day, and a rising death count to boot.  In the past 24 hours, the Palestinian Ministry of Health (MOH) reported 660 new cases of the coronavirus, and 10 COVID-19 related deaths in the occupied West Bank, Gaza, […]

Archbishop Viganò: America Is In Midst Of “Colossal Electoral Fraud”

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, is warning that President Trump is standing up against the demonic forces of the deep state and the New World Order. On November 4th, Viganò, a Catholic Archbishop who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 19 October 2011 to 12 April 2016, published a new letter addressing […]

NYPD Officers Charge at Protesters in the Midst of Outdoor Diners

By Alex Taylor and Vincent BaroneNew York Post Dramatic video shows NYPD officers, some in riot gear, arrest a group of protesters in the midst of outdoor diners in the West Village on Saturday night. The protesters — who were later hit with charges that include disorderly conduct — had been gathered on the sidewalk […]

How could the left miss the messiah in our midst? Hail Caesar! Hail Savior Donald!

Dismissing Trump as conniving, failed hustler disregards his self-deified status The Trump Convention spectacle, so gripping I barely watched, clarified for all his strident refusal to be pigeon-holed as mere political “candidate.” Nor as mundane party “standard bearer,” mirrored in the cult presumptions as well as the unshakable faith of his acolytes. Nothing earthly shifts the Trumpian dial for true believers: neither his iniquity nor venom, neither endless scandals nor insider (family!) indictments, neither laughable lying, nor absurd conspiracy bluster – […]

A Gosling In Our Midst: Agents And Bitchute Bans

This notice is to warn people of a probable operative who lurks on Bitchute and has a channel called ‘Jewish Gangstalking’. He has become somewhat notorious for introducing melodrama into the movement and associating it with the more ‘paranoid conspiracy theorist’ profile that reflects poorly on the movement as a whole. His gimmick is to […]

Full Moon In Taurus: Finding Simplicity In The Midst Of Complexity

Next Story We will enter the Full Moon phase of the lunar cycle on November 4th at 5:23am Universal Time. For those in the Western hemisphere, it will appear fullest on the night of November 3rd. During Full Moons, we experience a push-pull between two opposite signs, with the Moon sign tending to exert greater force. In […]

In the midst of Anglo Saxon genocide, a British TV host voices concerns over mixed marriages in Israel

Note: This clip is a year old. This has been going on for a while. This clip is insane. They are openly talking about Israel as existing to “preserve the race.”  By the way, this second video shows Jewish Israeli attitudes towards mixed marriages. It is definitely worth a view. Source Article from

Egypt’s President Sisi Drops a Depth Charge in Midst of American Islamic Summit – Shames Supporters of Terrorism

21st Century Wire says… Whatever criticisms may be justifiably levied at Egypt’s President Al Sisi, the speech he gave at the American Islamic Summit should go down in history as one of the bravest attacks on supporters of terrorism, whilst in their midst. The consternation of the primary terrorism creators and drivers, the Gulf State […]

Turkey’s false flag bomb intended to disprove Erdogan’s terror links

False Flag Bomb to Erase Erdogan’s Terror Links It’s the deft way that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reacted to the deadly bombing in Istanbul this week that raises suspicions. Suspicions that there is much more to the incident than simply an Islamist terror attack carried out against innocent civilians.  From the blood and carnage, […]

Syria’s Assad blasts Turkey as ‘only lifeline’ of Daesh

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad says Turkey serves as the “only lifeline” for Daesh terrorists, censuring Ankara for its engagement in illegal oil transactions with the Takfiri group. “…the only lifeline for ISIS (Daesh) is Turkey. Those trucks moving the oil from Syria to Turkey, and Turkey selling this cheap oil to the rest of the […]

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