Posts Tagged ‘ordinary’

Ordinary Americans Are The Nation’s Unshakeable Greatness

Authored by Armstrong Williams via The Epoch Times, Thanksgiving is a time for both festivities and reflection. The United States has had the best of times and the worst of times, prosperity and depressions, the joys of peace and the privations and cruelties of war. But throughout these vicissitudes, there has been one bright constant: […]

“Burnt Offering” – Satanist Jews Sacrificed Ordinary Jews

(Zionist leader Rudolf Kastner 1906-1957, helped Adolf Eichmann ship 460,000 Budapest Jews to Auschwitz ) The goyim have been brainwashed to believe that Jews are innocent victims of gentile persecution and bigotry. They are not told that Jews are the victims of other Jews — the Sabbatean (Illuminati) Jews or Cabalists who use them as […]

Biden Invites More Foreign Graduates to Take Ordinary White Collar Jobs

President Joe Biden’s deputies have expanded a visa work program to help U.S. employers hire an unlimited number of foreign graduates to work as landscape architects, child psychologists, and demographic studies.  Source

Golden Mummy Excavation Reveals Rare Details About Ordinary Egyptians

A Pharaonic tomb containing a mummy wrapped in a gold-covered leaf described as the “oldest and most complete mummy found in Egypt to date” has been uncovered in Saqqara, near the Step Pyramid. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

CNN’s Don Lemon Admits He’s Paid to Spread Democrat Propaganda: “We HATE Ordinary Americans”

Don Lemon admitted during a recent broadcast that CNN pays him to spread propaganda on behalf of the Democratic Party. During a segment on “New Day,” Lemon admitted that mainstream media networks such as CNN […] The post CNN’s Don Lemon Admits He’s Paid to Spread Democrat Propaganda: “We HATE Ordinary Americans” appeared first on […]

How Western Sanctions Hurt Ordinary Russians

As Western nations announced sanctions in an effort to punish Russian President Vladimir Putin’s offensive on Ukraine, ordinary Russians across the country formed long lines at ATMs. According to a Guardian report, a Tinkoff bank ATM in the Metropolis mall in Moscow had already run out of cash by the time its customers were told […]

New York Times: ‘Ordinary Citizens MUST Stay Masked Permanently’

The New York Times has published an article citing “experts” who say that ordinary citizens must continue wearing masks indefinitely, even after the pandemic ends. Titled ‘When Can the Covid Masks Finally Come Off?’, the article discusses when it’s likely restrictions will come to an end, but then concludes that mask wearing will be with […]

Can You Spot All The Signs Of Racism In This Ordinary Picture Of A Highway?

Racism is baked into the very asphalt of our highways, Pete Buttigieg tells us. And, like good American citizens, we believe everything an unelected bureaucrat tells us. So, we found a picture of an ordinary U.S. highway and started looking at it through our racism goggles. We found no fewer than 177 instances of racism! Here’s the […]

The Vladimir Putin They Never See: Ordinary As You and Me

We live in a whacky world made much more zany by journalists who cook up headlines to appease their bosses, and a public numbed by information overload. This week’s case in point, all the hub-bub about Vladimir Putin going fishing in Siberia. It’s amazing, that with the world ablaze with wildfires, islands sinking into the […]

Billionaires Segregate Themselves on Luxury Private Islands as Ordinary People Told They Can’t Travel

News that billionaire Google co-founder Larry Page has been hiding out on and buying isolated private islands in Fiji to avoid tourists who aren’t allowed in once again underscores how the elite is using the fallout from the pandemic to segregate themselves from the general public. Page has been living off grid for over a […]

The Immovable Ladder: Bizarre Feud Prevents Ordinary Ladder Being Moved for 3 Centuries

The Immovable Ladder is an ordinary wooden ladder with an extraordinary history. It was placed under a window on the exterior of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Old City of Jerusalem and, due to a long-running feud, has remained there for close to three centuries. The Immovable Ladder has great symbolic value […]

Rep. Gosar Proposes $10,000 Stimulus Checks: ‘Ordinary Americans Need This to Survive’

Rep. Paul Gosar has slammed Nancy Pelosi’s dodgy coronavirus stimulus package by demanding that $10,000 checks are sent to ordinary Americans instead. “I offered an amendment to prioritize $10,000 stimulus checks to Americans most affected by COVID-19 and lockdowns,” Gosar said on Saturday night in a last ditch effort to counter the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion […]

‘Shaun On P13’: Ordinary Norwegians Expose the Anti-Semite in Their Midst

Norwegian radio host Shaun Henrik Matheson. Photo: NRK. – If Shaun Henrik Matheson was an American radio presenter rather than a Norwegian one, it’s highly unlikely that he’d still have a job this week. Matheson is the presenter of a morning show on the P13 channel, a component part of the expansive state-owned Norwegian […]

Being ‘Chosen’ vs. Being ‘Ordinary’ in 2020s America

DECEMBER 07, 2020 BY GILAD ATZMON By Gilad Atzmon America is divided and the rupture is so deep that Americans can’t even see across that which splits them in the middle. If there was a hope at one point that someone could unite the nation, this hope has faded away. In fact, the American mainstream media works relentlessly […]

How ordinary people became Nazis

Even the Nazis were surprised at how quickly and easily they took over Germany. In Hitler’s True Believers: How Ordinary People Became Nazis, Robert Gellately repeatedly shows that Adolf Hitler did not drag an unwilling nation into militaristic, antisemitic dictatorship. A November 1933 plebecite on Nazi rule drew 95.1% in favor. “No historian believes that […]

Planned Chaos Video 4 – No Ordinary Election

Planned Chaos Video 4 – No Ordinary Election Prepare For Change / Derek Knauss This is the last of four videos created by the Prepare For Change Media Team in order to provide alternative information to the public. This past year has offered a great opportunity for most of humanity to consider their world and […]

Nancy Pelosi: I Can’t Wait To Raise Taxes For Ordinary Americans

In hopes of Democrats winning the 2018 midterm elections, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said her party would raise taxes. Pelosi also has hopes of returning to her previous role as Speaker of the House. Her previous term as House Speaker ended in a historic defeat for the Democratic Party, with in a Republican […]

Vitamin C: More Than Your Ordinary Vitamin

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a household name mostly for its function in boosting the immune system, but it plays many other roles. Over the years I’ve read numerous studies on ascorbic acid and effects on the body and was always amazed that something as “simple” as vitamin C can produce such effects. Further investigation […]

French President Says He Is ‘Too Smart’ To Talk To Ordinary People

French President and former Rothschild banker Emmanuel Macron will break with tradition and not give a news conference on Bastille Day because his “complex thoughts” may prove too much for journalists and the public. A presidential source said the nature of Mr Macron’s intelligent thinking did not “lend itself” to communicating with the people who […]

5 Mysterious Events Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life

There are many things in this world that still needs an explanation. Things that come and about and not even science itself can figure out what has happened during the ocurrance. And when I say this I mean by very mysterious events that are seriously out of this world. Lucky for you, you have came […]

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