Posts Tagged ‘savior’

Trump – Jewish Traitor Posing as Savior

— The Most Powerful POTUS Psyop In American History “Unknown to the MAGA Movement and Patriot Movement, a Trump victory means one thing and one thing only: MIGA.  And, if Trump “Makes Israel Great Again” as he did during his first term, America’s downfall is certain this time around.” Trump is being installed to lead the […]

Covid Vaccines: Savior or Killer Shot?

It’s interesting that the esteemed editor of this site has concluded, after more than four years of cogitation, that mRNA technology-based vaccines were a solution in search of a problem in the minds of a health-cum-national security elite, that SARS-CoV-2 was the answer to their prayers, and that lockdowns, masks, school restrictions, and rejection of […]

March 6 – Trump Has Been Anointed US Savior

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Americans cannot vote for a candidate that represents their interests unless he also supports Israeli genocide in Palestine.  These days it looks like nothing can stop the Trump freight train but  Americans are putting their faith in a crypto Jew and Freemason who brought in the toxic COVID […]


SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2023 Source Ramzy Baroud & Romana Rubeo At the zenith of the mass protests in Egypt on January 25, 2011, Twitter, Facebook and other Western-based social media platforms appeared to be the most essential tools for the Egyptian Revolution. Though some observers later contested the use of the terms ‘Twitter Revolution’ or ‘Social Media Revolution,’ one cannot […]

WATCH: CJ Stroud Praises ‘Lord and Savior’ Jesus Christ After Being Selected No. 2 Overall

Where CJ Stroud goes from here, no one knows. But when it comes to what got him where he is now, Stroud gives all the credit to his Lord and Savior” Jesus Christ. Source

The Presentation of Our Lord and Savior in the Temple

On February 2nd the Greek Orthodox Church commemorates an important event in the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 2:22-40). Forty days after His birth the God-Infant was taken to the Jerusalem Temple, the centre of the nation’s religious life. According to the Law of Moses (Lev. 12:2-8), a woman who gave birth… […]

Sam Husseini Interview – Elon Musk: Savior Of Free Speech or The Great Digital Divider?

Joining me today is activist & independent journalist Sam Husseini, here to discuss what he termed “the virtual Donald Trump”, Elon Musk and his “fight for free speech” on Twitter, and whether this is truly the driving force behind what is playing out in front of us today. ( ( Source Links: […]

Leopard Cub Runs For Its Life From Hyena And A Tall Savior Emerges

When a leopard cub got chased by a hungry hyena in South Africa’s Kruger National Park, it looked like curtains. (Watch the video below.) The cub was left alone by its mother in a bush at South Africa’s Kruger National Park and got sniffed out by the hyena, which sprinted at its desperate prey in […]

Remember the Great White Savior? Never Forget!

They stole the election! They robbed us of another four years of Donald Trump getting on his hands and knees, prostrate before his jewish supremacist masters. What’s crazy is that I still see Trump shills all over. link Share now! Source

The Australian Savior of Thousands of Pontian Greek Refugees

The statue of George Treloar next to Pontian girl Lemona at Ballarat. Credit: Australian military officer George Treloar saved thousands of Pontian Greek refugees who were forced to flee their ancestral homes in Turkey in the 1920s. In 2019 Greek Australians raised money to create a statue of Treloar, the savior of Pontus Hellenism. Seated […]

The Only Thing Q Anon (Likely CIA) Has Proven to Me is That Donald Trump Is Not & Will Not Be “Our Savior”

[embedded content] Followers of QAnon also believe that there is an imminent event known as the “Storm”, when thousands of members of the cabal will be arrested and possibly sent to Guantanamo Bay prison or to face military tribunals, and the U.S. military will brutally take over the country.[9] The result will be salvation and utopia on earth.[67] According […]

Rapture Watch: This is how lucky you’re if you believe in Jesus Christ as your savior

Without a doubt, we’re living in end days. So many people are having visions and dreams of the upcoming tribulation and possible rapture. Although nobody can be sure on which date Rapture will occur, we can certainly predict the season. And with the current events, we’re sure Earth is ripe for the harvest. God’s holy […]

How could the left miss the messiah in our midst? Hail Caesar! Hail Savior Donald!

Dismissing Trump as conniving, failed hustler disregards his self-deified status The Trump Convention spectacle, so gripping I barely watched, clarified for all his strident refusal to be pigeon-holed as mere political “candidate.” Nor as mundane party “standard bearer,” mirrored in the cult presumptions as well as the unshakable faith of his acolytes. Nothing earthly shifts the Trumpian dial for true believers: neither his iniquity nor venom, neither endless scandals nor insider (family!) indictments, neither laughable lying, nor absurd conspiracy bluster – […]

The Thunder Stone and Bronze Horseman: The Monolithic Savior of St Petersburg?

The Bronze Horseman is a monument located in the Russian city of Saint Petersburg. The pedestal of this equestrian statue is known as the Thunder Stone, a monolith claimed to be the largest block of stone to have ever been moved by human beings. Today, the Bronze Horseman is one of the most recognizable symbols […]

Japanese municipality holds benefit to commemorate savior of Jews

Japanese municipality holds benefit to commemorate savior of Jews – Jewish Telegraphic Agency Skip to content Advertisement Advertisement

False News: 60 Minutes Treats US As Yemen Savior

Above Photo: 60 Minutes‘ Scott Pelley (11/19/17) introduces a report on the humanitarian crisis in Yemen–without mentioning the US role in the conflict. Google is blocking our site. Please use the social media sharing buttons (upper left) to share this on your social media and help us break through. In one of the most glaring, power-serving […]

‘I’m a martyr’: Disgraced Harvey Weinstein believes he is a savior who was born to ‘change the world’ by taking the fall for sexual assaults

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VIDEO: Austria’s Savior? Sebastian Kurz Shilling for Israel

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Global Nigger Savior Brigade Now Saving Migrants in the Sahara Desert

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 29, 2017 Dear White People: Who died and made you global savior of all niggers? Seriously, wtf is this? RT: The International Organization for Migration has launched a new initiative aimed at rescuing migrants as they traverse the harsh desert terrain of central North Africa, aimed at assisting […]

Kagan pushed regime change in Iraq, now says US must get over ‘trauma’ and do Syria

Robert Kagan helped start the Project for a New American Century, the famous neoconservative shop that advised George Bush that Israel’s war with terrorism was our war and hurry up and topple Saddam Hussein because he has nuclear weapons. “If we do not move against Saddam Hussein and his regime, the damage our Israeli friends […]

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