Posts Tagged ‘saxon’

Saxon Palace in Warsaw Contains a Secret 45-Meter-Long Tunnel Underneath Its Ruins!

Tragically destroyed during the Nazi offensive in World War II, the 17th century Saxon Palace in Warsaw is a prominent historical site. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

The Sutton Hoo Helmet: An Anglo-Saxon Treasure (Video)

At Ancient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there exist countless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts that have yet to be discovered and explained. The goal […]

Rare Anglo-Saxon Trumpington Cross Girl Burial Has Been Given A Face

In 2011, a mid-7th century Anglo-Saxon Christian burial of a 16-year-old teenage girl in a village had turned out to be one of the earliest burial sites of such a nature in Britain.  Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Yoon Suk-yeol on tour of the Anglo-Saxon world

Between September 18 and 24, 2022, ROK President Yoon Suk-yeol went on a foreign tour. It included visits to the United Kingdom (funeral of Queen Elizabeth II), the United States (participation in the UN General Assembly) and Canada (the key topic was economic security and diversification of supply channels for raw materials and minerals). Hopes […]

Anglo-Saxon Migration Created a ‘European’ Medieval England

The history of the British Isles is marked by several phases of migration and multiple periods of monumental change, including invasions by the Romans, Vikings and the Normans, and mass migration by the Celtics and the Anglo-Saxons. A new genome-based study shows that almost 75% of the population of eastern and southern England came from […]

Huge, Artifact-rich Anglo-Saxon Cemetery Found on England’s HS2 Line!

Archaeologists who’ve launched exploratory digs along the path of the HS2 high-speed rail project in England have made some fascinating and amazing discoveries. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later 

Forget the Pig Roast, Anglo-Saxon Royalty Were Largely Vegetarian, Says Study

It has long been assumed by historians that medieval English royals consumed a heavily meat-based diet. But a new bioarchaeological study proposes that, before the arrival of the Vikings,  Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later 

Honor, Loyalty, and Worth: The Anglo-Saxon Warrior Code

Every culture and society on Earth, both past and present, has their own ideas of what makes a person honorable or worthy. This is particularly true when it comes to warriors and their actions both on and off the battlefield, and concepts of Anglo-Saxon honor are no different. Codes of honor that dictate how warriors […]

1,400-Year-Old Anglo-Saxon Gold Coin Hoard Is Largest Ever!

The Anglo-Saxons, a major migrating cultural group from the North Sea coastlands, arrived and settled in England in the Early Middle Ages (5th century AD onwards). Their identity was formed as a result of a fusion between migrating Germanic tribes and indigenous British groups. It was the Anglo-Saxons, in fact, who established the Kingdom of […]

GTR – The Anointed People, (Anglo-Saxon) Israel

Genesis To Revelation GTR – The Anointed People, (Anglo-Saxon) Israel Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Share this: Source

Lost Anglo-Saxon Monastery of Controversial Queen Found

Archaeologists from the University of Reading have been performing excavations on the grounds of the Holy Trinity Church in Cookham, a small village on the River Thames in England. They have been searching for the ruins of a long-lost early medieval monastery, which was built more than 1,300 years ago in the 8th century AD. […]

Anchor Church Caves: Anglo-Saxon Home and Oldest House in Britain?

Archaeologists conducting a survey of a previously overlooked cave dwelling in Derbyshire have concluded that the sandstone caves were actually an Anglo-Saxon home way back in the 9th century. They’ve even gone so far as to announce that the cave could have been home to the exiled King Eardwulf. Thomas Smith painting of aristocrats picnicking […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Anglo-Saxon Traditions

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

New Anglo-Saxon Cemetery Finds Compared to Sutton Hoo Hoard

An Anglo-Saxon burial ground has been excavated on land destined to become University of Cambridge student accommodation. Archaeologists have called the hoard of grave artifacts one of archaeology’s “most significant finds” since the in 1939 discovery of the Sutton Hoo treasure hoard. Excavators working for England’s University of Cambridge were redeveloping the city’s Croft Gardens for new […]

Anglo-Saxon Settlement And Cemetery Complex Excavated In England

A vast Anglo-Saxon settlement and cemetery complex has been discovered in England that is being called a “one of a kind” discovery. Not, however, because the site was found laden with gold and silver, but because the thousands of recovered artifacts speak of the day to day lives of people who have inhabited the region […]

Daniel’s Fifth Kingdom: Anglo-Saxon Israel ‘In The Days Of These Kings’

The following is a lecture by Bertrand Comparet identifying Anglo-Saxon Israel as Daniel’s Fifth Kingdom in prophecy: Audio here: [embedded content] Transcript: And I want to talk to you about Daniel’s Fifth Kingdom. It is universally recognized that many of the Bible’s greatest prophesies are found in the Book of Daniel.  Many of these are […]

The Dishonesty Of Those Who Deny The Israelite Identity Of Anglo-Saxon And Kindred Peoples

In this sermon Sheldon Emry discusses some of the main arguments of those who oppose and reject the teaching that the Anglo-Saxon and kindred peoples are the living descendants of the ancient Israelites — and demonstrates their consistent intellectual dishonesty and hypocrisy in their attempts to do so. Sheldon Emry: I have a 40-page […]

Mighty Anglo-Saxon Warrior Grave May Throw Light On the Dark Ages

The discovery of a 1400-year-old warrior buried in a British field is being hailed as a major discovery and is providing new insights into the so-called Dark Ages and early English history. Specifically, the burial may provide a better understanding of the origins of the Kingdom of Wessex , which played a crucial role in […]

Anglo-Saxon Woman’s Lips, Nose and Scalp Sliced Off – But Why?

A team of archaeologists in England have forensically analyzed the mutilated skull of a young Anglo-Saxon woman revealing that her nose, lips and possibly her scalp had all been sliced off while she was still living. History books , and especially works of ancient law , are full of references to horrifically violent punishments for […]

Shadows of the Dead: Anglo-Saxon Burials are Spooky Sand Silhouettes

Archaeologists in Britain have uncovered a remarkable Anglo-Saxon burial ground that dates back to the 6th or 7th century AD. This Anglo-Saxon burial site is rather unusual as it consists of spooky silhouettes of the deceased in the sandy soil. The skeletons have long since disappeared. It is believed that this eerie site can help […]

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