Posts Tagged ‘Gaza’

Atlanta mayor rejects demand to end Israel police training

Rania Khalek Activism and BDS Beat 21 July 2016 Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed rejected a demand from groups affiliated with the movement for Black lives to halt Israel’s training relationship with local police departments. Following a resurgence of street protests over the gruesome police slayings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, two Black […]

Explaining Israel’s separate and unequal education system

With all the recent events in Europe and the Middle East, you would think Israeli officials would be very busy keeping tabs on events in the neighborhood. But no, they are keeping faithful to their non-interference policies. They stay doggedly focused on issues of justice and equality within the country. That is why the other […]

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz Stops In Her Tracks When Questioned About Payday Loans

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Israelis take on Facebook ‘monster’ with claims it knowingly incites Palestinian attacks

Over the last few years Israel and its most ardent supporters have waged a campaign to restrict critical speech of the Jewish state on social media. They want the state to have the same rights as individuals under Facebook’s community standards. As it stands, threats against individuals, are prohibited. But smearing a nation, or threatening […]

Elie Wiesel–Oy Vey!!! Who Can Replace Him???

Jewish Tribalism on Display in JTA Article First off, let me say this is not satire. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency, or JTA, solicited the views of a number of prominent Jews on the question of who, if anyone, might be able to replace the late Elie Wiesel as a unifying force among American Jews. Apparently […]

Israeli Knesset approves law hindering NGO’s work

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Israeli Knesset approved on Monday controversial law, basically hindering work of Israeli human rights NGOs. The law, known as ‘Transparency Bill,’ was introduced by the far-right Israeli Justice Minister Aylet Shaked. It passed the second and third readings by a 57-48 vote. It will require Israeli NGOs to reveal information about […]

ISIS Defeat Syrian Rebels As US Air Support Decides To Change Course

ISIS managed to defeat US backed Syrian rebels and retrieve advanced weapons after air support just disappeared over the horizon…. Could this be a ‘tactic’ to arm ISIS ? (Scroll down for video) RT reports: A unit of Syrian rebels has suffered a defeat at the hands of Islamic State after they were left without […]

Billionaire sex offender Epstein once claimed he co-founded Clinton Foundation

Attorneys for convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein touted his close friendship with Bill Clinton and even claimed the billionaire helped start Clinton’s controversial family foundation in a 2007 letter aimed at boosting his image during plea negotiations, has learned. The 23-page letter, written by high-powered lawyers Alan Dershowitz and Gerald Lefcourt, was […]

Barbara McKenzie on Jeff Halper

July 06, 2016  /  Gilad Atzmon Barbara McKenzie just published a deconstruction of Jeff Halper’s recent rant.  Halper like JVP and other spectacular ‘good Jews’ are concerned primarily with anti semitism and other Judeo-centric tribal interests.  Their light opposition to Israel and Zionism should be realised in terms of controlled opposition. McKenzie’s article can be found […]

Israeli officers permitted to open fire on boys with slingshots

Violence / Detentions — West Bank, Jerusalem Israel allows lethal force on stone throwers: report Al Jazeera 5 July by Nigel Wilson — Israeli police have been authorised to use lethal force as a first resort against Palestinians throwing stones, firebombs or fireworks, according to documents revealed by human rights group Adalah. The latest open-fire […]

California Senate Votes 28-8 to Exempt Itself from California Gun Laws

Death toll in Baghdad ISIS bombings surpasses 130 (VIDEO)

Late on Saturday night, the suicide bomber drove the vehicle into a busy shopping intersection in the affluent Karrada district of the Iraqi capital. The holy month of Ramadan meant the street was busy with residents breaking their fast after nightfall, with many also gathered to watch the Euro 2016 football championship on public TV screens, […]

Pepe Escobar: The Pearl River Delta showcases the Chinese Dream

     As President Putin, post-Brexit, rushed to discuss all matters pertaining to Eurasia integration with President Xi Jinping in Beijing, I embarked on a connected, parallel southern China journey. From my base in Hong Kong, I set out on a Pearl River Delta loop, hitting Shenzhen and Dongguan and then Guangzhou, Zhuhai and Macau. Why? […]

Dirty Faggots Sue Christian Dating Company to Enforce Homosexualism

ZeigerDaily Stormer July 2, 2016 Seemed pretty wholesome. RIP. Wherever normal White people try to flee the POZ with which society is being flooded, the filth catches up. Those Christians who try to preserve some measure of healthy values in their lives can’t be left alone under any circumstances. The website “ChristianMingle,” which is a […]

Netanyahu’s bloody incitement

Let’s agree on the facts.  One Palestinian male got into a West Bank settlement and killed a 13-year-old  Israeli girl in her room with a knife. Nothing more, nothing less. Before her body was cold, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rushed the same day to make a video for the English speaking world. What is […]

Yemeni nation steadfast in supporting Palestinians: Houthi leader

Leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement Abdul-Malik al-Houthi has described the Yemeni nation’s support for Palestine and Palestinian resistance movements in the face of the Israeli regime’s aggression as “solid and unwavering.” Houthi said late on Thursday that the Yemenis wholeheartedly love their Palestinian brethren and praise the courageous stands of Palestinian resistance movements, which hail from […]

Michael Oren, historian, gets US history wrong to score a propaganda point

Michael Oren, a member of Knesset who grew up in America and served as an ambassador to the U.S., is a leading spokesperson for Israel. He regularly comes on CNN to explain the country and a year ago rushed publication of a memoir in order to drum up American Jewish opposition to the Iran deal. […]

‘Black Friday’ For GMO in Russia

F. William Engdahl (NEO) : The destructive global project known as GMO or Genetically Manipulated Organisms is incurring major defeats. The once-formidable muscle of Monsanto, Bayer AG, Syngenta, Dow-DuPont seems to be suffering from a rare form of political muscular dystrophy. In Russia, despite enormous pressure from the western GMO cartel on individual Duma members […]

Nasser Kandil: What if Washington followed Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Israel?

Written by Nasser Kandil, Washington knows the lie of the claims of its Saudi, Turkish and Israeli allies about their independence of it as they say in their public speech, it is aware that what they are doing is just to call it to accept their choices of escalation in Syria, and the continuation of […]

‘I was wrong in my presumption that Israel desired peace’ –Chas Freeman

The following is an excerpt from Ambassador Chas W. Freeman’s new book America’s Continuing Misadventures in the Middle East. You can listen to his recent podcast on the book with Helena Cobban here.  To be disillusioned, one must first have illusions. Few things have been as disillusioning to partisans of the consolidation of a secure homeland for […]

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