Posts Tagged ‘film’

Atlanta mayor rejects demand to end Israel police training

Rania Khalek Activism and BDS Beat 21 July 2016 Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed rejected a demand from groups affiliated with the movement for Black lives to halt Israel’s training relationship with local police departments. Following a resurgence of street protests over the gruesome police slayings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, two Black […]

Post- Coup Turkey will be Distinctly Eurasian

Iran backs democratically elected government in Turkey: Spokesman

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman voiced Tehran’s support for the democratically elected government of Turkey after an abortive military coup created chaos in the neighboring country. The Islamic Republic of Iran recommends avoiding violence in Turkey, Bahram Qassemi said on Saturday, stressing that Tehran supports Ankara’s democratically-elected government. The spokesman added that Iran […]

Our Money is Jewed

ZeigerDaily Stormer July 7, 2016 We’ve been tricked by Jew scams for thousands of years. These days, people talk about how the Federal Reserve is a horrible scam, leaving the creation of our money in the hands of (((private bankers))) instead of the government. They use this to create inflation, which over time robs the […]

Four scenarios ahead of Yemen’s Ansarullah in future

Alwaght- Following Yemen’s 2011 political developments and subsequent Saudi-led Arab military coalition’s air campaign in Yemen, the Ansarullah movement, as a key force leading the resistance camp of Yemen, has turned into a significant and influential player in the county’s political and security developments. There are a lot of analyses on the resistant movement, significantly […]

Canada’s Rocky Romance with Syrian "Refugees"

  July 2, 2016 ( Source Article from

Study Finds Cats Have An Incredible Ability That Makes Them Even More Mysterious

Cats are superior creatures. Small in stature but large in ego, their dominance is all about confidence. Their overwhelming neurotic tendencies keep them from falling subject to the ferocious world around them, from cucumbers and puppies to vacuums and curious kids. They jump high, get low, outrun and out-hide the peasants that surround them. They refuse to […]

Following Our Race-Psyche

by Dr. William Pierce (1976) Before we proceed further toward the answers to certain fundamental questions, let us fix one fact in our minds: Reason does not, and never has nor ever will, determine our ultimate goals for us. That determination must, by its very nature, be made by our inner sense of direction, by our […]

Empire on steroids: The expansion of U.S. secret wars in Africa

     The secret expansion of U.S. military bases and special operations in Africa has initiated a new and lightweight style of warfare and welcomes the next phase of American military imperialism. Unlike the highly publicized U.S. military “pivot to Asia,” the proliferation of drones, special ops, mercenary spies, classified bases, proxy fighters and cyber warfare […]

Turnbull proposes an election debate ‘in the media of our time’

Michelle Grattan (TC) : Amid general agreement that the National Press Club leaders’ debate was a turnoff, literally, Malcolm Turnbull has decided to be Mr Digital Man and organise things his way. In the early days of federal debates – which started in the 1980s – the public attention was much greater than now. Tracey […]

Former Zurich Insurance Boss Martin Senn Kills Himself

Former Zurich Insurance Boss Martin Senn Kills Himself May 30th, 2016 Via: Reuters: Former Zurich Insurance boss Martin Senn has committed suicide six months after leaving the company under a cloud, a tragedy that comes less than three years after Zurich’s finance chief took […]

Cultural Appropriation: The Latest PC Guilt-Trip

Cultural appropriation is the latest hot topic in the deluded world of PC (political correctness), which seeks to control people by defining what is culturally acceptable to think, say and do. by Makia Freeman As I covered in the article Political Correctness = Language and Thought Control, political correctness is intolerance disguised as tolerance and […]

What crazy people think: Pentagon-linked ‘analysts’ call for preemptive strike against Russia, missile defense

     The Beltway military punditry floats one of its most inflammatory ideas yet, in calls for a preemptive strike against Moscow along with calls to bolster America’s missile defense system. On Friday, a DC-based think tank issued a report calling for additional funding to advance US missile defense technology to combat what they view as […]

A Message to Wikileaks, Cryptome, Public Intelligence, and Other Sites That Expose Secrets

Does 2.25 million deaths in America, per decade, at the hands of the medical system, rate as a significant leak? by Jon Rappoport As my readers know, I’ve reported on a number of scandals concerning the toxicity of medical drugs and vaccines, including shocking death numbers in the US. These scandals are leaks from inside […]

Austrian presidential cliffhanger: Far-right Hofer concedes defeat to Green Van der Bellen

The Interior Ministry’s figures showed Van der Bellen won with a final total of 50.3 percent of the vote, with Hofer securing 49.7.  Now Van der Bellen, who ran as an independent but whose campaign was backed financially by his party, is to become Austria’s first Green president. Hofer has already posted an address to […]

Austrian presidential cliffhanger: Far-right Hofer concedes defeat to Green Van der Bellen

The Interior Ministry’s figures showed Van der Bellen won with a final total of 50.3 percent of the vote, with Hofer securing 49.7.  Now Van der Bellen, who ran as an independent but whose campaign was backed financially by his party, is to become Austria’s first Green president. Hofer has already posted an address to […]

Austrian presidential cliffhanger: Far-right Hofer concedes defeat to Green Van der Bellen

The Interior Ministry’s figures showed Van der Bellen won with a final total of 50.3 percent of the vote, with Hofer securing 49.7.  Now Van der Bellen, who ran as an independent but whose campaign was backed financially by his party, is to become Austria’s first Green president. Hofer has already posted an address to […]

Austrian presidential cliffhanger: Far-right Hofer concedes defeat to Green Van der Bellen

The Interior Ministry’s figures showed Van der Bellen won with a final total of 50.3 percent of the vote, with Hofer securing 49.7.  Now Van der Bellen, who ran as an independent but whose campaign was backed financially by his party, is to become Austria’s first Green president. Hofer has already posted an address to […]

Austrian presidential cliffhanger: Far-right Hofer concedes defeat to Green Van der Bellen

The Interior Ministry’s figures showed Van der Bellen won with a final total of 50.3 percent of the vote, with Hofer securing 49.7.  Now Van der Bellen, who ran as an independent but whose campaign was backed financially by his party, is to become Austria’s first Green president. Hofer has already posted an address to […]

Austrian presidential cliffhanger: Far-right Hofer concedes defeat to Green Van der Bellen

The Interior Ministry’s figures showed Van der Bellen won with a final total of 50.3 percent of the vote, with Hofer securing 49.7.  Now Van der Bellen, who ran as an independent but whose campaign was backed financially by his party, is to become Austria’s first Green president. Hofer has already posted an address to […]

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