Posts Tagged ‘form’

If JCPOA conditions violated

One year has passed since a joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) reached in Vienna between Iran and permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (the P5) plus Germany. During a one-year period many attempts have been made to complete this diplomatic process. At the same time, Ali Akbar Velayati’s harsh criticism (a member […]

In a World Where Cops Shoot First, Should Combat Robots Take Over?

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Group   Waiting just 45 minutes after negotiating for 2 hours with Micah Xavier Johnson, Dallas Police Chief David Brown gave the order to his SWAT team to “come up with a creative plan to neutralize the suspect without putting another officer in […]

A civil servant missing most of his brain challenges our most basic theories of consciousness

Not much is definitively proven about consciousness, the awareness of one’s existence and surroundings, other than that it’s somehow linked to the brain. But theories as to how, exactly, grey matter generates consciousness are challenged when a fully-conscious man is found to be missing most of his brain. Several years ago, a 44-year-old Frenchman went […]

Trump: ‘I am the Law and Order Candidate’

Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is speaking directly to America’s police officers and law enforcement. “We must maintain law and order at the highest level or we will cease to have a country,” Trump stressed while speaking at The Westin Virginia Beach Town Center. “I am the law and order candidate,” he declared. The audience erupted in […]

Nothing can silence Bahrainis anymore: Ayatollah Khamenei

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has strongly criticized the revocation of the citizenship of a senior cleric in Bahrain, saying Bahraini youths cannot be silenced anymore.  “In Bahrain, a ruthless and arrogant minority is oppressing the majority; and has now carried out an act of aggression against the diligent scholar, Sheikh Isa Qassim. […]

The Most Powerful Case For The U.S. War Resistors

Print Friendly Above Photo: We say No to War sign seen at a 2007 anti-war protest. (Photo by Thiago Santos on flickr) Supporting the right to oppose an illegal war On February 15, 2003, 15 million people around the globe marched in opposition to the impending war in Iraq. Despite not convincing the U.S. or UK […]

Brexit video: ‘Should I Stay or Should I Go?’

Oscar Turner, along with Millennial Woes and friends, have collaborated to bring us this fantastic video. Spread this far and wide. Source Article from

Democratic clash over Palestine signals changing party

Rania Khalek Power Suits 21 June 2016 Allies of presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders sparred at the Democratic platform drafting committee’s first round of hearings on 9 June over the issue of Palestinian freedom and Israel. The clashes point to deeper struggles over Israel taking place within the party. Sanders’ backers […]

Pussy NY Jew Writer Pushing Anti-Gun Propaganda

Pussy Jew Writer Trembles In Fear At The Sound Of An AR-15 Rifle Being Shot From INFO STORMER A Jew by the name of (((Gersh Kuntzman))) has written an article for the NY Daily News crying about how scary the sound of an AR-15 rifle is. What a weirdo faggot this Jew is. The article […]

Iran sends experts to US to discuss assets frozen by Washington

ST PETERSBURG (Sputnik) – Tehran has sent a group of experts to the United States to discuss the issue of Washington freezing Iranian assets, an Iranian Central Bank official said Thursday. “The funds were denominated in the US dollar, but they (funds) were issued by non-US institutions… We are now in the process of investigating this, we have already sent some teams from the government […]

Following Our Race-Psyche

by Dr. William Pierce (1976) Before we proceed further toward the answers to certain fundamental questions, let us fix one fact in our minds: Reason does not, and never has nor ever will, determine our ultimate goals for us. That determination must, by its very nature, be made by our inner sense of direction, by our […]

RIP Muhammad Ali

Please support us if you can. Daily Stormer is 100% reader-funded. And these bastards are always at our throats. Sign-up with Liberapay to make a weekly recurring credit/debit card donation: Details on signing up for Liberapay and other contribution options here. Source Article from

Carbon footprint lunacy: Leonardo DiCaprio flies 8,000 miles on private jet to accept environmental award

(NaturalNews) Leonardo DiCaprio is one of Hollywood’s most celebrated actors, staring in myriad blockbuster films including Titanic, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, The Aviator, The Wolf of Wall Street, The Great Gatsby, The Revenant and many others. Aside from his movies and endless string of model girlfriends, DiCaprio is often in the news for […]

That awkward moment when eyeglasses left of the floor of a museum becomes art

Art is subjective, but still, this is just ridiculous.      When a 17-year-old soon-to-be college student named TJ Khayatan decided to check out some art at the Francisco Museum of Modern Art, he quickly realized a lot of stuff isn’t exactly what most people would call “art”. So he decided to set a regular pair […]

Were British Troops Intentionally Drowning Iraqis During 2003 Invasion?

Michaela Whitton (AM) : A judge is examining claims that British troops threw Iraqi civilians into rivers during the 2003 invasion. Sir George Newman, the former High Court judge presiding over the series of inquiries, has announced he will be looking into a practice known as “wetting.” The common practice was employed by British troops […]

ALERT! Everyone who lives in these states needs to contact their governor and representatives to encourage this action to stop Obama’s invasion…

Heavy Rain and Landslides Killed 15 and Displaced over 370,000 in Sri Lanka

nsnbc : Heavy rainfall and landslides in Sri Lanka since Saturday have killed at least 15 and displaced over 370,000 persons . The death toll may rise since at least nine have been reported as missing. Sri Lanka’s Ministry for Disaster Management informed the population and the press that the flash floods caused by torrential rainfall that began […]

Putin, Obama war of words over NATO provocations

Alwaght-Russian President Vladimir Putin and his United States counterpart Barack Obama have engaged in a war of words the deployment of the NATO military alliance anti-missile shield in Europe In reaction to the deployment of a NATO missile defense site in Romania on Thursday, President Putin said Russia is being forced to look for ways […]

President Rouhani welcomes South African counterpart in Tehran

Tehran, April 24, IRNA – President Hassan Rouhani officially welcomed his visiting South African counterpart Jacob Zuma here on Sunday. President Zuma, heading a high-ranking delegation, arrived in Tehran early today. National anthems of the two countries were played in the ceremony and the two presidents reviewed parade. Then, Iranian and South African presidents started […]

New UK Child Abuse Scandal: Council Failed Background Checks on School-Run Taxi Drivers

From: Children as young as five are alleged to have been targeted in South Ribble, Lancashire, The New Day reports The allegations involve drivers in council-funded school runs Children as young as five were “sexually exploited” by taxi ­drivers after a local council failed to run background checks, a new […]

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