Posts Tagged ‘communities’

Communities of faith have a duty to fight for Palestinian freedom

At an event in March, Rep. Rashida Tlaib joined with Christian, Muslim, and Jewish faith leaders to convey a single message: our fight for the oppressed in Palestine is also a fight for the integrity of our country and the survival of democracy.  Source

Feel-Good Leftist Abstractions Destroy Communities

The Napoleonic invasion of Spain in 1808 which sought, in effect, to impose the progressive ideals of the French Revolution on the socially conservative Spanish Empire at the point of a gun, set off a long tug of war between traditionalists and liberals within the Spanish leadership class.  While over the ensuing six decades the […]

Broken promises: How marijuana legalization failed communities hit hardest by the drug war

In the long and contentious fight for marijuana legalization, lawmakers across the country won over skeptical colleagues by promising social justice: The economic benefits of cannabis sales would be targeted at communities marred by decades of racist drug enforcement policies. New York’s plan would be “transformative” for afflicted communities, said Majority Leader Crystal D. Peoples-Stokes […]

Echoes of conscience: Jewish communities rally for an immediate Gaza cease-fire

Unity in protest: Jewish communities rally for justice and peace in Gaza. Source

Carbon capture storage systems are a severe danger to communities and a veiled government-incentivized land grab

(NaturalNews) As the Biden regime moves toward a massive expansion of carbon capture and storage (CCS) systems to achieve the United Nation’s Net Zero America by… Source

Amish Communities Defying CDC Covid Guidelines Had ’90x Lower Mortality Rate’ Than Rest of US

Amish communities that defied CDC guidelines during the Covid-19 pandemic experienced 90 times less deaths than mainstream America, according to the results of a stunning new study which raise serious questions about the efficacy of […] The post Amish Communities Defying CDC Covid Guidelines Had ’90x Lower Mortality Rate’ Than Rest of US appeared first […]

‘Apartheid-Free Communities’ campaign seeks to build movement to end support for Israeli apartheid

“Inspired by the anti-Apartheid movement that toppled the Apartheid regime in South Africa, we are building an anti-apartheid movement in North America,” says the Apartheid-Free Communities campaign. Source

Terrorists Attack Christian Communities in Northeast Nigeria 

Location of Borno state, Nigeria. (Uwe Dedering, Creative Commons) ABUJA, Nigeria (Morning Star News) – Members of the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) on Dec. 19 burned homes in Borno state, Nigeria, nine days after terrorists killed a pregnant Christian woman in the same area, sources said. The ISWAP terrorists attacked predominantly Christian… Source

‘Unspeakable Tragedy’: Stabbing Rampage Leaves Saskatchewan Communities Devastated

The Sept. 4 stabbing rampage that left 10 dead and 18 injured has devastated the James Smith Cree Nation and surrounding communities in central Saskatchewan, as residents struggle to come to terms with the shock of the violence and the loss of so many loved ones. “In a community that size … everybody knows one or […]

Why this Adani port project is being opposed by coastal communities

Opposition to Vizhinjam Port Project Must be Seen in the Wider Context of Protecting Coastal Ecology and Communities The wider discussion on coastal areas often takes place in the context of their beauty and tourism potential. However ecologists place more emphasis on seeing coastal areas as very significant as well as sensitive areas whose development […]

False Teachers Vex African Communities

Photo Credit: Fietz Fotos Kenya (Mission Network News) — In Africa, many false teachers distort Christianity to their own advantage. The BBC’s Africa Eye recently visited one cult in Uganda known as the Faith of Unity. They teach Jesus did not exist and that their leader had supernatural powers. Reporters also visited the site where […]

Texas Border Communities Brace for Massive Migrant Surge as Title 42 Ending Nears

Communities along the Texas border with Mexico are bracing for a massive surge of migrants that are expected to arrive after the Biden administration implements the end of Title 42 removals. Local and county officials claim they will need the federal government to step up and help as the number of migrants arriving in their […]

Building Communities For A Fascist-Free Future

Above Photo: Zoran Svilar. On August 17, 2019, a coalition of antifascist and progressive groups in Portland, Oregon organized a rally to protest a Proud Boy event planned in the city. The rally had a carnivalesque atmosphere created by PopMob — an antifascist group of concerned Portlanders which seeks to “resist the alt-right with whimsy and creativity” — and brought on […]

Tribal Communities Organize To Stop Sites Reservoir

Tribal activists, drinking water advocates, and commercial and subsistence fishers are asking the public to stand with them in the fight for both the Trinity and Sacramento River salmon by supporting a California state process to restore flows in California’s largest rivers, and by fighting a proposal for a twenty square mile reservoir, the Sites […]

Resolution 194 and the Palestinian call for justice — thoughts for Florida’s Jewish communities

I wrote the piece below in response to — and offering a different perspective from — opinion pieces that have appeared in South Florida’s Jewish newspaper. I am always anxious to engage with Florida’s Jewish communities about these issues and how we can most meaningfully participate in seeking and pursuing justice. The Jewish press has not published […]

How Amish Communities Achieved ‘Herd Immunity’ Without Higher Death Rates, Lockdowns, Masks, or Vaccines

In Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, thousands of Amish families took a different approach to COVID-19. Their outcomes are a story you probably won’t hear anywhere in mainstream media. By May 2020, the Amish were through COVID and had obtained herd immunity according to those studying the communities. To get there, they did not implement lockdowns, vaccine […]

How Close are Chinese and jewish Communities in the US?

It is not surprising that jews find allies in the Chinese, who they controlled with the opium trade and then with the introduction of Communism. link Share now! Source

Diesel Emissions In Major US Cities Disproportionately Harm Communities Of Color

Above Photo: Shipping container trucks sit in traffic as the International Longshore and Warehouse Union strikes, putting a halt to most of the work at the busiest seaport complex in the nation on November 29, 2012 in Long Beach, California. David McNew/Getty Images. Diesel Vehicles Represented 5 Percent Of Traffic Through The Urban Areas But […]

SEVAD Interview – Rebel Music, Counter Communities & A Call For Unity In The Age Of Division

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS Joining me today is musical artist SEVAD, here to discuss his Rebel Music, and why it is so important to use our individual mediums to stand up for our rights in this time of rising tyranny, and unit our […]

Honor Indigenous Communities Leading The Way On Climate Justice

Above photo: Joey Montoya, Indigenous Rising Media. As the legacy of colonialism destroys our environment, Indigenous Peoples are at the forefront of fighting back. When Christopher Columbus landed on Turtle Island, which we now call North America, he brought with him a goal of making profit — of taking from the land and people to create commerce. Today, […]

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