Posts Tagged ‘thoughts’

A Response To ‘Is God Racist? – Some Thoughts On Christians For Truth’ By Verbotenesarchiv

One of our readers posted a link to a German blog — Verbotenesarchiv — or Archive Of Forbidden Knowledge — featuring the article Is God Racist? Some Thoughts On Christians For Truth — and we’d like to take this opportunity to respond to its assertions and the evidence they offer in attempting to disprove our […]

Rod Blagojevich has thoughts about the Trump trials

Donald Trump inflicted chaos on a New York courtroom on Monday when he testified in a civil trial about his company’s business practices. He frustrated the judge and prosecutors and appeared to make damning admissions on the stand. And Rod Blagojevich thinks that’s the perfect play for Trump. The former Illinois governor, who served eight […]

12 thoughts from Propaganda (1965) by Jacques Ellul

You’ll never look at news the same way again… 1. Breaking news is brainwashing you. Ellul: “To the extent that propaganda is based on current news, it cannot permit time for thought or reflection.” When everything is urgent, you are forced to “remain on the surface of the event.”  2. Jacques Ellul predicted echo chambers: “Those […]



Appendix 202: Govt Says It Owns Everyone’s Thoughts, Calling It “Cognitive Infrastructure” (2 articles w/ videos & DoD/GAO document)

Epigraph Quote from 2nd article: CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) has categorized people’s “thoughts” as being part of the government’s infrastructure – meaning the government believes it owns whatever activity takes place inside your head. Webmaster Comment:  The US governments’ claim that they own people’s thoughts springs directly from the technologies of thought reading, […]

Mind Control: WEF Technocrats Openly Plot to Observe and Track Human Thoughts With Implants

Mind control is the final frontier of the technocratic revolution. What you say, do, buy, and sell is increasingly trackable through technology. Yet, so far, the human mind remains a sanctuary free from prying foreign eyes – the last refuge. This will not last if the technocrats have their way. [embedded content] “Can you imagine […]


» Efforts to pass global ocean protection treaty failYesterday at 10:23 am by PurpleSkyz » Attorney: Pfizer Vaccine Whistleblower False Claims Suit Payout could Reach $3.3 trillion “It would be enough to bankrupt Pfizer”Yesterday at 9:40 am by PurpleSkyz » 47-Year-Old Dolphins Executive Latest Victim of the New “UCOD” Pandemic: Unknown Cause of DeathYesterday at 9:37 am by PurpleSkyz »  Against […]

Ten Times Empire Managers Showed Us That They Want To Control Our Thoughts

The single most overlooked and under-appreciated aspect of our society is the fact that immensely powerful people are continuously working to manipulate the thoughts we think about the world. Whether you call it propaganda, psyops, perception management or public relations, it’s a real thing that happens constantly, and it happens to all of us. And […]

Relevance of Prof Randhir Singh’s political thoughts

Prof Randhir Singh was a Marxist scholar, political theorist and teacher from India. He was one of the founders of the student movement in India in the 1930s and a freedom fighter who remained in jail during India’s freedom struggles in the 1940s. He was put in the same barrack in Lahore Central Jail where […]

Resolution 194 and the Palestinian call for justice — thoughts for Florida’s Jewish communities

I wrote the piece below in response to — and offering a different perspective from — opinion pieces that have appeared in South Florida’s Jewish newspaper. I am always anxious to engage with Florida’s Jewish communities about these issues and how we can most meaningfully participate in seeking and pursuing justice. The Jewish press has not published […]

On Biden-Xi Phone Conversation and Some Thoughts on “Climate Science”

The telephone conversation that took place on 9th September between the presidents of the People’s Republic of China and the USA, initiated by the latter, is well worth commenting on. Notably, this was only the second interaction between the leaders of the world’s two leading powers in over six months. During the first of these […]

Some thoughts on the Ganesh festival and related matters

The Ganesh festival is celebrated country-wide with prayers and rituals, greetings are exchanged, and various food delicacies are prepared. When we relish the delicacies, it is appropriate to remember that every one of those preparations is based upon farm produce, be it grains, vegetables, fruits, or the banana leaves on which the feast is served. […]

Penny For Your Thoughts

  Penny For Your Thoughts – PFYT2 Source

Perth Australia: Man Gets Put In Mental Institution Because Of His Thoughts On Covid & The Clot Shot

» Cannabidiol Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Promotes the Host Innate Immune ResponseYesterday at 12:10 pm by PurpleSkyz » Perth Australia: Man Gets Put In Mental Institution Because Of His Thoughts On Covid & The Clot ShotYesterday at 11:20 am by PurpleSkyz » Earth-Jupiter Close Encouners – Jupiter at Opposition 2021Yesterday at 11:03 am by PurpleSkyz » Spacesuit delay scuppers 2024 Moon landingYesterday […]

Autumn’s Time for Us to Turn Inward, Clear Out Thoughts

Solar Term: ‘Autumn Begins’ (Aug. 7–22) A solar term is a period of about two weeks and is based on the sun’s position in the zodiac. Solar terms form the traditional Chinese calendar system, which follows the ancient belief that living in accordance with nature will enable one to live a harmonious life. This series […]

Afghanistan, Failure and Second Thoughts

Afghan children walk past a Taliban Red Unit, an elite force, Alingar district, Laghman province in eastern Afghanistan (File photo) It is a country other powers simply cannot leave alone.  Even after abandoning its Kabul post in ignominy, tail tucked between their legs, Australia is now wondering if it should return – in some form.  […]

Thoughts on the Future Relations between the US and Israel

It will probably not come as a surprise to anyone that, following the change of administration in the White House, relations between the US and Israel have taken a turn for the worse. Similarly, it is no secret that this factor greatly contributed to political downfall of Benjamin Netanyahu, who the Israelis felt had been […]


 [embedded content]… “The Hawaiian tradition teaches that all life is connected.   “Ho’oponopono is, therefore, not only a way of healing ourselves, but others and our world as well.” – Timothy Freke.Dr. Hew Len’s saying: “I didn’t heal these patients, I healed part of myself that created them…” [embedded content]… “The main objective of Ho’oponopono […]

My Thoughts on the ArVee by Anna Von Reitz

My Thoughts on the ArVeeBy Anna Von Reitz The theory behind the “RV” is that when the US DOLLAR is trashed and people lose half to 80% of the value of their money in this country, it will be offset by gains in the value of other world currencies. So, you are being told to invest […]

Advances in Brain Tech Spur Push for ‘Neuro-Rights’ to Protect Your Thoughts

Advances in Brain Tech Spur Push for ‘Neuro-Rights’ to Protect Your Thoughts David Icke / Roger Mallett Chile is aiming to be the first to legally protect citizens’ “neuro-rights,” with lawmakers expected to pass a constitutional reform blocking technology that seeks to “increase, diminish or disturb” people’s mental integrity without their consent. Senator Guido Girardi, […]

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